Kimberly Gordon [bass, baritone saxophone]
Thurston Moore [guitar, harmonica]
Leonard Ranaldo [guitar, celeste]
Steven Shelley [drums, glockenspiel, little instruments]
Jim O'rourke [guitar, bass, electronical diveces]
Первый альбом под аналогичным названием Sonic Youth вышел в 1982 году на
Neutral Records, чьим хозяином был гуру экспериментальной музыки Glen Branca, с
которым уже успели поиграть и Thurston и Lee. На этом альбоме по барабанам
молотил Richard Edson, который затем стал актером, и ныне неплохо известен в
Голливуде (его можно увидеть в ..Snide and Prejudice (1998) ;Intimate Betrayal
(1996);Wedding Bell Blues (1996); Winner, The (1996) и ещё порядка 30 фильмов).
Альбом был спрдюсирован самими Sonic Youth и здесь их скрежет только
Второй альбом вышел в следующем году под названием Confusion is Sex и был
издан всё тем же Neutral Records. Альбом содержал великий кавер The Stooges "I
wanna be your dog" с пронзительным вокалом Kim Gordon. Вот что написал об их
"шуме" тогда NME (New Musical Express): "Чтобы сотворить его, Sonic Youth
зачерпывают грязи панка, (Iggy) Pop и "Sister Ray", взбивают её в своей голове
той извилиной, которая решила потягаться с какой-то доисторической музыкой,
дойдя до этого из-за глупости, полной бесчувственности от таблеток и желания
добровольного самоистязания. Решающее различие между SY и их предшественниками в
том, что они это делают наугад и безошибочно..." В то же время начались и
проблемы с барабанщиком. Первый выбор SY Bob Bert попросту исчез, а его заменил
Jim Sclavunos (игравший в дальнейшем с Ником Кейвом в его Bad Seeds), но после
ухода Sclavnos'а он вернулся и стал постоянным барабанщиком.
Kim Gordon
Born Apr 28, 1953 in Rochester, NY
В марте 1985 выходит Bad Moon Rising на Blast First."В конце концов, мне ничего
не оставалось, кроме как самому выпустить этот Sonic Youth, настолько мне
понравилась их музыка" - вот что сказал шеф Blast First Paul Smith в ответ на
вопрос о первой пластинке его фирмы. Еще до появления тухлой группы Heloween ,
SY уже заигрывали с тыквинами головами. Альбом был достаточно неровным, но
содержал как всегда гениальные вещи. Их первый настоящий хит "Deth Valley '69" c
воем Lydia Lunch. " Echo Canyon" является мутировавшим личным посвящением
околевшей "The final Cut" Pink Floyd.
В мае 1986 Bob Bert присоединяется к Pussy Galore и в Sonic Youth приходит
барабанщик Steve Shalley играющий там и до сих пор ( до SY он стучал в The
Crucifucks, Strange Fruit, Abiku Red и т.д и т.п.) Первой работой Shalley с SY
стал альбом E.V.O.L. И альбом содержал в себе ещё больше шумных оргазмов SY.
Вещи "Tom Violence", "Green Light", "Death to our Friends" поразительны.......но
вершиной альбома стала, безусловно, гипнотическая "Expressway to yr. Skull"("Madonna,
Sean and Me"), которую Neil Young назвал лучшей гитарной работой десятилетия.
Наверное первая пластинка SY содержащая такое количество хитовых вещей пригодных
даже для радио эфира.
В июне 1987 выходит Sister. Первоначально альбом хотели назвать "Kitty Magic"
и украсить его фотографиями кошечек фанатов группы...... но..... получили "Sister"
и никаких кошек там не было. Это был самый ровный альбом за весь тот период
существования SY и слушался на одном дыхании. Содержал великолепные вещи вроде "White
Cross", "Catholic Block", "Tuff Gnarl" песню легендарной хард-коровой
калифорнийской группы Crime и гимн Нью-йоркского андеграунда "Cotton Crown".
В октябре 1988 вышел, по мнению многих, лучший альбом Sonic Youth Daydream
Nation и стал для группы прорывом от бедности чердачного стиля к свержению
суперзвёзд (хотя главным образом андеграунда). Вот что написал об альбоме Jack
Barron в своей рецензии на альбом в NME "Я думаю, эти два пласта винила, весь
этот неожиданный храп и прочее, представляет лучшую рок-музыку, созданную с
начала......1988 года. Короче говоря "Daydream Nation" феноменален." Выделять
какие-то вещи отдельно нет смысла, так как альбом выдержан в одном русле и
вырывать песни из него нельзя. По названию песен из этого альбома появилось в
дальнейшем несколько групп. Так довольно популярная канадская группа взяла себе
название Eric's Trip , а ныне хорошо известные немецкие электронные экстремалы
Atari Teenage Riot взяли название от заглавной песни "Teenage Riot".
В октябре 1989 SY получают приглашение приехать в СССР. Где и выступают в
Вильнюсе, Киеве, Ленинграде и Москве. Вот комментарий очевидца этих концертов:
Как-то мне позвонил знакомый из Вильнюса и попросил меня приехать в отель, где
остановилась какая-то американская группа Sonic Youth, с которой он приехал в
Петербург, и помочь ему с переводом. Меня это заинтриговало, мне нечего было
делать и я охотно согласился. Как выяснилось концерт должен был быть во Дворце
Молодежи, в огромном театральном зале на полторы тысячи мест, но люди, которые
взялись за его организацию, были абсолютно сумасшедшими и не позаботились о
рекламе, и в городе почти никто об этом не знал. Это было очень странно,
поскольку в то время концерт любой западной группы в России был событием. На
концерт пришло человек двести, что не так мало, но очень мало для такой группы и
такого зала. Музыканты остались недовольны звуком и отказались играть второй
концерт, а Ким Гордон (Kim Gordon) просто плакала. Я же, несмотря на плохой
аппарат и технические погрешности, впервые соприкоснулся с новым звуком и их
концерт для меня стал откровением, перевернувшим все мои представления о
современной музыке
После успеха Daydream Nation SY переходят от независимого к крупному лейблу,
заключая контракт с Geffen. Вот как объяснил Turston переход к мажорам :
“Крупная фирма нам необходима лишь для того, чтобы заработать как можно больше
денег. Потом уже можно и смотаться. Именно это и пытались сделать панки, но не
смогли, потому что были для этого слишком тупы. Многие джазмены преуспели в этом
SY до сих пор никуда не смотались и выпускают свои альбомы на Geffen'е. Но они
действительно заработали приличную сумму. По крайней мере, её хватила на то,
чтобы создать свой собственный лейбл SYR (Sonic Youth records) Где и выпускают
наиболее радикальные плоды своих экспериментов над музыкальной формой. Чему в
подтверждение в 1997 году была выпущена серия EP SYR1, SYR2, SYR3. Недавно вышел
альбом Silver Session: songs for Jason Knuth посвященный Нью Йоркскому
радиодиджею, который покончил жизнь самоубийством. Каждый из музыкантов имеет по
несколько собственных проектов, перечислению и обзору которых можно посветить
ещё несколько выпусков журнала, а Steve Shalley имеет ещё и свой собственный
лейбл Smells Like Records, где выпускает свои проекты, а также начинающих вроде
Cat Power и Two Dollar Guitar и т.д.
Первый альбом SY для Geffen стал Goo выпущенный в 1990 году. Альбом представляет
собой великолепную гитарную работу музыкантов. Сумасшедшие настройки и протяжный
feedback смешивается с мелодиями и агрессией вокала Kim Gordon, её мужа
Tharston’a Moor’a и неисправимого экспериментатора Lee Ranaldo. Изначально
альбом состоял из меньшего количества песен, но они были гораздо длиннее. Но на
Geffen’e песни заставили порезать. Поэтому в некоторых местах у песен нет конца,
а начинается новая тема, которая продолжается в следующей песне. На одной из
песен (Cool Thing) вместе с Kim Gordon отличился рэпер Chuck D из Public Enemy.
На все песни с альбома были сняты видео клипы (по большому счёту любительские) и
выпущены отдельной видеокассетой. Оформлением альбома занимался культовый
художник, приятель SY Raymond Pettibond. Многие из иллюстраций не удалось
включить в альбом из-за цензурных соображений.
В 1992 году выходит самый коммерческий (по звучанию) и прилизанный
(относительно предыдущих работ) альбом Dirty. Альбом был выпущен в эпоху
расцвета гранджа и стал настоящей классикой жанра. Почти все песни легко можно
услышать по радио и МТВ не уставало крутить клипы с альбома не только в 120
минут. Альбом продюсировал Батч Виг и группа была на пути к Guns’n’Roses или
Nirvana и возможно скоро стала бы собирать стадионы. Многие очень испугались за
судьбу SY, как бы они не стали пародией на самих себя……но…..к счастью этого и не
произошло и несколько лет спустя можно утверждать, что и не могло бы произойти,
просто это была очередная шутка SY - выпустить модный альбом.
В 1994 SY выпускают Experimental, Jet Set, Trash and No Star. Сие загадочное
название есть не что иное, как клички музыкантов. Итак: Experimental – Lee
Ranaldo (кто бы сомневался); Jet Set – Kim Gordon; Trash – Thurston Moore; No
Star – Steve Shelley. То что мы слышим на альбоме уже чистый Sonic Youth, ничем
и никем не подретушированный с рваными песнями и дикими настройками. Впервые у
SY на альбоме звучит акустическая песня “Winner Blues”. На альбом были сняты
клипы и даже показаны по MTV, но теперь дело дальше 120 минут не пошло. В
альбоме SY экспериментируют с музыкальными формами и там нет ничего общего с
куплет-припев-куплет Dirty.
В 1995 у SY появляется Washing machine. В глаза сразу бросается то, как
подросли музыканты. Альбом наполнен великолепными мелодиями и чуткой шумной
гитарной музыкой, своим звучанием порой напоминающей электронные звуки. На
альбоме есть песня, "Junkie’s Promise", которая как бы напрямую не посвящена
Curt’у Cobain’у, но написана о людях “его типа” как выразился автор Lee Ranaldo.
На альбоме есть самая, наверное, не сониковская песня "Little Trouble Girl",
спетая дуэтом Kim Gordon и Kim Deal (ex. Pixies), к песне есть очень красивый
космический клип. Ну и завершает альбом ослепляющая 20 минутная баллада "The
Diamond Sea", которая вас заставляет купаться в брызгах океана звуков SY.
В 1998 году SY выпускают A Thousand Leaves. Получился опять альбом не похожий
не на что остальное. Он такой же взрослый как и Washing Machine, самый гитарный
из всех и по звучанию все же ближе к ранним работам 80-х. В альбоме можно
услышать много тем из серии EP, которые SY выпустили до появления альбома на
собственном лэйбле. На песню "Sunday" был снят клип с участием Маккалая Калкина
("Один дома"). 11 минутное посвящение одному из любимейших авторов SY писателю и
поэту битнику Allan'у Ginsberg’у. Geffen, наверное уже понял что SY нельзя
держать в каких-то рамках и позволил делать на альбоме все, что захочется
музыкантам, поэтому средняя продолжительность песен составляет 6 минут. И ни
одна не обходится без продолжительного шумового полёта или искромётного оргазма
скрежета гитар.
В 1999 году выходит SYR4: Goodbye 20th Century. Бесполезно купив альбом Spice Girls разочарованно кричать "Да это ж попс!". Тоже относится и к этому творению Sonic Youth. Поэтому если Вы купили это пластинку и разочарованно воскликнули "Да это ж нойз и какофония", то знайте - это просто Sonic Youth. Всё что выпускают старики на лейбле Smells Like Records (лейбл барабанщика группы Стива Шелли (Steve Shelley)) отличается максимально экспериментальным подходом к музыке и ко всей культурной эстетике в целом. В наш век увеличения разрешения, чёткости образа и изменение образа в сторону зеркального отображения действительности, мало осталось культурных образцов способных создать иллюзию. Искусство, превращенное в идею, не способно так называться, но некоторым это удаётся. Sonic Youth на этом альбоме пытаются создать иллюзию из идеи. В основу альбома положены произведения композиторов ушедшего уже века таких как, John Cage, Yoko Ono, Cornelius Cardew, Christian Wolf, Steve Reich, Takesha Kosugi и многих других. Никого из вышеперечисленных исполнителей нельзя назвать нойзовыми композиторами, но всех их выделяло стремление к эксперименту. Не пытайтесь найти сходство с оригиналом, ибо и каверы тоже получились экспериментальными. Музыка крайне странна, может это даже и не музыка совсем, гитарные позвякивания и покликивания, завывания органов, плавающая скрипка, всевозможные колокольчики, монотонный вокал Ким Гордон (Kim Gordon), читающей в первой композиции сказку про трёх медведей. Барабаны, звучащие иногда как у free jazz музыкантов, местами нагнетающие обстановку в духе Pink Floyd. Много разных звуков, происхождение которых я даже и не берусь угадывать, но что-то вроде первых Panasonic. Создавая иллюзию переигрывания старых произведений SY постарались на славу, так, например, в композиции George Maciaunas музыканты полным составом прибивают гвоздями клавиши к роялю. Видеоролик со всем этим действом, кстати, записан на самом диске и, вставив его в компьютер, вы сами можете проследить за созданием кавера. Средний размер песен определить невозможно, что-то от 12 секунд, до 30 с лишним минут. Продюсированием альбома помимо самих музыкантов Sonic Youth занимались ещё и вездесущий Jim O'Rourke, и William Winant (работал с Mr.Bungle, Jon Zhorn и т.д.).
Пластинка получилась крайне тяжёлой для восприятия и порой вызывает просто
ужас, но не то же ли чувство появляется у Вас при просматривании MTV Top 20? Это
всего лишь обратная сторона медали загибающейся музыкальной индустрии, которая
всё больше отходит к обычному бизнесу, нежели к искусству. Может это диск для
анти-поп снобов, а может такая бы была музыка по телевиденью, не появись в своё
время The Beatles и не отойди jazz на задний план, хотя вряд ли всё же.
Не буду утверждать, что SY придумали и ввели в обиход feedback noise и
сумасшедшие настройки гитар, но теперь каждая группа хоть как-то уличённая в
подобном неизменно сравнивается именно с Sonic Youth. Исключая недоразумения
вроде Dirty и Goo (первые альбомы для Geffen Records), SY никогда не попадали в
чарты, при этом гордо неся знамя культовой группы, чьё влияние на развитие
музыки 90-х, да и вообще всей нынешней гитарной музыки трудно переоценить.
Спустя 2 года после A Thousand Leaves свет увидела новая пластинка New York
Ghosts and Flowers с рисунком нарко гуру и пидараста Ульяма Берроуза на обложке.
Альбому надо было бы выйти несколько раньше, ибо по своему звучанию он
представляет собой нечто вроде переходного периода от Washing Machine к A
Thousand Leaves.
Заглавная "Free City Rhymes" встречает старыми добрыми гитарами - безумный
пономарь звонящий во все колокола, почти как 18 лет назад на дебютном EP. На
редкость удачно. Всё чаще у SY стала пропадать басовая партия. Но и в три гитары
и без баса звук не перегружен, ещё бы, гитары с такими настройками должны вообще
как разные инструменты звучать. "Renegate Princess" начинается почти как "Cotton
Crown" - супруги Gordon-Moore поют дуэтом, и притом очень красиво, а в итоге
песня превращается в ещё один "Sunday" с Ramones-образной мелодией, видимо корни
не отпускают Thurston'a. "Nevermind (what was it anyway)" - песня выбранная для
сингла, но больше напоминает Free Kitten, нежели SY. "Small flowers crack
concrete" - ещё одна трёхгитарная тема с Jim'ом O'Rourke'ом на басу. Spoken word
от Thurston'a и захлёбывающиеся гитары, пертекающими в гимновое пение с Kim "Fucked
Up in Cleavland" и заканчивается всё всхлипываниями умирающих электронных
импульсов. "Slide2slide" скорее тема для селфрелизов из серии SYR, а не для
Geffen'овского релиза. "StreamXsonik subway" - отбрасывает к альбомам вроде
E.V.O.L. и Bad Moon Rising - минимум мелодии - максимум агрессивного нойза и
расстроенных гитар. "NYC Ghosts&Flowers" - на одноимённой названию альбома песне
наконец-то запел Lee Ronaldo. Lee рассказывает историю в характерной ему
Керуаковской манере, на бэкграунде демонстрируются слайды с видами Нью-Йорка…
самая атмосферная вещь альбома, "Diamond Sea" встречается с "Hits of Sunshine".
"Lightnin'" - ну без такого безобразия не один альбом SY не обходится, просто
воспринимайте это как должное. В семье не без урода так сказать, но ощущение от
всего альбома не портится.
Упоминание в работе с Sonic Youth имени Jim O'Rourke так же очевидно, как,
например, сказать, что SY играют на гитарах, ибо вездесущий мистер O'Rourke если
ещё и не стал полноправным членом банды, но даже на концертах заменяет на басу
Kim Gordon, а "соники" теперь звучат в трёх гитарах, и на много свежее. И всё
же, видимо, контракт с Geffen'ом даёт о себе знать, альбом получился сыроватым,
некоторые песни звучат как-то недоделано и явно не дотягивают до мэйджор релиза.
По окончании альбома можно с радостью констатировать - самые большие страхи (у
SY угнали грузовик со всеми инструментами) не оправдались, SY всё те же,
мастерство не пропьёшь.
