Formed 1977 Disbanded 1980 05 18
Group Members Bernard Albrecht Ian Curtis Peter Hook Stephen Morris Steve Brotherdale
Labels : Factory (6), Qwest (4), Strange Fruit (3)
Первоначально известный как "Warsaw", этот постпанковский проект из Манчестера включал в себя Яна Кертиса (р. июль 1956, Макклешфилд, Англия, у. 18 мая 1980, Англия; вокал), Бернарда Дикена-Альбрехта (р. 4 января 1956, Манчестер, Англия; гитара, вокал), Питера Хука (р. 13 февраля 1956, Манчестер, Англия; бас) и Стивена Морриса (р. 28 октября 1957, Макклешфилд, Англия; ударные). Сначала в полной безвестности они давали концерты где-то в районе Манчестера, затем сменили название на "Joy Division". И хотя звук их мало кого впечатлял, безжизненный голос Кертиса при почти погребальном инструментальном звучании давал интересную комбинацию. Типичным примером их раннего звучания был "живой" миньон "Short Circuit". Выпустив на своем лейбле "Enigma" EP "An Ideal For Living", группа подписала контракт с только что появившейся фирмой "Factory Records" и попала в руки продюсера Мартина Ханнетта.
Интерес широкой британской публики к "Joy division" был связан с выпуском мощного дебютного лонгплея "Unknown Pleasures".
Ко времени выхода сингла "Transmission" квартет снискал себе культовую славу, растущую с каждым их концертом. Основное внимание публики было привлечено к харизматичному Кертису, который прославился своей невротической хореографией, походя на сумасшедшую марионетку на веревках. К осени 1979 года Кертис привлекал внимание по более серьезной причине. Несколько раз с ним случались эпилептические припадки, в том числе и на сцене. В связи с все более плотным расписанием гастролей болезнь начала прогрессировать. 18 мая 1980 года накануне объявленного американского тура Ян Кертис был найден повешенным. Следствие пришло к выводу, что это было самоубийство, т.к. была найдена предсмертная записка Яна со словами: "Сейчас я хочу умереть. Я не в силах больше мучаться". Трагедия состояла еще и в том, что Кертис покончил с жизнью на пике своего творческого потенциала.
В то время казалось неизбежным, что посмертно выпущенные работы группы получат сочувствующую реакцию, однако материал, появившийся в 1980 году был очень качественным.
Сингл "Love Will Tear Us Apart" и сопутствующий альбом "Closer" были просто безупречны в музыкальном плане, показывая "Joy division" в зените своего мастерства. С проникновенной композицией "Isolation" и экстраординарной "Twenty-Four Hours", альбом ясно и красноречиво сформулировал ощущение отчаяния, одновременно давая понять, что еще не все потеряно.
Инструментально работа выглядела зрелой и по достоинству была расценена многими критиками как наиболее блестящий рок-альбом 80-х годов. На следующий год вышел двойной альбом "Still", включавший как концертный, так и студийный материал. Хотя ни один из оставшихся членов группы не покинул ее, они решили похоронить прежнее название и стали называться "New Order".
В 1995 году вдова Кертиса, Дебора, издала книгу, посвященную своему бывшему мужу и его группе, а к 15-летию смерти Яна на прилавках магазинов появился сборник "Permanent: The Best Of Joy Division" и переизданный сингл "Love Will Tear Us Apart".
В 1977 году собрались вместе вокалист Йен Кертис,
гитарист Бернард Альбрехт (урожденный Дикен) и ударник Стефен Моррис, и нарекли
себя Warsaw. Сначала в полной безвестности они давали концерты где-то в районе
Манчестера, затем сменили название на Joy Division. И хотя звук их мало кого
впечатлял, безжизненный голос Куртиса при почти погребальном инструментальном
звучании давал интересную комбинацию. Типичным примером их раннего звучания был
"живой" миньон Short Circuit.