Невозможно предсказать, что сделают SY на следующем альбоме, но группа вряд
ли распадётся, т.к. для них важен сам процесс творчества, а не конечный
результат. Будем также следить за собственными проектами музыкантов. А также за
их достижениями в плане дизайна (Kim) и литературы (Lee). Наверное, это
единственная ныне существующая (или вообще единственная) группа в истории
музыки, которая бы играла вместе уже 20 лет. За всё время не было выпущено ни
одного провального альбома. Группе, которая никого не копировала, никто еще не
смог в равной степени подражать (аналогов SY не существует, хотя их настройки и
feedback копируют многие), несмотря на то, что группа призвана классикой жанра.
И самое главное, что группа не повторяется и не выпустила ещё ни одного похожего
В 1980-м Ким Гордон (Kim Gordon), впоследствии бессменная бас-гитаристка и
певица Sonic Youth, повстречалась с профессорским сынком Терстоном Муром (Thurston
Moore), когда ее выперли из художественного колледжа. Приглянувшийся ей Мур уже
четвертый год терзал гитару в составе панк-группы The Coachmen, и, когда он
предложил своей будущей супруге (и мамаше их дочки Коко Хэйли Гордон Мур)
попробовать поиграть с ним на басу, скромница Ким, отправляясь на репетиции,
поначалу даже нахально врала своим строгим родителям, что, мол, дескать, она
идет на занятия в колледж (из которого ее уже несколько месяцев как выперли -
см. выше).
В 81-м пришла первая удача - Мура пригласил присоединиться к своей Гитарной
Армии сам Гленн Бранка (Glenn Branca), американский "впередсмотрящий"
авангардной атональной музыки, своего рода электрогитарный Шнитке, cоздававший
настоящие звуковые/шумовые стены, используя лишь традиционный рок-н-ролльный
инструментарий и к тому времени уже рекрутировавший в свои ряды музыкантов Swans
- гитариста Майкла Гиру (Michael Gira) и басиста Альгиса Кизиса (Algis Kyzis).
В этих самых рядах и встретил Терстон Мур другого гитарного самородка - Ли
Раналдо (Lee Ranaldo), вместе с которым, и с Ким, естественно, организовал
группу Sonic Youth, ставшую одной из самых влиятельных, и, возможно, самой
влиятельной американской группой 80-х. Как только не пытались определить стиль
Sonic Youth! И post-rock, и pre-grundge, и no-wave, и art-core. Одни муз-критики
видели в музыке Sonics второе пришествие рок-н-ролла, другие, наподобие Алека
Фоджа, провозглашали:"Рок умер, и Sonic Youth помогли его добить". Так или
иначе, Sonic Youth создали феноменальную, сумасшедшую, гармоничную и
диссонирующую одновременно, постоянно развивающуюся музыку, полную, не побоимся
этого слова, мудрости, эмоциональную и неизменно восхищающую.
Главными своими вдохновителями Мур & C0 называли Wire, Swell Maps, Throbbing
Gristle, Sex Pistols, Rolling Stones, Creedence, Seeds, Greatful Dead и The
Doors. Первые музыкальные опыты Sonic Youth пребывали, безусловно, под
значительным влиянием атональных построений Бранки и раннего индастриала: из
заурядного набора инструментов (две гитары, бас, барабаны) извлекались
совершенно неимоверные звуки, вибрации, взрывы и призрачные атмосферы,
достигавшиеся в том числе абсолютно нестандартными способами звукоизвлечения,
доходившими до прямого физического насилия над инструментами.
Через месяц мне позвонил Марюс и попросил встретить американскую группу Sonic
Youth. Я никогда о ней ничего не слышал, но с готовностью согласился. Я позвонил
Алику Кану, и мы вместе поехали в гостиницу Советская. Их была целая орава, они
приехали со своими женами и детьми. Мы забрали их и поскольку пойти было
совершенно некуда, просто погуляли по городу. С ними приехал Витус Кубилюс из
той же Зоны, а организация концерта была примерно такой же. Я так и не знаю, кто
были эти люди, с которыми имели дело эти ребята из Зоны. На следующее утро меня
попросили съездить с ними в Дом Кино, куда должно было приехать телевидение,
чтобы снять с ними интервью. Мы прождали часа четыре, сидя в ресторане. В это
время дня там можно было заказать только столичный салат, да бутерброды с
колбасой, а половина гостей, как и я, были вегетарианцами. Я чувствовал себя
крайне неловко, поскольку исчерпав за это время все возможные темы разговоров,
вынужден был оправдываться за всех русских. Они не знали, что я не имею никакого
отношения к организации их тура, но мне трудно было доказать обратное. На
следующий день был концерт в том же Дворце Молодежи, и хотя народу в этот раз
было человек двести, все равно для такого зала это было мало. Гитаристы Тёрстон
Мур и Ли Ренальдо привезли с собой по десять гитар, которые они меняли чуть ли
не на каждой песне. Вся суть этого была в том, что эти гитары имели разный звук
и были по разному настроены. Но мощности аппарата было явно не достаточно. Они
были очень не довольны, а Ким Гордон после концерта просто плакала. Но на меня
концерт произвел ошеломляющее действие. Хоть мощности действительно не хватало,
звучание группы было совершенно атомным. Звук был такой плотности, и они
создавали такое напряжение, что меня просто вдавило в кресло, и эти люди могли
им управлять и знали, что делают. На следующий день я звонил всем своим знакомым
и зазывал их на концерт, но приехав во Дворец, с досадой убедился, что концерт
отменён. Мы с Аликом поехали в гостиницу узнать в чем дело. Оказалось, что они
настолько обломались, что не захотели играть на таком звуке. Вечером они уезжали
в Москву и все сидели в одном номере, куда им разрешили сложить все вещи. Мы
обменялись телефонами и проводили их на поезд.
Недели через две ранним вечером на Пасху я шел по Колокольной улице. Было
абсолютно светло, как вдруг на меня налетела группа подростков, сбили меня с ног
и стали бить. По счастью кто-то из прохожих за меня вступился, и, схватив мою
сумку, они разбежались. Слава Богу, я не получил сильных побоев, а только
вывалялся в грязи. Это был разбой среди бела дня. Когда я отряхнулся, из-за угла
выехала милицейская машина. Я в нее сел и мы, объехав квартал, поехали по улице
Марата навстречу тому направлению, куда они убежали. Они не ожидали опасности с
этой стороны и спокойно шли по Стремянной улице. И когда мы подъехали ближе,
менты выпрыгнули из машины и тут же схватили троих их них. Весь вечер я просидел
в отделении у Московского вокзала, пока их всех туда не привезли. Их оказалось
восемь человек. Но ни у кого из них не было моей сумки. Когда же все-таки к ночи
привезли их главаря с моей сумкой, меня попросили составить описание содержимого
сумки, которую нашли у него дома. Там оказалось все, кроме пленки, на которую я
фотографировал SonicYouth. И ее уже было не найти. Я получил колоссальный стресс
и какое-то время шарахался, когда видел компанию молодых людей.
1983 Confusion Is Sex
1985 Bad Moon Rising
1986 Made in USA
1986 EVOL
1987 Sister
1988 Ciccone Youth - Whitey Album
1988 Daydream Nation
1989 Touch Me I'm Sick/Halloween
1990 Goo
1992 Dirty
1994 Experimental Jet Set, Trash & No Star
1995 Washing Machine
1995 Live in Holland
1996 Live in Texas
1997 SYR1 Anagrama
1997 SYR2 Slaapkamers
1998 SYR3 Invito Al Cielo
1998 A Thousand Leaves
1998 Silver Session (for Jason Knuth)
1999 SYR4 Goodbye 20th Century
2000 NYC Ghosts & Flowers
2000 SYR5 Kim Gordon DJ Oilve Ikue Mori
2002 SYR6
2002 Murray Street
2003 Dirty [Bonus Tracks]
2003 Live at the Royal Albert Hall
1984 Sonic Death: Early Sonic 1981-1983 [live]
1987 Bad Moon Rising/Flower
1995 Confusion Is Sex/Kill Yr. Idols
1995 Screaming Fields of Sonic Love
1997 Hold That Tiger [live]
1982 Sonic Youth [EP]
1983 Kill Yr. Idols [EP]
1985 Flower
1986 Walls Have Ears [live]
1990 Goo
1991 Blow Job
appears on
William S. Burroughs Dead City Radio (1990)
Can Sacrilege: The Remixes (1997)
DJ Spooky Under the Influence (2001)
Lydia Lunch Widowspeak (1999)
Mudhoney/Sonic Youth Touch Me I'm Sick/Halloween (1988)
Shonen Knife Every Band Has a Shonen Knife Who... (1989)
The Simpsons Go Simpsonic with the Simpsons (1999)
XTC Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead [#1] (1991)
Original Soundtrack Lovedolls Superstar (1986)
Original Soundtrack Pump Up the Volume [Original... (1990)
Original Soundtrack Judgment Night (1993)
1. Intro (Sonic
Youth) - 1:11
2. Brave Men Run (In My Family) (Sonic Youth) - 3:56
3. Society Is a Hole (Sonic Youth) - 4:51
4. I Love Her All the Time (Sonic Youth) - 8:21
5. Ghost Bitch (Sonic Youth) - 4:25
6. I'm Insane (Sonic Youth) - 6:55
7. Justice Is Might (Sonic Youth) - 2:56
8. Death Valley '69 (Sonic Youth) - 5:22
9. Satan Is Boring (Sonic Youth) - 5:13
10. Flower (Sonic Youth) - 5:11
11. Halloween (Sonic Youth) - 3:35
12. (Sonic Youth) - 1:09
BRAVE MEN RUN (In My Family)
Seven days and seven nights
i dreamt a sailor's dream at sea
seven days and seven nights
i dreamt a sailor's dream of me
seven days and seven nights
the world was made and lost again
seven days and seven nights
brave men run
in my family
brave men run
into the setting sun
brave men run
into captivity
brave men run
in my family
brave men run
away from me
Society is a hole
it makes me lie to my friends
it's running down my street
with white power sneakers
on the beautiful beat of black feet
society is a hole
it beats my friends big heads
my friends have big heads,
I can understand it
but I don't recommend it
you got big big hair
and everybody is scared
society is a hole
it makes me lie to my friends
the assault of holy music
there's a slap in my face
my friends are girls wrapped in boys
we're living in pieces
I want to live in peace
Society is a hole
She comes into my mind
twisting thru my nerves
I don't understand
a word she says
she's on my side
I love her all the time
I love her all the time
I love her all the time
I love her all the time
Slowly pour the liquid down
for miles and miles it flows along
rose coloured neon lighted
swirl around turn around
feel the touch of my hand
swirl around turn around...
fellow shadows black and blue
all around all around
locking arms side by side
crouch down before the fire's light
you're the first day of my life
I had no belief before
until I had this dream last night
I still remember their savage cries
so serious in their right
faces painted in joyous fright
in the dawns early light
oh say did you see the color of my eternity
and the sweat on my skin
our founding fathers laid rite down
and indian ghosts from long ago
they gave birth to my bastard kin
America it is called
a sensation of eternity
locking arms side by side
crouch down before fire's light
you're the first day of my life
Love starved backwood teaser farm girl hot eyed bride
stone cold blonde a quivering menace atomic wallop wholesale murder
we want out
we fish at night
sex in heaven
tough town
a cruel touch
sailors leave
sirens screaming
lap of luxury
a show of violence
take off your mask
lay off my brother
kiss my fist
stop at nothing
a steaming swamp
and a troubled heart
the sky is red
and i can't stop running
her baby stares
the secret's there
so help us god
i'll swing at your funeral
the stubborn air
the killer mob
a red bone woman
a double cross
big fake bitter love underbelly freezing jungle
one step more he'll stir your senses scratch your surface and nail your head
murded angels
bodies in bedlam
a women scorned
you can't hang me
tied to my job a blast scene alibi tied to a tree in a blind alley
nothing before
a big fear
don't get caught
by her father's friends
swamp girl faded
the tiger's wife
a frenzied love
hot climate
twisted passions
flesh parade
dead ahead
a world so wide
big river love camp
the house boy and hill girl
the agony column
don't crowd me
it's time for crime
strange breed river girl's misery index
inside my head my dog's a bear
she was significant
i'm insane
inside my head my dog's a bear
she was significant
i'm insane
inside my head my dog's a bear
she was significant
i'm insane
inside my head my dog's a bear
she was significant
i'm insane
This song this song this song is called
this song okay
this song is called justice is justice is might
okay it's about it's about it's about sonic life
it's about it's about sonic life
it's about sonic life that's right
you have a genius you have a genius and a sex maniac
living together taking lots of drugs and and
fucking all day and as it's just it's just it's just like
it's like it's like staying at home and risking your life
this song okay this song this song is called justice
this song is called ju
this song is called justice is might
I know it's wrong
but that is allright
as long as it's strong
it's just that it might
justice is might
justice is might
justice is might
justice is might
justice is might
justice is might
justice is might
justice is might
w. Lydia Lunch
Coming down
Sadie I love it
now now now
Death Valley '69
"You're right, you're right, you're right, you're right"
I was on the wrong track, we're deep in the valley
how deep in the gulley, and now in the canyon
way out in the yonder, she started to holler
I didn't wanna, I didn't wanna, I didn't wanna
but she started to holler do I had to hit it
hit it - hit it - hit it - hit it
deep in the valley in the trunk of an old car
in the back of a Chevy
I got sand in my mouth
and you got sun in your eyes blinded
and you wanted to get there
but I couldn't go faster
it couldn't go faster
so I started to hit it
so I started to hit it - hit it - hit it - hit it
coming down - Sadie I love it
now now now Death Valley '69
What are you waiting for?
satan flirts
i'm prepared
it's nothing to conquer
the fight is good
your flesh has a limit
of too many years
it's a shock absorber of your stinging tears
the satisfaction
and power
and control
and piss
is ruled by the laws of deception
lost in laws of deception
we shake our heads as your tables turn
they'll always turn and you'll never burn
that's the real promise
you'll never burn
you get the lies
we get the fire
you get the lies
we get the fire
support the power of women
use the power of man
support the flower of women
use the word:
the word is love
support the power of women
use the power of man
support the flower of women
use the word:
the word is love
there's a new girl in your life
long red wavy hair
green green lips and purple eyes
skinny hips and big brown breasts
hanging on your wall
one end slit the other's ripped
support the power of women
use the power of man
support the flower of women
use the word
the word is love
support the power of women
use the flower of man
use the power of women
use the word
the word is love
use the word
support the power of women
use the power of man
support the flower of women
use the word
the word is love
use the word
There's something shifting in the distance
don't know what it is
day`s as dead as nights
except for the feeling that's
crawling up inside of me as you
sing your song as you
swing along and you're
it's your, your song
it's the devil in me
makes me stare at you as you
twist up along you
sing your song and you
slipping up to me and you're
so close i just a
wanna touch you and i
sing your song and you
don`t know what's going on but you
wanna me to come along as you
sing your song and you're
fucking with me as you
slither up to me
your lips there
slipping twisting at my
insides and singing on
you're just a
swinging man, it's not your
swinging song and now i
don't know what you want but
you're looking at me and you're
falling to the ground and you're
twisting around fucking with my
my mind and i don't know what
's going on
swinging in your song
twisting me on as you
slither up to me and it's gotta be
and i don't know what you wanna do
and you're looking at me with your big dark eyes
and you're rubbing your body
1. (She's in A) Bad Mood (Sonic Youth) -
2. Protect Me You (Sonic Youth) - 5:21
3. Freezer Burn/I Wanna Be Your Dog (Sonic Youth) - 3:31
4. Shaking Hell (Sonic Youth) - 3:56
5. Inhuman (Sonic Youth) - 3:56
6. The World Looks Red (Sonic Youth) - 2:37
7. Confusion Is Next (Sonic Youth) - 3:21
8. Making the Nature Scene (Sonic Youth) - 2:56
9. Lee Is Free (Sonic Youth) - 3:22
(She's in a) BAD MOOD
She's in a bad mood
But I won't fall for it
I believe all her lies
But I can't fall for it
She's in a bad mood
But i won't fall for it
I believe all her lies
But i can't fall for it
Protect me from ravagement
I'm ten years old
I don't know what I do
Protect me myself
I'm fourteen
There's nothing to do
Protect me yourself
I'm sixteen
Protect me from starving
I'm eighteen
Protect me you
I don't know what you do
Protect me demons
That come at night
I don't know what they say
Their whispering
Sends the night air away
And makes me forget
I hope they come
Again and again
Here they come
Again and again
I hope they come again
So messed up, I want you here
In my room, I want you here
Now we're gonna be face-to-face
And we lay right down in my favorite place
Now I wanna be yr dog
Now I wanna be yr dog
Now I wanna be yr dog
Well, Come on
Now I'm ready to close my eyes
But now I'm ready to close my mind
And now I'm ready to feel your hand
And lose my heart on the burning sand
Now I wanna be yr dog
Now I wanna be yr dog
Now I wanna be yr dog
Well, Come on
She's finally discovered she's a...
He told her so
She's finally discovered she's a...
He told her so
She's finally discovered she's a...
He told her so
Come closer and I'll tell you
Come closer and I'll tell you
Come closer and I'll take off your dress
I'll take off your dress
I'll shake off your flesh
I'll shake off your flesh
I'll shake off your flesh
Shake off your flesh
Shake off your flesh
Turn around
Turn around
Turn around
Shake off your flesh
Shake off your flesh
Shake off your flesh
Shake off your flesh
Shake shake...
Aha aha aha...