Следующий миньон Аn Ideal for Living они выпустили в 1977 году на собственной
фирме Enigma, нo реальный потенциал их грубого, лобового реализма смог
проявиться только на работе на фирме Factory. Сначала они обозначили себя
миньоном The Ideal Beginning, на котором лучшими и типовыми для коллектива были
песни Glass и Digital.
Интерес широкой британской публики был связан с выпуском мощного дебютного
лонгплея Unknown Рleasures, продюсером которого являлся Мартин Ханнет. Группа
отметилась сборником Earcom Two, который вышел на эдинбургской фирме Fast
Records. Еще две записи, Atmosрhere и Dead Souls, были выпущены тиражом всего в
тысячу экземпляров на небольшой фирме French Sordid Sentimentale.
Совместные английские гастроли вместе с Buzzcocks в 1979 году вызвали
восторженные отклики в прессе и обеспечили отличный прием у слушателей. Однако
самоубийство Кертиса в мае 1980 года сорвало намеченное американское турне. Уже
после смерти Кертиса вышли диск Closer и сингл Love Will Tear Us Aрart. Еще один
сингл, Komankino/Incubation, выпущен на Factory гибкой грампластинкой.
Замечательный альбом Still, включавший как концертный, так и студийный материал,
завершил карьеру ансамбля.
Хотя ни один из оставшихся членов группы не покинул ее, они решили похоронить
прежнее название и стали называться New Order.
Сначала казалось, что в стиле группы ничего не изменилось и их музыка следовала
по проложенной Joy Division тропе. Это подтвердил и первый сингл, выпущенный
летом 1981 года: для первой стороны они выбрали старую песню Сeremony, но
гораздо интереснее была оборотная сторона с In а Lovely Рlace, последним
"прости" Кертису, с выразительным пришептывающим вокалом Альбрехта. Диск
Movement, вышедший в конце года, разочаровал поклонников и Joy Division, и New
Оrder - прежде всего потому, что он был выполнен, скорее, в традициях Joy
Division, но ему недоставало прежнего специфического климата. Кроме того, от
новой группы ждали чего-то нового, особенного. Репертуар был слишком
неоднородным: в этом была вина прежде всего бывшего продюсера Joy Division
Мартина Ханнета. Но несколько записей (Dreams Never End или Denial) уже
обозначали уклон от старой тяжелой депрессивной стилистики к более облегченной
подаче и подтвердили тенденции летнего сингла Everything's Gone Green, который
благодаря своей мелодичности стал танцевальным хитом.
Музыку обоих ансамблей составляют три важнейших начала: неумолимое ритмическое
пульсирование (как многократно усиленный бой сердца) и трехаккордные
конструкции, типичные для многих групп новой волны - почти элементарные, с
примитивными мелодиями, на фоне которых кажется вычеканенным даже самый беглый
вокал, а также порядок. Звучание, которое в рок было внедрено довольно давно
западногерманской группой Kraftwerk.
Но как Joy Division, так и New Order, опираясь на последовательные
диско-электронные валы, не пытаются выразить себя в модернизме или футуризме;
все их выразительные возможности служат "средством немедленно, без задержки,
получить чистый и истинный Мажорный Аккорд" (Rock & Folk).
При прослушивании их музыки ощущается не ее привлекательность, а её реальность.
Нужно сказать, что тексты, которые писал Кертис, были более качественными, более
острыми и более направленными. Альбрехт, ставший ведущим автором New Order,
сказал: "Вначале в New Order я пытался писать хорошие тексты, такие как в Joy
Division. Вышло не очень ладно. Теперь я сочиняю неважно что, без комплексов. То
же самое и с пением. Я знаю, что у меня не столь уж и замечательный голос, да и
точностью в технике он не блещет. Но я не пытаюсь изображать из себя прежде
всего профессионала".
Смысл произведений как Joy Division, так и New Order - это вечный конфликт между
лиризмом и машинностью. Последняя в их песнях всеприсуща: выступающая на
передний план ритмика, подчеркнутая басовой линией и электронной перкуссией.
Тройка успешных синглов - Temрtation, Blue Monday и Confusion - окончательно
определили наступление второго этапа творчества New Оrder. Особенно впечатляла
популярность Blue Monday, которая добилась седьмого места в британских чартах.
На диске Рower, Corruрtion and Lies New Оrder пошли ещё дальше: выразительная
ритмичная музыка несла слушателям немало занимательных моментов, например в
отличной инструментовке Your Silent Fасe, ностальгической We All Stand,
эмоциональной гитарной интродукции в Leave Ме Alone или в наполненной простором
586. Однако как целое пластинка энтузиазма не вызывала. Было впечатление, что
группа откатывала свободные вариации на тему Blue Monday (поклонники ансамбля
сетовали, что с момента издания этого хита парни играли только "камуфлированные
пародии на него"). В любом случае на альбоме проявилось влияние нового продюсера
Артура Бейкера, с чьей помощью New Оrder удалось преодолеть старые границы.
Определяющая роль гитары, типичная для Joy Division, была вытеснена электронным
звуком. Группа как бы окутала свою музыку в атмосферу таинственности. Обложки
дисков содержали только самые минимальные сведения. Долго никто не знал, что в
1982 году четвертым членом группы стала клавишница Джилиан Джилберт. Выступления
они давали только спорадически, еще реже появлялись на ТВ, избегали интервью. На
концертах играли стоя боком или спиной к публике, не смотрели друг на друга.
Нарочитый холод и незаинтересованность в публике уравновешивались технической
точностью и возбуждающим вокалом Альбрехта. Концерты New Оrder стали ритуалом,
который шел вразрез обычным представлениям о роковых мероприятиях.
Монументальная конструкция композиций с продолжительными инструментальными
пассажами создавала такую волшебную атмосферу, что визжащая и свистящая толпа
фэнов замолкала - в рецензиях писали о том, что в отдельные моменты "у
слушателей останавливается сердце". Подчеркнутая изолированность на сцене
контрастирует с их личным взглядами: все вместе они осуждают позицию Маргарет
Тэтчер в ее споре с Аргентиной за Фолклендские острова, материально поддерживают
семьи бастующих горняков. Вложили деньги в строительство клуба "Асиенда", "куда
может прийти любой и никто не будет пялиться на его одежду".
Диск Low-Life вышел в мае 1985 года и занял четвертое место в чартах. Мастера
"эпической мелодрамы" на нем, как и большая часть современных исполнителей,
вернулись к простому, прочувствованному музыкальному выражению. Преобладала
акустика, естественность в подаче звука, слава любви.
Бернард Самнер: "Это - клише? Сколько раз в день вы произносите "да" и считаете
это за клише? Где бы вы были без любви? Хотя и согласимся со влиянием Joy
Division, но мы хотим делать эмоциональную музыку, вернуться к природе и самым
важным человеческим заботам. Это помогло и отношениям в группе - мы поняли, как
сильно зависим один от другого. Деньги? Нет, это не про нас. За телефон платить
хватает, да и ладно".
Их лонгплей Low-Life хотя и включал в себя несколько сильных песен (например,
Bizzare Love Triangle), не принес ничего неожиданного. Желанное удовлетворение
группа получила в 1987 году с синглом True Faith, сопровожденным прекрасным
видеоклипом и занявшим пятое место в британских чартах.
В следующем году в Toр 5 попадает переработка композиции Куинси Джонса Blue
Monday. То, что группа взялась за чужой материал, а члены выказали стремление к
реализации сольных проектов, породило слухи о грядущем распаде. Однако выпуск
альбома Technique развеял их. Этот лонгплей, записанный на Ибице, как и все их
прежние лучшие записи, в звучании опирался на ритм-секцию, а в песнях слышались
отголоски этнической музыки Балеарских островов, вокала 70-х и пародирование
Барри Уайта.
Их репутация апатичных и непредсказуемых музыкантов, игнорирующих потребности
публики, стала сменяться артистической самоуверенностью и способностью
представить часовую программу, удовлетворяющую всех слушателей. Летом 1990 года
британские чарты возглавила их песня World In Motion, которую футбольные фэны
почитают за лучший свой гимн - но сами члены группы объявили ее "последней
каплей для поклонников Joy Division".