My body is a pasttime
My mind is a simple joy
I learn my lesson
The hardest way
But you don't know me
But you don't know me
A complete inhuman
Complete inhuman
Complete inhuman
Complete inhuman
My body is a past time
My mind is a simplejoy
I learn my lesson
The hardest way
But you don't know me
But you don't know me
Complete inhuman
Complete inhuman
Complete inhuman
Complete inhuman
Push it away
The world looks red
People with fish eyes
The ground sucks
Walk on my fingertips
Displacing the fog
The weight of my body
is too mush to bear
The memory drained
the life from the dull
An ocean of insects
worked like a sheet
the immovable fact
Buried my mind
in a horse-hair coat
in a pile
on the floor
Push it away
The world looks red
People with fish eyes
The ground sucks
Walk on my fingertips
Displacing the fog
The weight of my body
Is too much to bear
The memory drained
The life from the doll
The ocean of insects
Moved like a sheet
The immovable fact
Buried my mind
In a horsehair coat
In a pile
On the floor
I maintain that
Chaos is the future
And beyond it is freedom
Confusion is next and next after that
is the truth
You gotta cultivate what you need to need
Sonic tooth
Sonic tooth
Sonic tooth
Stick your fingers
In your mouth
Squeeze your tongue
And wrench it out
From its ugly fucking cancer
Its ugly fucking cancer
You gotta cultivate what you need to need
Sonic tooth
Sonic tooth
Sonic tooth
Chaos is the future
And beyond it is freedom
Confusion is next and next after that is the truth
You gotta cultivate what you need to need
Sonic tooth
Sonic tooth
Sonic tooth
Sonic tooth
Stick your fingers
In your mouth
Squeeze your tongue
And wrench it out
From its ugly fucking cancer
Its ugly fucking cancer
You gotta cultivate what you need to need
Sonic tooth
Sonic tooth
Sonic tooth
Sonic tooth
Tell nothing but the truth
Going back to these origins
The city is a natural scape
order in the details
Confusion uproar in the whole
In nature reality is selection
the tool of critical intervention
Fragmentation is the rule
Unity is not taught in school
You are an unnatural growth
On a funny sunny street
The city has forgotten you
It's symbols of the past
The meaning of its state
Its order of decay
Stand now in a column
And make the nature scene
Standing now in columns
making the nature scene
making the nature scene
waiting to make their pay
There is no resistance to
the signs along the way
standing all in columns
waiting to make their pay
making the nature scene
Waiting for the day
There is no resistance to
There is no resistance to
Salvation means to count on you
It just means to count on you
Make the nature scene
Making the nature scene
Making the nature scene
Making the nature scene
1. 100% (Sonic Youth) - 2:28
2. Swimsuit Issue (Sonic Youth) - 2:57
3. Theresa's Sound World (Sonic Youth) - 5:27
4. Drunken Butterfly (Sonic Youth) - 3:03
5. Shoot (Sonic Youth) - 5:16
6. Wish Fulfillment (Sonic Youth) - 3:24
7. Sugar Kane (Sonic Youth) - 5:56
8. Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit (Sonic Youth) - 4:17
9. Youth Against Fascism (Sonic Youth) - 3:36
10. Nic Fit (MacKaye/Mashety/Moore/Queiroz) - :59
11. On the Strip (Sonic Youth) - 5:41
12. Chapel Hill (Sonic Youth) - 4:46
13. JC (Sonic Youth) - 4:01
14. Purr (Sonic Youth) - 4:21
15. Crйme Brыlиe (Sonic Youth) - 2:33
I can never forget you
The way you rock the girls
They move a world and love you
You`re blasting the underworld
I stick a knife in my head
A-thinking 'bout your eyes
But now that you been shot dead
I've got a new surprise
But I been waitin' for you just to say
He's off to check his mind
But all I know is you got no money
But that's got nothing to do with a good time
Can you forgive the boy who
Shot you in the head
Or should you get a gun and
Go and get revenge?
A 100% of my love
Up to you true star
It's hard to believe you took off
I always thought you'd go far
But I've been around the world a million times
And all you men are slime
It's goin' to my head, goodbye I am dead
Wastewood rockers is time for cryin', hey!
I'm just here for dictation
I don't wanna be a sensation
Bein' on Sixty Minutes
Was it worth your fifteen minutes?
Don't touch my breast
I'm just working at my desk
Don't put me to the test
I'm just doing my best
Shopping at MaxFields
Power for you to wield
Dreams of going to the Grammies
`till you poked me with your whammy
You spined the disc
Now you're moving your wrist
I'm just from Encino
Why are you so meano
I'm just here for dictation
And not your summer vacation
You really like to shmooze
Well now you're on the news
I'm from Sherman Oaks
Just a wheel with spokes
But I ain't giving you headace
In a Sunset bungalow
Roshumba, Judith, Paulina,
Cathy, Vendella, Naomi,
Ashley, Angie, Stacey, Gail
ice women
ice women
ice women
light girl come walkin' thru the cornfield
light blue vibration thru the sea
I know I'd love her to breathe, again
light cubes are talkin' her down
I've been a wasted day
light spinning round a saint
light colored wild sign
Theresa talkin' in the rain
light girl be growin' thru town
windows are thoughts in the stain
I know I'd love her to stay
whispering signs are agreeing
light talkin' golden terrain
light vibin' dark in the saint
a cat in gold goes along
Theresa's sound for the king
Smile like a sun, back over time
Crazy fr you, pleasure is mine
I love you, I love you, I love you, what's your name?
I love you, I love you, I love you, what's your name?
You're coming thru, even it up
Going too far, try understand
I love you, I love you, I love you, what's your name?
I love you, I love you, I love you, what's your name?
Whisper kiss yr ear, I'll tell you what I fear
Whisper the kisses in yr ear, I'll tell you what I fear
Come on home, just ain't fair
Name of rock'n'roll, where love dies
Couldn't find a soul, tell it like it is
Deep down inside, drunken butterfly
I love you, I love you, I love you, what's your name?
I love you, I love you, I love you, what's your name?
I love you, I love you, I love you, what's your name?
I love you, I love you, I love you, what's your name?
Can I have some money?
I'm gonna go to the store
Can I have some money?
I can't tell you what it's for
Can I have some money?
You know it's you that i adore
Can I have some money?
Don't ask me what it's for
Since we've been together
You've been good to me
You only hit me
When you wanna be pleased
Can I have the car keys?
I'm gonna go for a ride
Can I have the car please?
I'm going out for a while
Can I have the car now?
I wanna drive all around
Can I have the car dear?
I'm gonna to leave this town
I won't be asking
Your permission to leave
I won't be asking
Not to have this baby please
And I won't be asking a devil
For a bus fare please
And I won't be asking
I had to see you bleed
That's right
Pray baby
One two three
Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot
Can I have my lipstick?
That was such a surprise
Can I have my lipstick?
I'm going out for a ride
I'm not a little girl,
And you sure are not my dad
You don't even know
What you almost had
I see your wishes on the wall, and that's all right with me
I see you run to make a call, hoping that there's someone free
Your life and my life they don't touch at all, and that's no way to be
We've never seemed so far
What's real? what is true?
I ain't turning my back on you
Where're you goin'? where've you been?
Making wishes, watching dreams
It might be simple, it might be true, I might be overwhelmed by you
You might be empty, the way your eyes just look right through
It's such a mess now anyway, wish fulfillment every day
I don't believe you, now I can't hear a word you say
I see you shaking in the light, reading the headline news
The others they're not quite so bright, we want them to choose you
I could almost see your face tonight, singing simple rhythm'n'blues
You'll always be a star
Shake it baby! come'on scream!
Just see your face in a magazine
Don't doubt it! leaves me sore! (?)
I can't stand it anymore
It's my favorite shot of you, you look so pretty your eyes were true
I'm still on your side, in spite of everything you do
We're only blood on blood on life, you paint me pictures every night
(?) come wish beside me, don't you know you know what's right
You're perfect in the way, a perfect end today
You're burning out their lights, and burning in their eyes
I love you Sugar Kane, a-comin' from the rain
Oh kiss me like a frog, and turn me into flame
I love you all the time, I need you here tonight
And I can stay all night, yr body shining
And I know
There's something down there sugar soul
Back to the cross a twisted lane
There something down there sugar kane
I'm back again in love, I'm back again a dove
Where'd you get your light, your smilin' sugar life
Another lovers day, another cracked up night
Every night I say, the light is coming
And I know
There's something down there sugar cone
Back to the cross a twisted lane
There's something down there sugar kane
Hey angel come and play, and fly me away
A stroll along the beach, until you're out of time
I love you sugar kane, a crack into the dream
I love you sugar kane, I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar kane, I love you sugar kane
I love you sugar kane, I love you sugar
She got you, got you good
Didn't have a chance
Pretty lady put you in
Wear hat master ends (?)
Oh baby don't you know
You're livin' on the death
You better stay away
If you wanna live
Every time you turn around
She is lookin' up at you
And down below
Oooh - sugar pie
Mmm - come on
Chocolate spot
She gotta gun and all
Don't you even know
She looks into your eyes
Angels wanna go
She takes the long stride
leap your mind again
Don't worry you are fine
Living with the mess
Every time you turn around
Ehe is lookin' up at you
And down below
Sugar crick
Candy tic
Orange rolls
Angel's spit
Boy she's got you got you good
Don't you even try?
Come on if you could
You would surely die
You take it towards your mouth
You don't even know
Come on sugar tic
You are gonna go
Every time you turn around she is lookin' up at you and down below
Cool dye - chocolate spot
Check her out - don't you know
Deep in my heart - saying g'bye (?)
Another can of worms
Another stomach turns
Yeh yr ghetto burns
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
You got a stupid man
You got a Ku Klux Klan
Yr fuckin' battle plan
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
A sieg heil-in' squirt
You're an impotent jerk
Yeh a fascist twerp
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
Black robe and swill
I believe Anita Hill
Judge will rot in hell
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
Yeah a cross on fire
By a christian liar
A black attack on fire
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
Yeah the president sucks
He's a war pig fuck
His shit is out of luck
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
Another nazi attack
A skinhead is cracked
My blood is black
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
We're banging pots and pans
To make you understand
We gonna bury you man
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
I'm a human wreck
A redneck in check
I killed the teacher's pet
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
Get it up, get it in
Sonic tooth, sonic truth
Nic fit, nic fit, nic fit, nic fit
Sign'em up, gotta smoke (?)
Arafat, get a smoke (?)
Nic fit, nic fit, nic fit, nic
Nic fit, nic fit, nic fit, nic fit
Sonic truth, sonic death
Sonic smoke, sonic youth
Nic fit, nic fit, nic fit, nic
Every time you look my way
you shine a light in what you say
Every time you look my way
You talk a rhyme called purple haze
Close your eyes and pretend
You're not at all a black friend
A smileless girl on the strip
You really learn just how to be hip
Tell yr stories 'bout your crazy trip
Messing with stars and doing tricks
Close your eyes and pretend
It started all back then
Big glass house on the hill
Doing dope but did you swear
Yesterday was buried last year
While I don't care I thought was clear
Close your eyes and pretend
This is how it should end
Cinderella of the night
Doesn't know her left from right
She so hungry for a bite
Forget your friends for a big night
Don't you know who's keeping score
Who's that barking at your door
Hold tight with fear, a little bit
Hold tight with fear, a little bit
Hold tight with fear, a little bit
Hold tight with fear
That was then, this is now
Hold tight with fear, a little bit
Hold tight with fear, a little bit
Hold tight with fear, a little bit
Hold tight with fear
That was then, this is now
Every time you look my way
Remember a girl who used to say
Hold me tight any way
It's okay it's only play
I will remember in my dawn
What I came for, for a lark
A-back in the days when the battles raged, and we thought it was
A bookstore man meets the CIA, and we know
Throw me a cord and plug it in, get the cradle rocking
Ah, out with the redneck pig old men, and it's go
The hair in the hole in my head
Too bad the scene is dead
Memories in the shadow
Back in time again
Ah, I can't forget your terrorized face, when you cried for the
Wasted life Ameri-K-K-Kan, and you smile
So why should we run when we cannot hide, and my flag is burning?
We could be wrong but that's allright, we'll rise again
The hair in the hole in my head
Too bad the scene is dead
Memories in the shadow
It's back in town again
lookin' away it's another day, and of course we love you
Radical man is the CIA, and we say no
We'll round up the Durham H.C. kids, and the Char Grill Killers
Jesse H. come into our pit, all ages show
The hair in the hole in my head
Too bad the scene is dead
Memories in the shadow
It's back in time again
Always cost a pair of hose - spaces pressed together rose
Arms around each others back - you know that I liked you Jack
And all the other boys who pose - a silent dance in the woods
In the suburb light is shown - another can of Coca Cola
Don't you ever call me Mom - freckled dancing in the plan
And air so thin it weighs a ton - you can see as far as fun
You're nothing but a history - a second here and then you're gone
Quicksand, quicksand all around - turn the corner just beyond
The shadows move and change the groove - and something tells me not to brood
Turning room and that's a show - you're walking through my heart once more
Don't forget to close the door - I'm not certain of what you found
All the men want a charming whore - like a crown fortunes
Sunny skies and angels bleed - falling down upon my knees
That wasn't how it's supposed to be - clear blue eyes, justice tries
The wind is busy blowing dizzy - you're dreams were shot like a star
Exploding in a mind somewhere - doing something on a dare
Pulling a trigger like breathing air - a sunkissed boy that gave no thought
To what he'd made while others sake
Ocean spreads a candle sand - it's dripping in my hand, you're dead
Little brother reminding me - the moments tick forever true
You can see as far as him - don't you know the shape I'm in
You're walking through my heart once more - don't forget to close the door
I love you baby 'cause you're back in time
I love you today
Yr eyes are flashing like a magic sign
The sun comes out to play
I learned it all from you girl
I got it all from you
How to howl the moon yeah
How to scratch yr door
I do it every day
Come back again tomorrow
You chase it all away
A dreaming beauty sleeping day and night
The sun around you
I love you baby yeah you're superfine
A-comin' down too
A purring whirring fuzzy lights of day
A-switching sunlight
I chase you kitten catch you every time
Funny how it flies
I learned it all from you girl
I got it all from you
How to howl the moon yeah
And how to scratch yr dog
I do it every day
Come back again tomorrow
You chase my life away
I hear you purring through a supersoul
I pop in to look
A puss in leather yeah a prince in gold
Let her tear away
I learned it all from you girl
I got it all from you
How to howl the moon yeah
And how to scratch yr dog
I do it every day
Come back again tomorrow
You chase my life away
Riding down the road it nearly struck me blind
You and me are burning in the summertime
Let's go find some shady ground
Gotta get rid of that king hell throng
You and me are burning in the summertime
You and me are burning in the summertime
Scrape, scrape, scrapin' melted cheese
Say I love you, later please
You and me are burning in the summertime
You and me are burning in the summertime
Dark spots floating in front of my eyes
Mum said she turned it and squattin' flies
You and me are burning in the summertime
You and me are burning in the summertime
Last night I dreamed I kissed Neil Young
If I was a boy I guess it would be fun
You and me are burning in the summertime
You and me are burning in the summertime
Don't you know a city where the horses grow?
Green malls hanging chillin' crows
You and me are burning in the summertime
You and me are burning in the summertime
I said it before and I'll say it again:
"I'm so happy we're just friends"
Goodbye 20th Century
1. Edges
performed by Christian Wolff / Jim ORourke / Kim Gordan - 16:02
2. Six [3rd Take] performed by Jim ORourke / Lee Ranaldo / Steve Shelley - 3:01
3. Six for New Time performed by Jim ORourke / Kim Gordan / Lee Ranaldo - 8:08
4. + - performed by Takehisa Kosugi - 7:01
5. Voice Piece for Soprano performed by Moore, Coco Hayley Gordon / Yoko Ono -
6. Pendulum Music performed by Kim Gordon / Lee Ranaldo / Steve Shelley - 5:56
7. Having Never Written a Note for Percussion performed by Jim ORourke / Kim
Gordan / Lee Ranaldo - 9:09
8. Six [4th Take] performed by Jim ORourke / Lee Ranaldo / Steve Shelley - 2:10
9. Burdocks performed by Christian Marclay / Christian Wolff / Kim Gordan -
10. Four6 performed by Jim ORourke / Lee Ranaldo / Steve Shelley - 30:01
11. Piano Piece #13 (Carpenter's Piece) [For Nam June Paik] performed by Kim
Gordon / Lee Ranaldo / Steve Shelley - 3:58
12. Piece Enfantine performed by William Winant / Lee Ranaldo - 1:28
13. Treatise performed by Jim ORourke / Kim Gordan / Lee Ranaldo - 3:25
MADONNA, SEAN AND ME (The Crucifixion Of Sean Penn)
My violence is a dream
a 'real dream'
a skinny arm
a crush on living sin
my violence
is a sleeping head
nodding out to rising bliss
I left home for experience
carved 'suk for honesty' on my chest
my violence is the number
coming out of prayer
find it in the father
find it in a girl
there's a thing in my memory
hoilding on for dear life
with a feeling of secrets
beating up under my flesh
my tongue is tied
I'm sleeping nights awake
Tom violence is a dream
coming out of a girl
Met a stranger on a train
he bumped right into me
I swear I didn't mean it
I swear it wasn't meant to be
must a been a dream
from a thousand years ago
I swear I didn't mean it
I swear it wasn't meant to be
from the bottom of my heart
he was looking all over me
together everafter
he said
"You take me & I'll be you"
"You kill him & I'll kill her"
"kiss me"
I swear it wasn't meant to be
I swear I didn't mean it
kiss me
kiss me in the shadow of
kiss me in the shadow of a doubt
kiss me
kiss me in the shadow
kiss me in the shadow of a doubt
it's just a dream
it's a dream i had
swear it's just a dream
just a dream
dream i've had
take me to it
take me to her
maybe it's just a dream
it's a dream
it's just a
just a
met a stranger on a train
bumped right into me
swear i didn't mean it
swear it wasn't meant to be
must've been a dream
from a thousand years ago
kiss me
kiss me in the shadow of a doubt
kiss me
Spinning dreams with angel wings
torn blue jeans + a foolish grin
burning down in the night
so cool + so right
starpower starpower starpower
over me
she knows how to make love to me
she knows how to make love
close my eyes and think of you
everything turns black to blue
starpower starpower starpower
over me
burning down in the night
supercool it's alright
she knows how to make love to me
she knows how to make love
close my mind when i think of you
everything turns black to blue
starpower starpower starpower
over me
They were
he did what he had to do
he asked no questions
he had few conversations
the tar glistens in the noon heat
he tread across the grass, up onto, and down off of, the concrete abutments
mirage on the highway
ghosts in the tunnel
the dark cave
out into the blinding light of day at breakneck speed
every bolt rumbling
glistening highway mirage groans
the slick surface
careening into first the small mammal, and then screeching along the guard
rail, scraping paint and throwing sparks like sheets of pure terror for
400 yards
over and over
with one final back and forth rocking motion coming to rest
the beautiful paintjob hopelessly marred
smoke and flames
so nice
he moved to the small creature
screeching whistles of steam blowing off
on it's back, wheels spinning like a cinema classic
the door sags open and a man covered in blood drops the three feet or so to
the pavement
the car still rattling and shaking as if with a mind of it's own, unwilling
to die
the man, 40ish, also after a time, an agonisingly painful period of time
is also unwilling to die
suddenly all is quite quiet there in the sunlight on the highway
but what? what can i do?
i cannot move, everything is about broken
blood everywhere, mixing with oil and gas
what's moving, must turn my head
pain, white light, blinded
some guy there kneeling in the blinded mirage of white light
all my strength to 'heeeeeelp'
screaming now help me please
he tried to tamp out the bit of burning ember which had lept from the wreck
onto his grimy coatsleeve
coughing blood
what's happen?
he's he's inching towards truth
he strode of into the woods with the animal
it still lived
he didn't glance back at all
still out ghosting the road
death on the highway
words crumble around me and fall with the weight of heaven
i cannot move
i'm beneath the great weight
i cannot see
my eyes are blinded
i am in the darkness
that's it
{very low in the mix}
in panic i forget it
in despair i need it
in my mind i save it
in death i have it
{then a bit louder}
in panic i forget it
in despair i need it
i shouldn't laugh
hah hah hah
yeah really
in panic i forget it
in despair i need it
in my mind i save it
in death i have it
never gave a damn about the meterman
i was the man who had to read the meters, man
I kneel before the green light
of her singing crayon eyes
and then I kiss her stomach
and it's then I realize:
her light is the night
I'm not blind, I believe in you
I see a green light
I see a green light
I see a green light
My mother used to say
'you're the boy that can enjoy invisibility'
i'm the boy that can enjoy invisibility
close your eyes make a wish
cross yourself
see yourself
feel yourself
scream once more
move yourself
across the floor
burn inside
between two walls
the advertisements say
the pleasure's ever lasting
come an' touch me
the advertisements say
the pleasure's ever lasting
must be dead and gone to heaven
come and touch me here
so i know
that i'm
not there
Sound asleep till right until day
frustrated desire turns you away
and turns you insane
over and over
you get to a point
to make it disappear
and you're always believing
and believing in fear
over and over
and over and over
and over and over
Marilyn Moore
it's always a headache the size of a tour truck
she's full of disorders, depends what you're used to
she's talking of tranches of truncheons in battle
of bruises from bottles that never get better
bad baby bitching she screams at the door
hammer in hand & her head to the floor
Marilyn Moore
MADONNA, SEAN AND ME (The Crucifixion Of Sean Penn)
We're gonna kill
the California girls
we're gonna fire the exploding load in the milkmaid maiden head
we're gonna find the meaning
of feeling good
and we're gonna stay there as long as we think we should
mystery train
three way plane
to your skull
mystery train
three way plane
to your skull
mystery train
three way plane
to your skull
Here comes baby, are you ready for her?
my name is Bubblegum
live for moon and sun
your in so much fun
life's just be- life has just begun
her name is Bubblegum
live for moon and sun
your in so much fun
life's just be- life has just begun
hit it girls
here i started
here it comes
her name is Bubblegum
live for moon and sun
you're bein' so much fun
life's just be- life has just begun
bubblegum yeah
o yeah
wroof wroof wroof wroof
Protect me from ravagement
I'm ten years old
I don't know what I do
Protect me myself
I'm fourteen
There's nothing to do
Protect me yourself
I'm sixteen
Protect me from starving
I'm eighteen
Protect me you
I don't know what you do
Protect me demons
That come at night
I don't know what they say
Their whispering
Sends the night air away
And makes me forget
I hope they come
Again and again
Here they come
Again and again
I hope they come again
She's finally discovered she's a...
He told her so
She's finally discovered she's a...
He told her so
She's finally discovered she's a...
He told her so
Come closer and I'll tell you
Come closer and I'll tell you
Come closer and I'll take off your dress
I'll take off your dress
I'll shake off your flesh
I'll shake off your flesh
I'll shake off your flesh
Shake off your flesh
Shake off your flesh
Turn around
Turn around
Turn around
Shake off your flesh
Shake off your flesh
Shake off your flesh
Shake off your flesh
Shake shake
I don't know why
you wann' impress Christgau
ahh let that shit die
and find out the new goal
kill yr. idols
sonic death
it's the end of the world
and confusion is sex
kill yr. idols
sonic death
it's the end of the world
and confusion is sex
Take my hand he said to me
follow now or you'll be damned
let's go to the other side
let's go to the other side
Great Father, give me the keys
Great Father, give me the keys
Brother James gave them to me
Brother James gave them to me
I don't need 'em anymore
someone knockin' at my door
I don't need 'em anymore
someone knockin' at my door
take my hand you might as well
we're going straight to hell
I don't wanna hang around
watch'em stick your head in the ground
Nothing but a savage bird
in your face
in your land
the weight of you is greater than
forgot my pride
forgot my sign
don't bother to leave
there's no room outside
your sense of pride
nothing here but a savage bird
1. Dirty Boots (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley)
- 5:24
2. Tunic (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 6:17
3. Mary-Christ (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 3:08
4. Kool Thing (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 4:04
5. Mote (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 7:36
6. My Friend Goo (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 2:18
7. Disappearer (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 5:08
8. Mildred Pierce (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 2:12
9. Cinderella's Big Score (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 5:50
10. Scooter & Jinx (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 1:00
11. Titanium Exposй (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 6:26
Here we go to another candle i know.
All the girls there playing on a jelly roll.
Time to take a ride.
Time to take it in a midnight eye.
And if you wanna go
Get on below.
Pinking out the day
Dreaming out the crazy way
Finger out the love
It`s all above.
Everywhere it`s six-sex-six by lack.
A satellite wish will make it just enough.
You be making out with a witch in a coffee truck.
Time to rock the road
And tell the story of a jelli rollin.
Dirty boots are on
Hi de ho...
Pinking out the black
Dreaming in a crack
Satan got her tongue
Now it`s undone.
I got some dirty boots
Yeah, dirty boots
I got some dirty boots,baby
Dirty boots.
TUNIC (Song for Karen)
Dreaming of a girl like me
Hey what are you waiting for?
Feeding me?
I feel like i`m disappearing
Getting smaller every day
But i look in the mirror
And i bigger in every way.
She said
You aren`t never going enywhere
You aren`t never going enywhere
I ain`t never going enywhere
I ain`t never going enywhere
I`m in heaven now
I can see you Richard
Goodbye Holliwood, goodbye downey
Hello Janis, hello Dennis, Elvis
And all my brand new friends
I`m so glad you`re all here with me
Until the very end.
Dreaming of how it`s supposed to be
But now this tunic`s spinning
around my arms and knees.
I feel like i`m disappearing
Getting smaller every day
But when i open my mouth to sing
I`m bigger in every way.
She said
You aren`t never going enywhere
You aren`t never going enywhere
I ain`t never going enywhere
I ain`t never going enywhere.
Hey mum look i`m up here.
I finally made it.
I play in a drams again too.
Don`t be sad
The band doesn`t sound half bad
And i remember mum what you said
You said honey you look so underfed.
Another green salat
Another ice tea
There`s a tunic in the closet
Waiting just for me.
I feel like i`m disappearing
Getting smaller every day
But I look in your eyes
And I'm bigger in every way
She said
You aren't never going anywhere
You aren't never going anywhere
I ain't never going anywhere
I ain't never going anywhere
Goodbye Richard got to go now
I'm finally on my own
But then I start again
Keep your lovelights glowing
Little girl's got the blues
I can still hear mama say
Honey don't let it go to your head.
Talking to a punker priest just doggin' the breeze
'bout being a tree
(He says is a free land)
Along comes Mary Christ skatin' light on ice
says let`s go on high
(Later, priestoid!)
You gotta go
Got you got a date now
Yeah I know
Should not be late now.
Possenssed by x-ray eyes
her spirit spies into my life
(I found it out now)
Wraps my head in skin
says now I'm into the candy sin
(Yes spit it out now)
she sing that lovesong
I guess she's right wrong.
Angels in a devil skirt buys me a shirt
says I hope you like
(Uh! Like what now?)
Hope I hope you like like
Like you like your hope
With the tightest rope
(I see i know now)
Here we go
I 've waited so long
Yeah I go,
Mary too come along
Talking to a punker priest just doggin' the breeze
'bout being a tree
(This is a free land)
Along comes Mary Christ skatin' light on ice
says let`s go on high
(Later, priestoid!)
Gotta go
We got a date now
Yeah I know
Should not be late now.
Sensed by x-ray eyes her spirit spies into my lies
(Burn it out now)
Angel in a devil skirt buy me a shirt
says I hope you lie
(Yeah it is now)
Here we go
I've waited so long
Yeah I know
But Mary too come along.
Kool thing you're sitting with a kitty
Now you know you sure look pretty
Like a lover not a dancer
Super boy take a little chance here
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
Kool thing let me play with your radio
Move me turn me on baby oh
I'll be your slave
Give you a shave
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
-Tell'em 'bout
-Hit`em where it hurts
Hey kool thing
Come here, sit down beside me
There's something I gotta ask you
I just wanna know
what're you gonna do for me
I mean
are you gonna liberate us girls
from male white corporate oppression?
-Tell it like it is
Don't be shy
-Word up
Fear of a female planet?
-Fear of a female planet
-Fear baby
I just want you to know
That we can still be friends
-Let everybody know
Come on come on come on come on
Kool kool
Kool kool
When you're a star
I know that you'll fix everything
everything everything
Kool thing sitting with a kitty
Now you know you sure look pretty
Rock me just a little faster
Now I know you are the master
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
Kool thing walking like a panther
Come on and give me an answer
Kool thing walking like a panther
What'd he say?
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so.
When you see the spiral turning for you alone
And you feel so heavy that you just can't stop it
When this sea of madness turns you into stone
A picture of your life shoots like a rocket
All the time
Put 'me' in the equation it's alright
I've seen you moving in and out of sight
My friends tell me it's all cut through you
From nowhere - to nowhere
Cut together - cutting through
I'm island-bound, a mote inside my eye
And I can't see you breathing as before
I am airless, a vacuum child
And I can't stand to reason at your door
In this time
Put 'me' in the equation it's alright
I've seen you moving in and out of sight
My friends tell me it's all cut through you
From nowhere - to nowhere
Cut together
I'm down in the daytime out of sight
Coming in from dreamland I'm on fire
I can see it's all been here before
Dream a dream that lies right at your door
When the seasons circle sideway without a turn
And words don't speak just fall across the carpet
You're just in time to watch the fire burn
It seems a crime but yr. face is bright you love it
all the time...
My friend Goo has a real tattoo
She always knows just what to do
She looks through her hair like she doesn't care
What she does best is stand and stare
She can play the drums in two
And the boys say: 'Hey Goo what's new?'
My friend Goo just says: 'Hey you'
My friend Goo just says: 'Hey you'
I know a secret or two about Goo
She won't mind if I tell you
She likes to wear green underwear
And lays down almost anywhere
She doesn't have nothing to do
And the boys say: "Hey Goo what's new?"
My friend Goo goes: "Hey you"
My friend Goo goes: "Hey you"
I know a secret or two about Goo
She won't mind if I tell you
I know a secret or two about Goo
I know a secret about Goo and you
And she sticks just like glue
And the boys go : Hey Goo what's new?
My friend Goo just goes: "Hey you"
My friend Goo just goes: "Hey you"
Goo Goo Goo
Goo Goo Goo
Goo Goo Goo, my friend Goo
Goo Goo Goo, talkin' 'bout Goo
Goo Goo Goo, my friend Goo
Goo Goo Goo, you would too
Here it comes again
Out of the rain
Seems to have a new
Kind of same
Been playing on a
Simple rhyme
The sign comes alive and
Speaks the mind
It turns to me and
Turns to gold (go..?)
It turns to see
The fast lane slow
It's been away too long
It's been the way I' gone
It`s a coasting on
To the west star
Looking out I thought I
Saw it blink
Coming on to me
Like a silver eye
Pick it up and
Turn it on and
Head on out to
Western starland
It's been a man and gone
Now it's a singing song
Like a western star
It's going my way
Looking out I'm back in
Time to stay
Into the eastern
Silent way
Come to life
Through the clearer
Ghost arise
Into the mirror
You've been away too long
It's been way too long
An eastern star is on
A disappearer
Mildred Pierce
Mildred pierce
Mildred pierce
Mildred pierce
Mildred pierce
Mildred pierce
If I could give you anything
I would give you a kick
You'd rather have a dollar
Than a hug from your sis
You really fucked up this time
Your lady's really pissed
She's not just laughing
She's polishing her fist
But you could give me anything
But you couldn't stand a fist
Don't give me your soul
Your heart is an abyss
Here's a pack of ciggies
Fresh for the wonderlips
A dream a wish а heartdesires
Cinderella is kiss
A cold is gonna take you
Freeze away your tears
Come a little closer honey
We could be so near
Mind to your crossfire
That you got no sense of time
Minds are right inside you
That I'm scared of your crime
If I could give you anything
I would give you a kick
You'd rather have a dollar
Than a hug from your sis
A cold is gonna take you
And freeze away your tears
Come a little closer honey
We can be so near.
Waking up I see you dreaming of a drivin'
Open your eyes to see tv set in blue
I've been waiting for you to smile, I'm pretty freezin'
Wintertime comes summer, you are why it's happenin'
Sugar babe, sugar babe, do it to me
Do me babe, do me babe, can't you see me?
I'm sugar now, sugar now, do it to me
Do me babe, do me babe, can't you see me?
I feel the morning slip it sights into your mirror
Now I see why you might see it's pretty clear
I been looking just to feel that funny feeling
I don't know but it's a mystery to reckon right
Sugar babe, sugar babe, do it to me
Do me babe, do me babe, can't you see me?
I'm sugar now, sugar now, do it to me
Do me babe, do me babe, can't you see me?
Made in USA
1. Mackin' for Doober (Sonic Youth) - :51
2. Full Chrome Logic (Sonic Youth) - 1:00
3. Secret Girls (Sonic Youth) - 2:53
4. Cork Mountain Incident (Sonic Youth) - :49
5. Moustache Riders (Sonic Youth) - 1:07
6. Tuck N Dar (Sonic Youth) - 3:39
7. Moon in the Bathroom (Sonic Youth) - 2:27
8. Thought Bubbles (Sonic Youth) - 2:25
9. Rim Thrusters (Sonic Youth) - 1:59
10. Lincoln's Gout (Sonic Youth) - 2:08
11. Coughing up Tweed (Sonic Youth) - 1:15
12. Pre-Poured Wood (Sonic Youth) - :52
13. Hairpiece Lullaby 1 & 2 (Sonic Youth) - 2:08
14. Pocketful of Sen-Sen (Sonic Youth) - 1:14
15. Smoke Blisters 1 & 2 (Sonic Youth) - 2:31
16. The Velvet Plug (Sonic Youth) - 2:29
17. Giggles (Sonic Youth) - :51
18. Tulip Fire 2 (Sonic Youth) - 1:54
19. The Dynamics of Bulbing (Sonic Youth) - 1:17
20. Smoke Blisters 3 & 4 (Sonic Youth) - 3:18
21. O.J.'s Glove or What? (Sonic Youth) - 1:19
22. Webb of Mud 1, 2 & 3 (Sonic Youth) - 2:51
23. Bachelors in Fur! (Sonic Youth) - 1:00
1. Mackin' For Doober
2. Full Chrome Logic
3. Secret Girl
my mother used to say
you're the boy that can enjoy invisibility
I am a boy that can enjoy invisibility
close your eyes, make a wish
cross yourself, see yourself
feel yourself, scream once more
move yourself, across the floor
burn inside, between two walls
the advertisement's saying, that pleasure's ever lasting
come touch me
the advertisement's saying, that pleasure's ever lasting
must be dead and gone to heaven
come and touch me here
so I know, that I'm, not there
4. Cork Mountain Incident
5. Tuck N Dar
6. Moon In The Bathroom
every time I look at my life I think of you
every time I look at you I wonder, what to do
so let's go, go away, go
let's go, I don't wanna stay any longer
god knows that you're my brother
gotta a funny idea that there is no other
you know we have to make it - really last
have to make it happen - really fast
let's go, go away, go
let's go, I don't wanna stay any longer
if we could just know where we'd come from
maybe we could figure out something to do
all I know now we're together
and something tells me we might live forever
so let's go, go away, go
let's go, I don't wanna stay any longer
every time I look at you I wonder what to (12x)
7. Thought Bubbles
8. Rim Thrusters
9. Lincoln's Gout
10. Coughing Up Tweed
11. Pre-Poured Wood
12. Hairpiece Lullaby 1 & 2
13. Pocketful Of Sen-Sen
14. Smoke Blisters 1 & 2
15. The Velvet Plug
16. Giggles
close your eyes, make a wish
cross yourself, see yourself
feel yourself, scream once more
move yourself, across the floor
burn inside, between two walls
the advertisement's saying, that pleasure's ever lasting
must be dead and gone to heaven come touch me
so I know that I'm not there
17. Tulip Fire 2
18. The Dynamics Of Bulbing
19. Smoke Blisters 3 & 4
20. O.J.'s Glove Or What?
21. Webb Of Mudd 1, 2 & 3
22. Bachelors In Fur!
Daydream Nation
1. Teen Age Riot (Sonic Youth) -
2. Silver Rocket (Sonic Youth) - 3:47
3. The Sprawl (Sonic Youth) - 7:42
4. 'Cross the Breeze (Sonic Youth) - 7:00
5. Eric's Trip (Sonic Youth) - 3:48
6. Total Trash (Sonic Youth) - 7:33
7. Hey Joni (Sonic Youth) - 4:23
8. Providence (Sonic Youth) - 2:41
9. Candle (Sonic Youth) - 4:58
10. Rain King (Sonic Youth) - 4:39
11. Kissability (Sonic Youth) - 3:08
12. Trilogy: The Wonder (Sonic Youth) - 4:15
13. Trilogy: Hyperstation - 7:13
14. Trilogy: Eliminator Jr. - 2:37
1988 2xLP/CS/CD Enigma (75403-02,
1988 2xLP/CS/CD Blast First (BFFP34, UK)
1988 CD on BMG Compact Disc (D-201076, US)
1988 2xLP on Au Go Go (ANDA90, Australia)
1992 CS/CD rerelease on Blast First/Mute in U.S. (BFFP 34 CD, UK)
1993 CD reissue on DGC (DGCD-24515, US)
1. Teenage Riot [Kim]
You're it
No, you're it
Hey, you're really it
You're it
No I mean it, you're it
Say it
Don't spray it
Spirit desire (face me)
Spirit desire (don't displace me)
Spirit desire
We will fall
Miss me
Don't dismiss me
Spirit desire
Spirit desire [x3]
We will fall
Spirit desire
We will fall
Spirit desire [x3]
We will fall
Spirit desire
We will fall
Everybody's talking 'bout the stormy weather
And what's a man do to but work out whether it's true?
Looking for a man with a focus and a temper
Who can open up a map and see between one and two
Time to get it
Before you let it
Get to you
Here he comes now
Stick to your guns
And let him through
Everybody's coming from the winter vacation
Taking in the sun in a exaltation to you
You come running in on platform shoes
With Marshall stacks
To at least just give us a clue
Ah, here it comes
I know it's someone I knew
Teenage riot in a public station
Gonna fight and tear it up in a hypernation for you
Now I see it
I think I'll leave it out of the way
Now I come near you
And it's not clear why you fade away
Looking for a ride to your secret location
Where the kids are setting up a free-speed nation, for you
Got a foghorn and a drum and a hammer that's rockin'
And a cord and a pedal and a lock, that'll do me for now
It better work out
I hope it works out my way
'Cause it's getting kind of quiet in my city's head
Takes a teen age riot to get me out of bed right now
You better look it
We're gonna shake it
Up to him
He acts the hero
We paint a zero
On his hand
We know it's down
We know it's bound too loose
Everybody's sound is round it
Everybody wants to be proud to choose
So who's to take the blame for the stormy weather
You're never gonna stop all the teenage leather and booze
It's time to go round
A one man showdown
Teach us how to fail
We're off the streets now
And back on the road
On the riot trail
2. Silver Rocket [Thurston]
Snake in it
jack into the wall
TV amp on fire
blowin' in the hall
gun yr. sled
close yr. peeping toms
turbo organizer
crankin' on the knob
You got it
yeh ride the silver rocket
can't stop it
burnin hole in yr pocket
hit the power
psycho helmets on
you got to splice yr. halo
take it to a moon
nymphoid clamor
fuelling up the hammer
you got to fake out the robot
and pulse up the zoom
You got it
yeh ride the silver rocket
can't stop it
burnin hole in yr pocket
can't forget the flashing
can't forget the smashing
the sending and the bending
the ampisphere re-entry
You gotta have the time
Got a letter in your mind
Gotta heart injection
That you got yourself a line
You got it
yeh ride the silver rocket
can't stop it
burnin hole in yr pocket
3. The Sprawl [Kim]
To the extent that I wear skirts
and cheap nylon slips
I've gone native
I wanted to know the exact dimension of hell
does this sound simple?
Fuck you! Are you for sale?
Does 'Fuck you' sound simple enough?
This was the only part that turned me on
but he was candy all over
come on down to the store
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
I grew up in a shotgun row
sliding down the hill
out front were the big machines
steel and rusty now I guess
outback was the river
and that big sign down the road
that's where it all started
come on down to the store
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
come on down to the store
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
come on down to the store
you can buy some more, and more, and more, and more
you can buy some more, more, more, more
4 'Cross The Breeze [Kim]
Let's go walking on the water
Come all the way please
I wanna know
Should I stay or go?
No need to be scared
Let's jump into the day
I wanna know
I think I oughta go
Close your eyes and make believe
You can do whatever you please
I wanna know
I think I better go
Let's go walkin on water
Now you think I'm Satan's daughter
I wanna know
Please let me go!
Just too quick
Now I think I'm gonna be sick
I wanna know
Should I stay or go?
I'm trying for the future
It's funny that way
I wanna know
I wanna know!
I took a look into the hate
It made me feel very up to date
I wanna know
Should I stay or go?
Hold me tight, down on my knees
So I don't go burning 'cross the breeze
I wanna know
I wanna know!
I wanna know
Should I stay or go?
Burning 'cross the breeze
Burning 'cross the breeze
Blowing 'cross the breeze
5. Eric's Trip [Lee]
I hate the past
I can't see anything at all, all I see is me
that's clear enough
and that's whats important, to see me
my eyes can focus
my brain is talking
looks pretty good to me
my head's on straight, my girlfriend's beautiful
looks pretty good to me
sometimes I speak
tonight there's nothing to say
sometimes we freak
and laugh all day
hold these pages up to the light
see the jacknife inside of the dream
a railroad runs through the record stores at night
coming in for the deep freeze
Mary: a simple word, are you there in the country?
Yr eyes so full, yr head so tight
can't you hear me?
Remember our talk
that day on the phone?
I was the door, and you were the station
with shattered glass and miles between us
we still flew away in the conversation
my cup is full, and I feel okay
the world is dull, but not today
she think's she's a goddess
she says she talks to the spirits
I wonder if she can talk to herself?
If she can bear to hear it?
this is Eric's trip
we've all come to watch him slip
he's slipping all the way to Texas
can you dig it?
(Eric says "The sky is blue...")
I see with a glass eye
the pavement view
a shadow forming, across the fields rushing
thru me to you
we tore down the world, and put up four walls
I breathe in the myth
I'm over the city, fucking the future
I'm high and inside yr kiss
we can't see clear
but what we see is a alright
we make up what we can't hear
and then we sing all night
scattered pages and shattered lights
a jacknife and a dream
there's something moving over there on the right
like nothing I've never seen
6. Total Trash [Thurston]
It start at the top
Now it's spiralling down
Works best when it's lost
Diggin' under the ground
Never mind it now
We can bring it back
It's total trash
And it's a natural fact
That I'm not no cow
It's never the same
It's more than a game
Can't take it away
Can't kill all the shame
It's a guilty man
That increased the crack
It's total trash
Sack 'em on the back
With a heavy rock
There he goes again
Magic monkey friend
Can I love the time
That he seems to spend
With all the kids in town
It start at the top
Now it's spiralling down
Works best when it's lost
Diggin' under the ground
Never mind it now
We can bring it back
It's total trash
And it's a natural fact
That I'm not no cow
7. Hey Joni [Lee]
Hey Joni put it all behind you
hey Joni now I've put it all behind me too
these times can't add up
yr life is such a mess
forget the past, and just say yes
tell me Joni, am I the one
to see you through?
In this broken town can you still jack in
and know what to do?
I remember our youth, our high ideals
I remember you were so uptight
that time in the trees, we broke that vice
we took some steps and now
we can't think twice
tell me Joni, am I right by you?
Tell me how yr gonna lose this hard luck?
Hey Joni, when will all these dreams come true?
You'd better find a way
to climb down off that truck
shots ring out from the center of an empty field
Joni's in the tall grass
she's a beautiful mental jukebox
a sailboat explosion
a snap of electric whipcrack
she's not thinking about the future
She's not spinning her wheels
she doesn't think at all about the past
she thinking long and hard
about that high wild sound
and wondering will it last?
Kick it
Hey Joni, put it all behind you
There's something turning, Joni, turning right to you
my head burns, but I know you'll speak the truth, hey!
hey Joni, put it all behind you
hey Joni, now I've put it all behind me too
forget the future
these times are such a mess
tune out the past, and just say yes
it's 1963
it's 1964
it's 1957
it's 1962
put it all behind you
now it's all behind you
8. Providence [Mike Watt]
"Watt Here! I'm downstairs from your window... if you're up...
pub 'phone booth... if you're up...(I get tense) [Beep]"
[Mike Watt]
"Thurston! Watt! Thurston! I think it's ten thirty, we're calling
from Providence, Rhode Island. Did you find your shit? You gotta
watch the motin' Thurston, your fuckin' memory just goes out tha window.
We couldn't find it in the van at all, we wonderin' if you looked in
that trash can. When we threw out that trash, man, was the bag in
your hand, did you dump it? Call later. Bye."
9. Candle [Thurston]
I see a dog star divin' at his magic, snatchin'
keeps me up awake go crystal cracking
I can't wait
I can't stay, a candle
Gotta change my mind before it burns out
I'm the Cocker on the rock
Wind is whipping through my stupid mop
I see a falling snowgirl walking Broadway
Turns the corner at 14th and I know there's no way
It's alright
It's alight candle
And I know she'll be okay by Sunday
I'm the Cocker on the rock
Humming bash starts shining
In your electric clock
It's safe to say, candle
Tonight's the day, candle
It's alright now, candle
The wind's away, candle
Never thought I'd see a dog star falling
I'm the Cocker on the rock
Wind is whipping through my stupid mop
10. Rain King [Lee]
Rain King ensures there's nowhere to go
It's jet stream, daydream, cocksure hard luck show
His lips a fountain
His daylight sparks
He's a shotgun, schoolyard, street-wise, white-hot kid
Little whipcream, phone call, breakdown, Rain King fist
His mind a countdown
His daydream sparks
I need three years to clear these thoughts, hey
I like to say I knew one true thing
It feels like years and all I've done is fought
And not turned up, anything
Little black, take roll and roll, over my bed
I'm waiting here for, some reality crease
There's one big deadend, in my head
And not a moment of peace
Crossfire, Rain King, with his cadillac, kid
Marries every dictionary from his chain-yard bliss
His lips a fountain
His daylight sparks
He's got a shot in his kick forging the real, when
He's a steel drum, wedding ring, Pontiac door knob ten
His mind a countdown
His daylight sparks
Hung up on a speed king nation, caught up on a nail
Hanging tight with time, at least, a little while
Your sister is a beauty when she's naked, like my kid
I hear this world, cool world, dreaming of a peaceful kiss
11. Kissability [Kim]
Look into my eyes, don't you trust me
yr so good you could go far
I'll put you in a movie, don't you want to
you could be a star
you could go far
you've got twistability
you fly hard, don't you wanna
you've got kissability
you could be a star, it ain't hard
yr driving me crazy, I feel so sick
yr driving me crazy, give us a kiss
look into my eyes, don't you trust me
yr so soft, you make me hard
I'll put you on a movie, don't you wanna
you could be a star, you could go far
you've got kissability
you sigh hard, don't you wanna
you've got twistability
you could be a star, it ain't hard
yr driving me crazy, you smell so sick
I feel so tired, you made me sick
yr driving me crazy, if I feel so sick
yr driving me crazy, if I feel so sick
Look into my eyes, don't you dis' me
You're so good, you could go far
I'll put you in a movie, don't you wanna
You could be a star, you could go far
You've got twistability
You fly hard, don't you wanna
You've got kissability
You could be a star, it ain't hard
You're driving me crazy, I feel so sick
You're driving me crazy, give us a kiss
12. Trilogy: The Wonder [Thurston]
See flashing eyes
they're flashing cross to me
burnin up the sky
sunshinin to me
yr locus crown
copkillin heartbeat
head's lookin down
bowin out to the street
I'm just walking around
yr city is a wonder town
lips red to white
lips green in blacked night
yr spirit flares
flarin up leonine
I'm just walking around
yr city is a wonder town
transmitter rhyme
transmitter all the time
lookin up to the sky
I'm seeing ghosts flyin
I'm just walkin around
yr city is a wonder town
I think I been there once before
something tells me there's so much more
she's back in town to even the score
time to go
See flashing eyes
They're flashing 'cross to me
Burnin' up the sky
Sunshining into me
Your locus crown
Cop-killin' heartbeat
Head's lookin' down
Bowin' out, to the street
I'm just walkin' around
Your city is a wonder town
12. Trilogy: Hyperstation [Thurston]
Falling out of sleep, I hit the floor
Put on some rock tee and I'm out with the door
From Bowery to Broome to Greene, I'm a walking lizard
Last night's dream was a talking baby lizard
All comin' from hu-man imagination
Day dreaming days in a daydream nation
Smashed-up against a car at three A.M.
Kids just up for basketball, beat me in my head
There's bum trash in my hall and my place is ripped
I've totaled another amp, I'm calling in sick
It's an anthem in a vacuum on a hyperstation
Day dreaming days in a daydream nation
12. Trilogy: Eliminator JR [Kim]
Kids cruise away, pack of chickenshits
This guy is ours, dark stains on his pants
Enough to make a butcher out of the bone
Take a walk in the park? Shit, yeah!
A poor boy, a rich boy
A poor rich boy coming right through me
Rich boy, poor boy
Poor rich boy coming right through me
Washing Machine
1. Becuz (Sonic Youth) - 4:43
2. Junkie's Promise (Sonic Youth) - 4:02
3. Saucer-Like (Sonic Youth) - 4:25
4. Washing Machine (Sonic Youth) - 9:33
5. Unwind (Sonic Youth) - 6:02
6. Little Trouble Girl (Sonic Youth) - 4:29
7. No Queen Blues (Sonic Youth) - 4:35
8. Panty Lies (Sonic Youth) - 4:15
9. Untitled - 2:49
10. Skip Tracer (Singer/Sonic Youth) - 3:48
11. The Diamond Sea (Sonic Youth) - 19:35
1. Becuz [Kim]
wish I could change the way that you feel
standing with him you feel more real
looking so sweet with all your might
trusted in him to put it night (?)
holding his hand like a brand new kite
blue eyes sparkle, open, alright
wish I could see, the girl who'd fight
playing and laughing and trying to show it
running and falling and dying to know it
staring you down with her gaze hold it
wish I could free you but I can't don't blow it
angel, gonna show it
the devil, go on hold it
angel, gonna show it
blow it
becuz of you, becuz of you, becuz of you, becuz of you
becuz of you, becuz of you, becuz of you, becuz of you
becuz of you, becuz of you, becuz of you, becuz of you
becuz of you, becuz of you, becuz of you, becuz of you
wish I could free you, but I can't, don't blow it
wish I could free you, but I can't, don't know it
2. Junkie's Promise [Thurston]
a hundred dollars used to be more than enough
and now a hundred times a day and still it's not enough
people always tell me you get what you deserve
all I know is all and all is all I've heard
I heard you say: "you know I hate myself
but I love everybody else"
and did you say: "I can't escape myself"
and then you did and now there's no one else
to blame you know that I know yeah that times are rough
I'd like to help you out but things are rather tough
people always tell me that you've got to lend a helping hand
nothing in return is all I expect from you my friend
I heard you say: "you know I hate myself
but I love everybody else"
and did you say: "I can't escape myself"
and then you did and now there's no one else
I heard you say: "you know I hate myself
but I love everybody else"
and did you say: "I can't escape myself"
and then you do and now there's no one else
3. Saucer-Like [Lee]
swirling whirling through the city of ages
you sink a bit whenever angels fly
do you have a feeling for their fuzzy faces?
are you close enough to see into their eyes?
you're magic fit and free
taxi holds on the breeze
a dream's a dream of feelings
that never fall at all
holds his thoughts in chains
and tries to bust up the walls
every day it's just another breath
every night another little death
do you scratch and itch when your head feels tight
or wave it away and just stay out all night?
got your head in the trees
if that's the way you're feeling
it's not good or bad
channels of thought revealing now
some things we all had
I'm having a wonderful vision of the city today
buildings all lined up neat on straight sun lit blocks
avenue canyons stretch forever
handcut panes grooved like a record
flat bridge
peer, boat, docks
I'm slipping round the bottom edge [line echoes]
do you trip and breeze
down city streets
just a little free
with your head in the trees
4. Washing Machine [Kim]
yeah, I take my baby down to the street and I buy him a soda-pop
he's so sweet
alright now, alright now, alright now
you said that
if you want I'll be the one
take you out and have some fun
I never never ever ever tell no one
till the end, till the morning comes
yeah, I take my baby down to the corner and
I buy him a soda-pop
hmm hmm
alright now, alright now, alright now
if you want I'll be the one
take you out and have some fun
flip a quarter for the toss
I'd like mine with apple-sauce
yeah, I take my baby down to the corner and
I buy him a soda-pop
`cause he's so neat, sweet
alright now, alright now, alright now
okay now
if you want I'll be the one
shake my legs and have some fun
my hearts spinnin' round like a washing machine
never saw the devil look so damn clean
yeah, I take my baby down to the corner and
I buy him a soda-pop
and he said: "honey, you look so fine"
and I said: okay, alright, okay, alright
I was walking up Lafayette street
it's real empty
and I looked out and it turned into a big field
and I looked up in the sky
and I looked up in the clouds
and I saw this face looking down at me
and it's a women's face
and she threw a quarter down at me and she said:
"honey, here's a quarter go put it in the washing machine"
and then I looked up at her,
I looked up
5. Unwind [Thurston]
lay down your lucky hand, upon her heart
morning becomes a kite, tangled up in stars
laugh in the midday light, and leave - it behind
move out into his sundry eyes, and sing, unwind
hang down your lucky head, a sign to time
morning becomes the sun, for the dandy line
sooner than the midday light, we leave behind
love is out into the sundry light, you sing, unwind
6. Little Trouble Girl [Thurston]
ready? go, 1,2,3,4
[Kim Deal] [Kim Gordon]
if you want me to
I will be the one
that is always good
and you'll love me too
but you'll never know
what I feel inside
that I'm really bad
little trouble girl
remember mother?
we were close
very, very close
sha la la you taught me how to fit it good
sha la la flow down life you understood
sha la la curl my hair and eye lash
sha la la hitch my cheeks and do my lips
sha la la swing my hips just like you
sha la la smile and behave
sha la la a circle of perfection, it's what you gave
sha la la then one day I met a guy
he stole my heart, no alibi
sha la la he said: "Romance is a ticket to paradise"
sha la la momma, I'm not too young to try
sha la la we kissed, we hugged, we were close
very, very close
sha la la we danced in the sand
and the water rose - higher and higher
sha la la until I found myself floating - in the sky
I'm sorry mother, I'd rather fight
than have to lie
if you want me to
I will be the one
that is always good
and you'll love me too
but you'll never know
what I feel inside
that I'm really bad
little trouble girl
little trouble girl (what you doin'?)
little trouble girl cross my heart and hope to die,
little trouble girl I can not tell a lie
little trouble girl ah-hu
little trouble girl ah-hu
little trouble girl ah-hu
little trouble girl ah-hu
little trouble girl ah-hu
little trouble girl ah-hu
little trouble girl ah-hu
little trouble girl ah-hu
7. No Queen Blues [Thurston]
hey! hey! where you're goin' in such a hurry?
take it easy girl and tell me a story
move on over here, slow it down
tell me why you've been, run out of town
I don't give a fuck, why everybody thinks you should shut up
everybody's feat, cause everybody knows that you're the queen of
hey! hey! where you're goin' in such a rush
hey girl I think they think you know too much
they can't catch you with me cause I move too slow
slow enough to know that you gonna have to go
I don't really care why the bullshit artists sit and snap
they can never find about me and the queen of
I don't really care why the bullshit artists sit and snap
they can never find about me and the queen of
8. Panty Lies [Kim]
don't just stare, `cause she's not wearing underwear
oh how rude, at least she's got you're attention square
don't you realize, It's just her disguise
hey! mum look, no more panty line
shoewa shoewa shoewa shoewa shoewa shoewa shoewa
peek-a-boo look into the mirror
now you see her, now you'll be her
hover your lips, twirl your hair
pretend you're there, pretend it ain't there
little girl playing in the closet
first comes walking, then comes talking
peek-a-boo look into the mirror
she says: "who am I?"
inside! outside!
inside, outside, inside, outside, inside, outside,
inside, outside, inside, outside
shoewa shoewa shoewa shoewa shoewa shoewa shoewa
don't just stare, `cause she's not wearing underwear
oh how rude, at least she's got you're attention square
don't you realize, it's just her disguise
hey! mum look, no more panty line
9. [Untitled] [Instrumental]
10. Skip Tracer [Lee]
this she did in public for us to see
she came in here too drunk to do the show
between the trains and cars
broken glass and lost hub-caps, images of a gun
row house row house pass through
let the city rise up to fill the screen
clothes flung out of closets, doorknobs falling off
the guitar guy played real good feedback, and super sounding riffs
with his mild mannered look on, yeah he was truly hip
the girl started out in red patent leather
very I'm in a band with knee pads
we watch her fall over and lay down,
shouting the poetic truths of high school journal keepers
row house row house pass through, let the city rise up
twister, dust buster, hospital bed, I'll see you, see you
see you on the highway
now we're told so merge ideas, of song forms and freedom
miss seafood, miss cheesecake, a couple of miss donuts
the edge of a blade pressed to the throat of your reflected image
poised, yet totally screwed up
yes sir, yes sir, step right up
none of us know, where we're trying to get to
what sort of live where we trying to build
now we're told so merge ideas, of song forms and freedom
seasons out of life, nothing is out of reach
L.A. is more confusing now, than anywhere I've ever been to
I'm from New York City, breath it out and let it in
where are you now?
when your broken eyes are closed
head in a cloudy dream, green and sailboats
borrowed and never returned
emotions, books, outlooks on life
hello 20 15!
hello, 20, 15!
11. The Diamond Sea [Thurston]
time takes its crazy toll
and how does your mirror grow
you better watch yourself when you jump into it
'cause the mirror's gonna steal your soul
I wonder how it came to be my friend
that someone just like you has come again
you'll never, never know how close you came
until you fall in love with the diamond rain
throw all his trash away
look out he's here to stay
your mirror's gonna crack when he breaks into it
and you'll never never be the same
look into his eyes and you can see
why all the little kids are dressed in dreams
I wonder how he's gonna make it back
when he sees that you just know it's make-belief
blood crystalized as sand
and now I hope you'll understand
you reflected into his looking glass soul
and now the mirror is your only friend
look into his eyes and you will see
that men are not alone on the diamond sea
sail into the heart of the lonely storm
and tell her that you'll love her eternally
time takes its crazy toll
mirror fallin' off the wall
you better look out for the looking glass girl
'cause she's gonna take you for a fall
look into his eyes and you shall see
why everything is quiet and nothing's free
I wonder how he's gonna make her smile
when love is running wild on the diamond sea
Artist Sonic Youth Featuring Kim Gordon/DJ Olive/Ikue Mori
Album Title SYR 5
Date of Release 2000
AMG Rating
Genre Rock
Library View Click here to see this album in MARC format
AMG EXPERT REVIEW: The fifth release in Sonic Youth's SYR series doesn't even
feature Sonic Youth at all, but rather an avant-garde power trio of SY bassist
Kim Gordon, turntablist DJ Olive, and programming electro-goddess Ikue Mori. The
music is ultra-abstract and mood-driven, filling the listening space with a dark
ambience constructed by Olive's incredibly resonant choice of samples and Mori's
carefully tweaked bleeps. Gordon predictably contributes with a dose of noise
guitar, though the source of sounds on this disc is heartily confusing — Gordon
calling into question the identity of the electric guitar while Olive and Mori
try to carve out identities for their respective instruments. Throughout, Gordon
contributes a free vocal style she has been experimenting with since the first
SYR discs, released in 1998, and on the two intervening Sonic Youth albums, A
Thousand Leaves (1998) and NYC Ghosts & Flowers (2000). In combination with the
lyrics, which dance the line between abstract poetry and frustrating downtown
pretentiousness, many might find Gordon's vocal approach quite grating. It is
more than made up for, though, by the utterly weird and compelling soundscapes
the group creates — a true headphone head trip. Cibo Matto's Yuka Honda
contributes on "Take Me Back." — Jesse Jarnow
1. Olive's Horn (DJ Olive/Gordon/Mori) - 4:22
2. International Spy (DJ Olive/Gordon/Mori) - 2:41
3. Neu Adult (DJ Olive/Gordon/Mori) - 2:35
4. Paperbag / Orange Laptop (DJ Olive/Gordon/Mori) - 6:18
5. Stuck on Gum (DJ Olive/Gordon/Mori) - 4:05
6. Fried Mushroom (DJ Olive/Gordon/Mori) - 8:25
7. What Do You Want? (Kim) (DJ Olive/Gordon/Mori) - 3:55
8. Lemonade (DJ Olive/Gordon/Mori) - 6:38
9. We Are the Princesses (DJ Olive/Gordon/Mori) - 3:36
10. Take Me Back (DJ Olive/Gordon/Honda/Mori) - 4:25
11. Take It to the Hit (DJ Olive/Gordon/Mori) - 7:32
A Thousand Leaves
1. Contre le Sexisme (Sonic Youth) - 3:52
2. Sunday (Sonic Youth) - 4:52
3. Female Mechanic Now on Duty (Sonic Youth) - 7:44
4. Wild Flower Soul (Sonic Youth) - 9:01
5. Hoarfrost (Sonic Youth) - 4:58
6. French Tickler (Sonic Youth) - 4:50
7. Hits of Sunshine (For Allen Ginsberg) (Sonic Youth) - 10:59
8. Karen Koltrane (Sonic Youth) - 9:18
9. The Ineffable Me (Sonic Youth) - 5:18
10. Snare, Girl (Sonic Youth) - 6:38
11. Heather Angel (Sonic Youth) - 6:06
1. Contre Le
describe the touch, no it’s the thought
it’s warm and yellow and has a ruffle
it’s warm and yellow and...
he’s so quiet i forgot he’s there
and i think here i am.
“oh alice, come back he’s just a kitten...
he’s just a kitten”
a thousand leaves for your disguise fall on
the sky and looking up from down is a sea to
realize the leaves are falling up and down
up and round.
and this is from my heart to you
a crazy wind will stir me too and contre de la
i am with you.
2. Sunday
sunday comes alone again
a perfect day for a quiet friend
and you - you will set it free
i see new morning yound yr face
everybody sez its another phase
and now - now its come to me
see the magic in yr eyes
i see it come as no surprise
and you - you turn yr eyes away
yeah you - you turn it all away
i guess its true its never too late
still i don’t know what to do today
oh why - can’t i set you free
will you - do the same for me
sunday comes and sunday goes
sunday always seems to move so slow
to me - here she comes again
a perfect ending to a perfect day
a perfect ending what can i say
to you - lonely sunday friend
with you - sunday never ends
3. Female Mechanic Now On Duty
i wanna shut you down
love yr. sight and sound
i wanna spin you round, till yr. underground
i wanna strip you down
till you feel the round
i wanna feel your shine
i wanna waste some time
i wanna paint my face
like a model out of place
cause im supposed to dare
the machine will tear
i’ll throw up sometime
and then you’ll be mine
i wanna serve you down
while my mind is on the ground
i wanna move your switch
make you go quish
my desiring machine
yeah it’s made pretty clean
now i’ll turn the dial
and i’ll put you ina pile
modern women cry
modern women don’t cry
cry don’t cry
you hut me with your lie
touch the fire in the rain and
see the children
stop their play and
look for shelter
in the garden of their
make believe and i
i believe
perfection is a
i can see what you’re going thru but
i can’t melt my head to what you’re
whisked away to light the bomb a
thousand leaves are left to stay and...
4. Wildflower Soul
sing yr children
yr children song
sing yr love child
love is on
see thru child eyes
eyes are old
and old is magic growing
see the child lights
spinning gold
everyday girl
they blow away
leaves falling to the water
for you today
sing yr birthday
yr birthday blues
sing yr wild light
wildflowers bloom
they will not forget you
and down/they go
to sleep/so slow
away/they grow
they go
i wait/i wait all day
sing yr love child
love is on
sing yr child lights
sing yr child lights
lights are gold
sing yr child life
wildflower soul
5. Hoarfrost
I put my feet deep in the tracks that you made
walked behind you off into the wood
‘We’ll know where when we get there’ you said
And we both knew we would
high above like a spider
the colors turning brown
freeways passing by us
I took yr hand and we knelt down
wheels paddle wheels paddle movement as we go
trees passing trees passing signs along the road
a view thru the trees to a couple in the snow
a view thru the trees to a couple standing in
the snow
Suddenly the trees were flashing by us
Clouds reflecting fast across your eyes
We turned into a frozen medow
The wind the only sound
‘We’ll know where when we get there’ you said
‘We’ll know where when we get there’ you said
6. French Tickler
free time, free time
I have got it gonna get me some
free time, free time
I would spend it forever captivated
free time, free time
would you tell me the secret of yr arm
free time, free time
forever fabulastic, blowup, pleasuristic
I feel combustible
that’s my will say it all
mille feuille
mille feuille
mille feuille
now you better take a deep breath
the smell is just the best
i’ll transform even yr breast
you are my new weekend guest
I can’t believe this could happen to me
caught inside someone’s knee
free time, free time
uncovered forever barest endeavor
free time, free time
if you want me splash me forever
free time, free time
let it happen the leisure, enchanting
free time, free time
yr neck is my favorite pleeze don’t spare it
I feel combustible that’s my will, say it all
now you better cough up the dough
if you want to join the show
exotique is not for free
spend wisely eternity
engine of desire is on the road
don’t get stuck without a job
free time, free time
you have got it gonna get me some
free time, free time
wandering, fantastic, sparkling demanded
free time, free time
did I mention that you control me
free time, free time
the merest endeavor slightly forever
mille feuille
mille feuille
mille feuille
mille feuille
7. Hits of
Sunshine (For Allen Ginsberg)
today i
said goodbye
to my conflicted goddess
her lush eyes
show surprise
at how we could gather knowledge
the painting has a dream
where shadow breaks the scene
and the colors run off
blue is bashful
green is my goal
yellow girls are running backwards
until the nextime
with six hits of sunshine
the lights will blind up with blues in haiku
the shadow has a dream
where painters look to sea
the colors burn out
now i know where
i once saw you
stepping into muddy water
john’s reflection
decried perfection
now you walk him through the gardren
waiting in the wings
painters shade their dreams
with falling colors
see me wave good
bye forever
happiness the goddess lover
hurry back re
member last time
the hits of sunshine
the hits of goldmine
i’ll see you back tonite
where painters love the light
and yellow shadow girls
today i
say goodbye
to my complicious goddess
her hushed
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star
1. Winner's Blues (Sonic Youth) - 2:07
2. Bull in the Heather (Sonic Youth) - 3:04
3. Starfield Road (Sonic Youth) - 2:15
4. Skink (Sonic Youth) - 4:12
5. Screaming Skull (Markey/Sonic Youth) - 2:38
6. Self-Obsessed and Sexxee (Sonic Youth) - 4:30
7. Bone (Sonic Youth) - 3:57
8. Androgynous Mind (Sonic Youth) - 3:21
9. Quest for the Cup (Sonic Youth) - 2:30
10. Waist (Sonic Youth) - 2:49
11. Doctor's Orders (Sonic Youth) - 4:20
12. Tokyo Eye (Sonic Youth) - 3:55
13. In the Mind of the Bourgeois Reader (Sonic Youth) - 2:33
14. Sweet Shine (Sonic Youth) - 5:26
Winner's Blues
...ifor by the away, go out not today (?)
move back along and wait a long long time
nothing running free, you gotta time it all
run out the door come back when you score
new times will come and you will see a door
into the lion eye and now i'm gone
and it's out
and it's not what you thought it was about
but a life, that you know
will keep you bound in...
sometimes you win, sometimes you lose
sometimes you got still the blues for me
I could run away, a long time to stay
burn out your eyes, burn out surprise
look out today you know it's not the same
it's all the rage, it's every day
and it's out
and it's not what you thought it was about
but a life, that you know
will keep you round in love
Bull In the Heather
10, 20, 30, 40
tell me that you wanna hold me
tell me that you wanna bore me
tell me that you gotta show me
tell me that you need to slowly
tell me that yr burning for me
tell me that you can't afford me
time to tell yr dirty story
time f'r turning over and over
time f'r turning four leaf clover
betting on the bull in the heather
10, 20, 30, 40
tell me that you wanna scold me
tell me that you a-dore me
tell me that you're famous for me
tell me that yr gonna score me
tell me that you gotta show me
tell me that you need to sorely
time to tell yr love story
time f'r turning over and over
time f'r turning four leaf clover
betting on the bull in the heather
Starfield Road
the turbo goes to rocket put yr kiss in my hand
sensate yr belly down
bend down round this garbage can
pow pound down dirty starfield road
a hot ham slap it muscle skin jam load
blam bam adds explosion to the lamb
Jesus is screaming yr name
violent loving yeah
kissing golden, we're going insane
but where is the shame?
when the star pet is to blame
aah you butt cheeks can't stay
as I spleen my name in flame
here, there
here, there
down to the bottom and round on the bottom we go
here, there
here, there
down to the bottom and oh what a bottom it is
you had soul
let it go
here, there
here, there
down to the bottom and round on the bottom we go
here, there
here, there
down to the bottom and oh what a bottom it is
you got a soul?
let me go
kiss beyond, kiss beyond the lips
kiss beyond, kiss beyond my lips
ooh I love - you!
ooh baby baby
kinda crazy, kinda hazy, kinda messy too
here, there
here, there
down to the bottom and oh what a bottom it is
here, there
here, there
down to the bottom and round on the bottom we go
yeah baby
you know
I love you so
Screaming Skull
SST, superstore
society, Screaming Skull
Lemonheads, superstore
society, SST
I'd go there, I don't care
I'll go there, it's just to stare
let's go there, it's just it's fair
I'll go there, Pat Smear
Superchunk, Society
Sunset Strip, Screaming Skull
society, Husker Du
Lemonheads, SST
I'd go there, but I don't care
I'll go there, it's just to stare
Let's go there, Sister's there
I'll go there, Pat Fear
society, superstore
SST, Lemonheads
Sunset strip, society
Screaming skull, Husker Du
I'd go there, but I don't care
I'll go there, it's just to stare
let's go there, it's just it's fair
I'll go there, Pat Smear
Self Obsessed and Sexxee
I remember when you first arrived
magic marker on yr belly button alright, alright
I read what you said you said drop dead oh no, oh no
I need you now cuz I know you got nowhere to go
schizo-action baby create a scene
I'm the type-a-guy to boost yr self-esteem
we party all night cuz it's you, you, you everyday
self-obsessed and sexxee all the way
I remember yr bloody trail to the top, the top
took it all too far now you just can't stop, don't stop
I'll help collect yr soul from the lost and found, it's around
and I will build you up while they put you down
schizo-action baby create a scene
I'm the type-a-guy to boost yr self-esteem
we party all night cuz it's you, you, you everyday
self-obsessed and sexxee all the way, all the way
party party party party all the time
party party party party all the time
party party party party all the time
party party party party all the time
dry as a bone, take it to heart
don't look back, you're the one
that's alright, straight from the bone
walk on by, look to the left
touched by none, that's alright
that's alright, dark as ink
you are the one, Lord just thirteen
no matter fun, truth never seen
dry as a bone, dry as a bone
hands in yr pants, tied to the tree
rocked back and forth, hips in the leaves
thighs in the bark, make me free
that's alright
you are the one, don't look back
strength from the heart, walk on by
that's alright, that's alright
white boy say, yr just fine
first to the last, take it okay
momma don't know, walk straight by
look to the left, you are the one
poor little bone, shiver inside
fast talking walk, bone girl go inside
that's alright, that's alright
don't look back, push yr hips up
yr gonna be free, just for a while
Androgynous Mind
hey sad angel walks, and he talks like a girl
out trying to think why it stinks, he's not a girl
now he's kicked in the gut, they fucked him up, just enough
they got me down on my knees, I kiss his ring, God is love
androgynous mind, androgynous mind
androgynous mind, androgynous mind
androgynous mind, androgynous mind
hey hey are you gay? are you God?
my brain's a bomb, to turn you on
everything is all right
god is gay, and you were right
androgynous mind, androgynous mind
androgynous mind, androgynous mind
androgynous mind, androgynous mind
hey hey it's okay, hey hey it's okay (x4)
hey hey it's okay, hey it's okay (x5)
hey hey it's okay, hey hey it's okay (x6)
god said it's all right, for you to fight
to free yr mind
whose side are you on?
like a bomb, yr free tonite
androgynous mind, androgynous mind
androgynous mind, androgynous mind
androgynous mind, androgynous mind
hey hey it's okay, hey hey it's okay (x4)
hey hey it's okay, hey it's okay (x5)
hey hey
Quest for the Cup
yr the thrill of a million
walking down the sidewalk
feel like an alarm clock
woke up and dressed up
don't look like a t-shirt
I feel just like a donut
come and take the trash out
what's the use of crying
don't look like a bummer
feel just like a burger
can I make him like me
do you feel like I do
don't look like a slip skirt
I feel just like a poser
I don't look like an angel
I GUESS I'll put some jeans on
make my lips look redder
true you still look better
this is for Lisa
ran away to the west
faxed my mom for the test
couldn't stay for the rest
then I met him Jess
he is just the best
we kissed right under a tree
I felt so salty free
I felt so salty free
I felt nothing like me
I felt so s-a-lty free
all your dreams will come true, all my dreams came true
but now, I have a bunch of other dreams, ta-dum-dum
it's gotta be hot hot (?)
I felt so s-a-lty free
guess who came round today
X-Girl and the girl snoo-pee
twinkle toes and sparkle eyes
everything is a new surprise
they're gonna spend some super-cash
spend it all on the boy-smash
and all the glamour is all the time
silver jacket and a twist of lime
well hope you don't waste away
yeah hope you don't waste away
you better not waste away
ooh yeah don't waste away
I've seen it happen before
girl slipping out the door
sneaking into Agnes B.
throw away everything
you've been a waste away
you've been a waste away
you've been a waste away, now
walk up to her and say
I'd love you anyway
sweet subtle super style
wonder how to make an angel smile
don't let me waste away
don't let me waste away
don't let me waste away
don't let me waste away, wow!
Doctor's Orders
take one, to come
doctor's orders, no more borders
take one, make some
feeling bolder, no more disorder
mother's not to blame
she's feeling no pain
doesn't feel the drain
she says it's not her brain
all right, no wrong
she used to be cleanin', now she's just dreamin'
she's right, you're wrong
she thinks it's the weather, feels light as a feather
mother's such a mess
she forgets how to dress
she thinks she's lookin' her best
she's no longer depressed
take one, bake one
used to be tragic, now it's like magic
just one, for fun
mother's new pet, it's not hard to get
mother came home today
wearing a big bouquet
she threw her self away
she's taking up spanish ole
Tokyo Eye
Tokyo eye, Tokyo crying somewhere
seeking inside, supermen sighing nowhere
seven to nine, luck is around this sun bear
fur in the night, Kansai woman goes out
soak in the eye, Osaka crying for you
ship in the light, sing in the water sun dew
ticket to die, ticket to ride the junk star
shielded in white, Kansai girl in black dew
Tokyo eye, Tokyo crying somewhere
seeking inside, supermen sighing nowhere
soaking in my eye, soaking in my eye grey leaf
she dig to cry, she dig to cry love funny
fur in the eye, Kansai girl is kiss teen
fun in the light, crying away to sun bear
In the mind of the Borgeious Reader
seaside rever gonna rock the boat
gonna roll it up fat superdope
yeah pass it around or stick it on a pin
boyie lover with the bunny skin (?)
my plastic lady here's a glitter roll
straight from my heart thu thy soul
yeah I don't care about dirty hair
all praise due queen and yogi bear
so get back in the boat yeah
vicarious pleasure in my brain
fantastic life never the same
identity come set it free
come set me out to mystery
mistert mind yah
silly rabbit kicks are for kids
yr carrot souffle's got me on the skids
don't care about dirty hair
got a fuzzy finger miss bunny tail
hip hop till you drop yeah
hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop
Sweet Shine
I hear my angel mounted baby
pretend to everlast a lady
Marlboro belt unbuckled baby
they told me you were just crazy
I feel that I could burst
gimme a little drink of yr sweet time
is it the way you think?
or just a pattern of yr glory
is it just some story?
you wrote all for me
do you think yr my home?
down deep yr just a little whorey
I know you, I'm from you
I know you, I'm from you
I'm coming home to Swall Drive
cowboys are languishin'
little girl's are bees
is it really a green stage coach
crawling up to me
I dreamt that you were my vacation
woke to find desire and dislocation
yr always heavy in rotation
coming on, flirting with the nation
I feel that I could burst
gimme a little drink of yr sweet shine
why is the way you grew (?)
still in the soul wanting you (?)
smelling the nite jasmine
hypnotises me
the flower tells me stories
that make me sick and free
I know you, I'm from you
I know you, I'm from you
I'm coming home momma, to Swall Drive
Alice is a chain store
down past 1st and Vine
you can shop there anytime
it's all very fine
look his hair is colored, do you think he grows
look it's changing colors, it's bigger than a hose (?)
look it's changing colors, it's bigger than a rose (?)
look it's changing colors, it's bigger than a pose (?)
look it's changing colors, it's bigger than a hose (?)
look it's changing...
1. Free City Rhymes (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley)
- 7:32
2. Renegade Princess (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 5:49
3. Nevermind (What Was It Anyway) (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 5:37
4. Small Flowers Crack Concrete (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 5:12
5. Side2side (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 3:34
6. Streamxsonik Subway (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 2:51
7. NYC Ghosts & Flowers (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 7:52
8. Lightnin' (Gordon/Moore/Ranaldo/Shelley) - 3:51
in a free lane
ghosts passing time
heat rises
lights thru the town
blown soundscapes
blue city eyes
black lightning
new angel flies
make a free line
to the northern sky
holy rain falls
ghosts burn to shine
reach for the lights
free city rhymes
jet black hair
tangled stare
blood inside
silent stare
naked heart
red light night
tangled heart
midnight hair
poor mans bride
moonlight fight
crystal heart
make way for the midnight princess
midnight princess fight tonight
renegades fight for life
naked stairs in the midnight rain
gonna fight for yr blood tonight
crystal hearts gonna break you down
tangled hearts in a midnight fight
renegade princess fight
NEVERMIND (What Was It Anyway)
best + sexy what was it anyway
jean-michel what was it anyway
saw you there what was it anyway
kneel right down what was it anyway
guitar on the ground what was it anyway
lost yr hand what was it anyway
hipsters stand what was it anyway
glitter tongue what was it anyway
gave you a flower what was it anyway
gave you the power what was it anyway
saintly ghosts what was it anyway
tingling down what was it anyway
nevermind what was it anyway
soot me over / feel me naked
soot me over / feel me escape
boys go to jupiter to get more stupider
girls go to mars, become rock stars
come on down down to the river
come on down and jump right in
come on down i dare you to win now
come on down and down my friend
come on down and jump in the river
come on down and jump right in
small flowers crack concrete
narcotic squads sweep thru poet dens
spilling coffe grabbing 15 yr old runaway girls
by frazzled ponytailed hair + tossing them
into backseats of cop cars
the narcs beat the bearded oracles
replacing tantric love with
complete violence
lights + mirrors dot the city
inkstained hippies w/ boxed lunch + marijuana
mystery plays of shit and nothingness
blessed by colors from a black hat
blue lights search thru weeds
searching for the heart of d.a.levy
and the mind he left behind
what didjoo expect? another mystic wreck?
thats whatchoo got crawling in yr panic net
whatdidjoo bring me? not a goddamn thing yet
+ whatdidjoo leave me? another tombstone dream yeh
a salacious mansion, the boys held for ransom
didja see where he's gone? the blasted summers dawn
fucked up in cleveland fucked up in cleveland
short flight to nothing heavens up to something heavens up to something
levys up to something levys up to something
death poems for the living gods of america
plastic saxophones bleat, bleed for nothing, nada
cops crashing thru doors infuriated by silver charms
of suburban smoke
at war with patches of red dirt glitter
and bluejean fucking
+ protest
meet me on the corner
wear your
sway side 2 side
flipped on my perceptive cogs
checked in with the future gods
for melodies of bees and hogs
start my day the perfect way
burned a batch of mazzy funk
poor girl noise and choke style punk
clapped it on and off i slunk
to the streamXsonik subway
first i need my iris scanned
as i smell the breeze of electric tin
w/ purple lights i'm motioned in
wink the gain to minus 10
fell asleep and missed my stop
got rousted by a low-beam cop
got a ticket-patch for ilicit flop
then froze me with his jesus gun
that don't mean i'm shot down yet
the glow below of the whisper jet
it all means so much to us
we dream below the rainbows rust
clippen on my streetmatik clogs
pushed thru the hyped-out fervent fogs
found my way with sensoid jogs
new radio structure
state my name and locus frame
paid the price for crashing fame
the apprentice sparks his initial flame
the printout says "further"
antique minds with rivered hair
streamXsonik subway fare
stay in touch with electric dear
our lightmap eyes together
when the phone rang, 3 in the morn, dead middle of night
there was nuthin on the line
i set back the silent receiver / tiny flames lit in my head
hey did any of you freaks here ever remember lenny?
i can't remember his last name
he's turned to dust now, one of the chosen few
left out in the rain, out of town again
left out in the rain, ocean bound i guess
between the matress and a column of hazy faces
i remember every word you said
quite a clear picture ev'ry word you said
the door was open but the way was not lit
and there was no way out of my head
on a crimson hiway by a chrome bumper i last saw you:
alive / inclined to thrive / evening fireflies lit sparks around yr head
but wait a minute let's back up a bit:
some famous stars were busted by the thought police down on fashion avenue
impersonating real men / not knowing who they really were
now here at dark corners all is calm and quiet and good
the kids are up late dreaming quiet questions in a graceful mood:
can you please pass me a jug of winter light?
fold me in an ocean's whim?
in sweet corrosive fire light?
in the city made of tin?
are you famous under the skin?
familiar with the things you wanted?
able now to take it all in?
making peace w/ every hole in the story?
did lightning keep you up all night?
illuminate the soot and grit?
can you tell how high the sky tonight?
dig out from under in spite of it?
can you cover up the one that floats?
can you push back the hours?
i hear yr voice, i speak yr name
among nyc ghosts and flowers
will we meet? to run again?
thru nyc ghosts and flowers
ТHE GOOD AND THE BAD (Instrumental)
I'm not afraid to say I'm scared
In my bed I'm deep in prayer
I trust the speed I love the fear
The music comes
The burning spear
Look before you leap, okay?
- You slept
Do you read me?
- Dо I drift?
May all your dreams come true
- Do I dream?
He's standing by the door
- Do you read me?
He's got something in his hands
- I'm not speaking to you
All the money's gone
- Do you read me?
All the money's gone
- I dream
The days we spend, go on and on
Fucking youth
- I dream
Working youth
May all your dreams come true
- Sounds today
I hear the sound today
I hear the sound today
A lot of people suffer from impotence
- Sounds today I hear the sound today
I hear the sound today
All the money's gone
- Today
The days we spend go on and on
- These things don't happen
Fucking youth
- I dream
Working youth
- Edith moves each step
Fucking youth
- Fucking youth
Working youth
- I dream
Fucking youth
- Do you read me?
Working youth
She is not alone
She is not alone today
She is not alone
She is not alone today
She is not alone
She is not alone today
She is not alone
To... day
You gave your line
You fell in love
You feel the shadow
There's no more to borrow
There's no more to steal
And no more to feel
I know I know I know
I know I know I know
I know I know I know
You fell in life
You fell in jail
You feel in the shadow
To live in the light
To die in the night
I don't want to push it
I know I know I know
I know I know I know
I know I know I know
ТHE GOOD AND THE BAD (Instrumental)
1. Schizophrenia (Sonic Youth)
- 4:37
2. Catholic Block (Sonic Youth) - 2:25
3. Beauty Lies in the Eye (Sonic Youth) - 2:15
4. Stereo Sanctity (Sonic Youth) - 3:47
5. Pipeline/Kill Time (Sonic Youth) - 4:32
6. Tuff Gnarl (Sonic Youth) - 3:13
7. Pacific Coast Highway (Sonic Youth) - 4:16
8. Hot Wire My Heart (Strike) - 3:21
9. Kotton Krown (Sonic Youth) - 5:05
10. White Cross (Sonic Youth) - 2:48
11. Master-Dik (Sonic Youth) - 5:08
I went away to see an old friend of mine
His sister came over she was out of her mind
She said Jesus had a twin who knew nothing about sin
She was laughing like crazy at the trouble I'm in
Her light eyes were dancing she is insane
Her brother says she's just a bitch with a golden chain
She keeps coming closer saying "I can feel it in my bones
Schizophrenia is taking me home"
My Future is static
It's already had it
I could tuck you in
And we can talk about it
I had a dream
And it split the scene
But I got a hunch
It's coming back to me
I got a catholic block
inside my head
I let it go to work
Bring it all back home
It serves you right
And I can motor down
You got to earn yr freedom
Get it on my own
I just live 4ever
There just is no end
I just trust the oppression
Like I trust yr friends
I got a catholic block
Inside my head
I let it play around
Iron to gold
Come back to me awhile
I got a catholic block it's around my head
I got a catholic block and it's blood orange red
I got a catholic block do you like to fuck?
I got a catholic block guess I'm out of luck
There's something in the air there
makes you go insane
brings you back to me
It's been so long
all that I have to do
is live along
It's coming coming down
over me
Do you want to see
the explosions in my eye
Do you want to see
the reflection of
how we used to be
Beauty lies
in the eyes of anothers dreams
Beauty lies
lost in anothers dream
it's coming coming down
over me
Do you want to see
the explosions in my eye
Do you want to see
the reflection of
how it used to be
hey baby
hey sweetheart
hey fox come here
hey beautiful
come here sugar
I'm keeping my commission to faith's transmission
Two speakers dream the same and skies turn red
Satellites flashing down orchard and delancey
I can't get laid cuz everyone is dead
Hey - gold connections
Analog soul waving in yr hair
Hey - hylozoic directions
She's talking blue streaks everywhere
Your spirit is time-reversed to your body
Stereographic mix-up field on field
It started growing up the day your body dies
Only apparently, real to irreal
Hey - stereo stations
Perfect image, kneel down
Hey - hypostatic information
Come on let's hear you turn it around
Stretch me to the point where I stop
Run ten thousand miles and then think of me
I think you know the place we should meet
Don't worry if it's dark and I'm late
Run me out a thin wire
Help me to kill this, love
I'll meet you tonite at the bottom of the well
Just feel around in the dark until you get the idea
I'm not moving doesn't mean I can't
Flame on in my head
My best friend sucked his wife's blood an shriveled up
He was mistaken for sane
We move and groove and cut loose from fear
We should kill time, we'll shut it down
I've got a pipeline straight to the heart of you
Opening in my head
Bright glass on a chair being wound around us
The toiling of idle hands
with guilt
A secret form of punishment
Axes thru skulls
Shadow of futility
Endless / revolt
The shining of light and shadows
Dividing each existance
No-one is right
Nothing is solid
Nothing can be held in my hands for long
Sandy beaches
Bridges sinking into the sea
Beautiful confusion
You're a fading memory
We should kill time
He's running on a tuff gnarl in his head
he's got a fatal erection home in bed
he's really smart and he's really fast
he's got a hard tit killer fuck in his past
saints preserve us in hot young stuff
the saving grace is a sonic pig pile
amazing grazing strange and raging
flies are flaring through your brains
spastic flailing literally raising my roof
an adrenal mental man-tool box explodes in music creates utopia
you gnarl out on my nerves you weird and crush the cranking raunch
flesh dirt forcefield lost and found let's burn your broken heart
set our sight on sights not yet set let's scorch your wavo wig
let's poke your eyes out
Come on get in the car
lets go for a ride somewhere
I won't hurt you
as much as you hurt me
let me take you there
before the sun goes down
come on give me your love
comon baby all you have
I wanna take your breathe away
comon baby
just like that, you say
you make me feel so crazy
comon get in the car
lets go for a ride somewhere
I won't hurt you
you make me feel so crazy
Come on get in the car
lets go for a ride somewhere
I won't hurt you
as much as you hurt me
let me take you there
before the sun goes down
come on give me your love
comon baby all you have
I wanna take your breathe away
comon baby
just like that, you say
you make me feel so crazy
comon get in the car
lets go for a ride somewhere
you make me feel so good
you make me feel so crazy
in my circulation
i'm a mating rhythm
sick with electricion
nazi operation
wire up a radio
and i am a mating rhythm
wire up the radio
turn the terror and find my limit
hot wire my heart
hot wire my heart
hot wire my heart
like this
[i feel now?]
they're movin' in
pull the zipper
it's sliding up
i don't have a reason
honey for your best man
wire up a radio
and i am a beating rhythm
wire up for the radio
turn the terror an'
hot wire my heart
hot wire my heart
hot wire my heart
like this
a kicking in the nightshifts
greasing up/a teasing of my fingertips
i think you'll find us
anybody's title???
got my eyes on the controls
turned on let's go
wire up the radio
and i am a mating rhythm
wire up for the radio
turn the treble and fight my limit
hot wire my heart
hot wire my heart
hot wire my heart
like this
Thurston & Kim
Love has come to stay in all the way
Its gonna stay forever and every day
It feels like a wish coming true
It feels like an angel dreaming of you
Feels like heaven forgiving and getting
Feels like we're fading and celebrating
You got a carnal spirit spraying
I'm gonna laugh it up
You got a cotton crown
I'm gonna keep it underground
You're gonna take control of the chemistry
And you're gonna manifest the mystery
You got a magic wheel in your memory
I'm wasted in time and i'm looking everywhere
I don't care where
I don't care where
Angels are dreaming of you
Angels are dreaming of you
Angels are dreaming of you
Angels are dreaming of you
New York City is forever kitty
I'm wasted in time and you're never ready
Fading fading celebrating
I got your cotton crown
I got your cotton crown
I got your cotton crown
I got your cotton crown
I got your cotton crown
I got it
Burning inside
(I cross myself
it doesn't help)
because I'm not smart enough
(I'm digging into
hot white)
learning not to lie
(we cross it out
and stay away)
burning inside
we cross it out and stay away
One two, one two, one two titty
i know every nook and cranny in New York City
we're ciccone and that's enough
i'm the royal tuff titty and you gotta taste my love
taste my love
come on everybody and rock with me
i am the one on the christmas tree
now working at the word like a moving storm
now walking up the stairs and cookin' up the [board?]
trippin' everywhere i don't fucking care
put on some dark eyes and waving goodbye
ci ci ciciccone
ci ci ci ciccone
ci ci ci ci ci
Oh I'm just so down [?]
i know
i know
gene simmons is another mother[?]
i know
i know
ci ciccone
ci cicone
we're ciccone
we're ciccone
we're ciccone
we're ciccone
i know
i'm talking about...
I don't know
gotta balance that's jealous that summer on crack made me ... [?]
like a house of the ghetto... [?]
saying all is one and one is two to many
London fuck you're pissing me of
hollywood amerika-ka-ka
won't you please let me rock you
i'm just a boy with not much to do
everybody says there's a cup from above [?]
you gotta scream, taste my love
taste my love
ci ci ci cici ci ci ci ciconne
ci ci ci ci ci ciccone
ci ci ci ci ciccone
yeah we're ciccone
we're ciccone
ci ciccone
ci ciccone
ci ciccone
1986, 5/18, John Peel Session, BBC Radio One
jack around my yeah (?)
and hear every whisper
the words of the .... (?)
the words of laughter
the rise of the mayonaise
go dressing your hairdress
kissing the lovers
kissing the bible
hallowed be thy name
now we have fathers
screaming at mothers
hallowed be thy name
come all you sinners
now I look worried
my little essay
to you during stories
you're ready to go off
is there any waiter
kissing the lovers
kissing the bible
hallowed be thy name
now we have fathers
screaming at mothers
hallowed be thy name
sons and their daughters
are taking your money
the queens are a bad dream
but now they're not funny
the psychos are walking
away with you sonny
kissing the lovers
kissing the bible
hallowed be thy name
yelling at fathers
screaming at mothers
hallowed be thy name
1988, 10/19, John Peel Session, BBC Radio One
The Fall
Turn on the straight
turn up to game
and now it comes
And when it's done
I found my love
and the psycho mafia
I found my love
and the psycho mafia
Not much is done
no magic wand
so what's your problem
have we taken yours
I found my love
and the psycho mafia
I found my love
and the psycho mafia
psycho psycho mafia
psycho psycho mafia
`cho mafia
`cho mafia
But I'm straight
that ain't game
but like the rest
I'm afraid of the jet
but I'm a carper
psycho mafia
I'm talking about love
and psycho mafia
psycho mafia
psycho mafia
psycho mafia
psycho mafia
psycho mafia
psycho mafia
psycho mafia
psycho mafia
psycho mafia
psycho mafia
1988, Fast `N' Bulbous - A Tribute To Captain Beefheart
Captain Beefheart
Me to you to me
thunderbolts caught easily
shouting truth peacefully
(turn it up)
High voltage man kids his night to bring the light to those who need-
to hide their shadow deep
though it's too bright find the light I know that friends don't mind-
just how you glow
midnight cowboys steers in black hit the dark road without a map to free
seek electricity seek electricity
midnight cowboys steers in black hit the dark road without a map to free
seek electricity seek electricity
Lighthouse beacon straight ahead straight ahead across black sea to bring
seeking electricity
High voltage man kids his night to bring the light to those who need-
to hide their shadow deep
you are a shallow deed
high voltage man kids his night to bring the light to those who need
- to hide their insanity
you are insanity
Seek electricity seek electricity seek electricity seek electricity-
seek electricity seek electricity seek electricity
seek electricity seek electricity
Thurston and Lee
1988, 10/19, John Peel Session, BBC Radio One
The Fall
My new house
you should see my new house
my new house
you should see my new house
I don't know that much about it
I bought it off the baptists
I get all the bills
and I get pissed
damn I'm falling off a bill (?)
(ok chorus)
I can't stand a ......
place that's really common like this (?)
I can't stand a ......
place that's really common like this (?)
my new house
you should see my new house
keep away from my new house
it's got yr drier in the middle (?)
it's got a window sill
(ok good)
.... to the middle of us (?)
.... to the middle of us (?)
my new house
where the beatniks hang out
my new house
you should see my new house
I care care about....
she won't grow up to be a problem
I don't have...
won't grow up to be a problem
my new house
you should see my new house
my new house
you should see my new house
sometimes I think I'll ring up swine tax (?)
and go back to my flat
sometimes I think I'll ring up swine tax (?)
and go back to my flat
my new house
that's one bad thing about it
according to the postman
it's like the bleeding bank of England
according to the postman
it's like the bleeding bank of England
creosote to my fence surrounds it (?)
no razor blades decks and a couple of decks (?)
my new house
you should see my new house
my new house
...what it's all about (?)
there are rumour flying
about a little haunted pillow
Mr. Rythem ... coming with me (?)
Mr. Rythem ... coming with me (?)
and he plays with his psycho radio
in my new house
you should see my new house
my - new - house
you should see my new house
you should see my new house
my new house
you should see my new house
1989, The Bridge: Neil Young tribute
Cars are trucks
they got me on the corner
but I'm alright
standing proud before the signal
when I see the light
I feel like more than just a number
and I stand by you
or else we just don't see the others
Find some pants
... on the desert (?)
but I'm alright
standing out here in the hot sun
when I see the light
I feel like more than just a number
and I stand by you
or else we just don't see the others
Precious metal lies
... into the highway... (?)
days and night
weeks and months and seasons
rolling through me (?)
I need you
like .... a heartbeat
.... mirror
and ....
1989, Sonic Youth & Mudhoney
Well I've been bad
and I've been worse
and I'm a creep - yeah
and I'm a jerk
touch me I'm sick
I won't be long
then I pull a rock
and I'll throw it at you boy
are you paying our drugs (?)
touch me I'm sick
touch me I'm sick
come'on baby now come with me
you don't come
you don't come
you don't come
you'll die alone
We're out in the field
and I don't mind
I'll make you love me
till the day you die
come'on touch me I'm sick
fuck me I'm sick
come'on baby now come with me
you don't come
you don't come
you don't come
you'll die alone
1989, Devil's Jukebox
Put love in a big hole of mud
then we jump in the pond
yeah magic wand
Put love in a big hole of mud
then we jump in the pond
yeah magic wand
Seventeen, seventeen, seventeen, seventeen
Seventeen, seventeen, seventeen, seventeen
Seventeen, seventeen, seventeen, seventeen
Got me prowling like a police car
i'm stalkin' and walkin' you're my movie star
i know your trailer it glows in the dark
you got that certain something that special spark
I wanna know
what you think of this idea
you and me and no-one else
your friends at work will disappear
and that guy you're with he was never there
every night rewind the dream
tv static sex in flame
you know it's harder all the time
its comin' down real fast in my mind
i will not live without you you you
I gotta give my whole life
I'm comin' knockin' at your door
hear you walkin' cross the floor
now i know where my ambition lies
my love it's right between your eyes
I love you
I gotta love you
I'll get you
I gotta get you
yeh i got you
Youth Against Fascism
You're not telling what you feel
you just say you can't deal
you're just lying in an ????
you're just saying it ain't real
Mom told you
and i'll tell you
you better pick it up
clean up your room
i'm not telling you what to feel
I'm just saying i can't deal
you're just lying like a peel
I'm just saying you ain't real
Your mom told you
and i'll tell you
you better straighten up
besides you messed your [s???]
You're so hot
you bet
Tunafish cans, chocolate wrapper,
jello [blobs]???, stuffed gorilla, phone bill,
fax paper, cranberry juice, dirty socks,
cd's, tapes, guitar pick, new snare,
high school year book [comb.....and]
all those letters
Your mom told you
and i'll tell you
if you make me cry
I'll poke your eye
I'll tell you ['re in for ???]
you're lying in your room
if what you say is true
then i say we're through
Sugar Cane
Wa wa wa wa wa wa wa
No no no no no no no no no
Na na na
Well we can't take her this week
and her friends all want another speech
hoping for a better day to hear what she's got to say
all about the personality crisis
you got it while it was hot
but now frustration and heartache is what you've got
talking talking talking talking personality personality
Now you're trying to be something
now you've got to do something
wanna be someone how wow wow
you must be thinking about the times you did
it took every ounce
well it sure got to be a shame
when you start to scream and shout
you got to contradict all those times
you better flyin' about - it's a butterfly
you got a personality crisis
you got it while it was hot
tell us how you know
frustation and heartache is what you got
coz when i'm talking talking personality personality
yeh yeh yeh yeh
And you're a prima ballerina on a spring afternoon
change on into the wolfman
howling at the moon, awoooh
got a personality crisis
you got it while it was hot
so hot y'know frustration and heartache is what you got
talking 'bout personality
talking / personality
yeah yeah yeah
now with all ing for some fragrant mother nature's sends
your mirror's jammed up for all your friends
personality everything is starting to blend all back to one
personality when your mind starts to bend
personality fashion of a friend
of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend
personality wondering how celebrities ever met?
tell us about personality crisis you got it while it was hot
he's always had frustration and heartache
is what you got
don't worry
personality crisis please don't cry
personality crisis please don't stop?
cause you walk with personality
talk with personality
Sugar Cane
You're not telling what you feel
you're just say you can't deal
you're just lying like a peel
you're just saying it ain't real
Mum told you
and I'll tell you
you better pick it up
you left your room
I'm not telling you what or feel
I'm just saying I can't deal
you're just lying like a peel
I'm just saying you ain't real
Your mum told you
and I'll tell you
you better straighten up
it's such mess inside
You're so hot
you're bad
you're tangled
Television pants shock gello price phone bill fax paper
cranberry juice dirty sock cd's tapes highschool yearbook
comb and all those let ups
Your mum told you
and I'll tell you
if I make you cry
I'll poke your eye
I'll tear you limb for limb
lying in your room
what we said is true
and as such were through
Sugar Cane
What have I got
that makes you want to love me
is it my body
or someone I might be
or something aside me
tell me
tell me
it's really up to you
have you got the time to find out who I really am
oh - aw
What does it take
to get inside your mind
give me your brain
and take a change with my first time
tell me
tell me
it's really up to you
have you got the time to find out who I really am
What have I got
that makes you want to love me
is it my body
or someone I might be
or something aside me
tell me
tell me
it's really up to you
have you got the time to find out who I really am
ooooooh - aaw
oh -aw - oh -aa - uh - aa - uh - ah - u - uh
come baby - alice come'on come'on come'on
come baby - come'on
Let me tell you every thought that I've come to
when I think of all the things that you do
I can't see if you're the only one -
it's hard to say
and I think it's all the same to me today
I can see you too
if I can just see you this one time
I sit alone
everyone's at home
I see it
I believe
somehow I know it's true
your genetic kiss to me
I live inside of you
I have heard it said before it'll never happen
had it drilled in since a kid it makes my head spin
I'm still looking for these thing that I can't find
thought just come and go swirling through my mind
I see me and you
then it's him I'm thinking of
we sit alone
no one else at home
I taste it
I feel
and now I know it's true
your genetic kiss reveals
I'll always be with you
Hey baby, it's you I'm thinking of
hey baby, who do you love
don't worry baby, I'm watching them as you sleep
let me whisper, some things for you to keep
There's no perfect idea
there's no perfect fate
just little stabs of happiness
sometimes a little too late
so keep your eyes wide open
and know what you're made of
remember first thought best thought
try to stay in love
You think cuz I'm a girl
you think you can't ignore
you think i'm just a girl
girl, who knows the score
I want to be free
I want to be free
I want to be free
it ain't on my tv
I go walking down on fifth
black boys call me pantyhose
I go walking down the street
white boys call me sugar treat
I want to be free
I want to be free
I want to be free
it ain't on mtv
You know what's best for me
it's called astrology
you know what's bad for me
you brought (?) to me
Shake don't shake
shake don't shake
shake don't shake
shake don't shake
shake don't shake
shake don't shake
shake don't shake
shake don't shake
shake don't shake
shake don't shake
shake don't shake
shake don't shake
You know what's best for me
it's called astrology
you vote what's best for me
I want to be free
I want to be free
I want to be free
it ain't on my TV
1994, If I were a Carpenter
Long ago
and oh so far away
I fell in love with you
before the second show
your guitar
it sounds so sweet and clear
but you're not really there
it's just the radio
Don't you remember you told me you love me baby
you said you'd be coming back this way again baby
baby baby baby baby oh baby
I love you, I really do
Loneliness, is such a sad affair
and I can hardly wait
to be with you again
what to say
to make you come again
come back to me again
and play your sad guitar
Don't you remember you told me you love me baby
you said you'd be coming back this way again baby
baby baby baby baby oh baby
I love you, I really do
Don't you remember you told me you love me baby
you said you'd be coming back this way again baby
baby baby baby baby oh baby
I love you, I really do
1996, Little Trouble Girl CD5
Pass me a joint
it's time to anoint
the fortune is sun
as cosmic exploits
spark that shit up
Oh yah
Get me a beer
I feel kind of queer
I want to get fuck up
poor me a fuckin' tall one
Oh yah
Take off your clothes
but leave on your shoes
you smell like a rosary
and you look like a jew
you drunk all my wine girl
An empty bottle is nothing but trouble
another bottle and make it a double
we're getting thirsty
Nowhere to go
nothing to do
nowhere to go
with someone like you
nothing to do
there's nothing that's new
but no one is home
there's no one like you
no one to see
nothing to say
no one to go
no one to stay
no one is home
no one is home
there's no one like you
never alone
nowhere to go
nothing to do
nothing to say
there's no one like you
nowhere to go
nowhere to go
with nothing to do
there's no place like home
Pass me a qual
let's do it and done it
I think I like you
I think I drank you
pass me the vacuum
1997, Suburbia soundtrack
In my head
I’m really tall
my eyes are big
not small
hair flows down
my back
down the street
don’t look back
In my heart
I’m a star
bigger then
your guitar
wish I may
wish I might
be with you
In my eye
I’m really shocked
I’m not
a cul-de-sac
In my heart
you аrе the star
looking for
a candy car
wish I may
wish I might
come undone
just for fun
I was wondering if you ever
think of me maybe
If you want me tell me in honest
I will meet you maybe
In my eye
I really shocked
I’m not
a last resort
daylight breaks
an ugly site
it’s me
is that right?
I wish
I might
come undone
just for fun
I was wondering if you ever
think of me maybe
If you want me tell me in honest
I will meet you maybe
I was wondering if you ever
think of me maybe
If you want me tell me in honest
I will meet you maybe
1997, Suburbia soundtrack
1000 Leaves
Sunday comes along again
a perfect day for a quiet friend
and you, you will set it free
I see the morning ‘round your face
everybody says it’s another phase
and now, and now it has come to me
I’ve seen the magic in your eyes
I see it come as no surprise
and you, you turn your eyes away
yeah you, you turn it all away
I guess it’s true it’s never too late
still I don’t know what to do today
oh why, can’t I set you free
will you, do the same for me
Sunday comes and Sunday goes
Sunday always seems to move so slow, to me
Here she comes again
A perfect ending to a perfect day
A perfect ending what can I say, to you
lonely Sunday friend
yeah you, Sunday never ends
1997, Suburbia soundtrack