Но вместо того, чтобы выжать все возможное из этого успеха, New Order распылили
силы на сольные проекты. Хук организовал хард-роковую Revenge, Самнер вместе с
бывшим гитаристом Smiths объединился в Electronic, а Моррис и Джилберт под
ярлыком The Other Two записали одноименный лонгплей. Вся эта деятельность вновь
породила слухи о распаде. Однако в 1991 году группа объявила, что начинает
работу над новым проектом. Вполне достойный лонгплей Reрublic подтвердил их
статус одной из наиболее значимых британских групп пост-панковой эры.
...Шел 1976 год. Молодая панк-группа,
возникшая в это время в Манчестере, поначалу носила название Warsaw - по
одноименной песне Дэвида Боуи, появившейся на альбоме "Low". Идея создать новую
крутую команду созрела в головах трех манчестерских музыкантов, после того как
им посчастливилось побывать на концерте Sex Pistols. Ошарашенные увиденным,
басист Питер Хук (Peter Hook), гитарист Бернард Самнер (Bernard Sumner) и
барабанщик Терри Мейсон (Terry Mason) уже через несколько дней решительно
принялись воплощать идею в жизнь. Первым делом они дали объявление в поисках
единомышленников. Откликнулся Иэн Куртис (Ian Curtis), тоже видевший Sex Pistols
собственными глазами. Он и стал вокалистом новообразованной команды.
Иэну в это время было 20 лет, как и его товарищам по команде. Несколько месяцев
репетиций - и вот уже группа готовится дать первый концерт. Накануне
сценического дебюта Терри Мейсон переметнулся из барабанщиков в менеджеры группы,
а место за ударной установкой стало головной болью для всех музыкантов.
Кандидаты сменяли один другого. Только в августе 1977 года в группу пришел Стив
Моррис (Steve Morris), который устраивал всех и как музыкант, и как человек.
В 1978 году, когда о группе узнали далеко за пределами родного города, ее
именовали уже Joy Division - так во время Второй мировой называли отделения
концентрационных лагерей, где жили проститутки. Первым релизом, который успешно
прошел испытание на местном музыкальном рынке, стал EP "An Ideal for Living".
В мае 1978 года музыканты начали записывать материал для дебютного альбома, но
работа продюсера Джона Андерсона (John Anderson), который решил добавить
синтезаторы в окончательную версию треков, группе совершенно не понравилась.
Этот материал так и не увидел свет.
Тем временем пластинка "An Ideal for Living" попала на глаза нужным людям. И
осенью 78-го года Joy Division уже обсуждали условия контракта с Factory
Records, молодым лейблом, только что созданным в Манчестере. Под свое крыло
группу взял продюсер Мартин Ханнетт (Martin Hannett). К концу года они успели
принять участие в нескольких громких сборных концертах, засветиться на
телевидении, привлечь к себе внимание прессы и дебютировать на лондонской сцене,
на первый раз - в скромном клубе.
После выступления в одном шоу с The Who на правах разогревающей команды Joy
Division всерьез взялись за дебютный альбом. Пластинка "Unknown Pleasures", за
саунд которой отвечал продюсер Мартин Ханнетт, вышла в июне 1979-го. Это была
шероховатая, несколько растрепанная, но заслуживающая внимания дебютная работа.
Ханнетт уловил и умело подчеркнул чувство беспомощного отчуждения и обреченности,
которое пронизывало тексты Куртиса. Пластинка в голом черном конверте
представляла группу на стадии формирования собственного звучания, которое уже на
начальном этапе отличалось оригинальностью. Голос вокалиста намертво приковывал
внимание, особенно в композиции "She's Lost Control". Мироощущение Иэна Куртиса,
раздираемого сомнениями и страхами, хорошо чувствовали остальные музыканты.
Вместе им удалось переписать правила панк-рока, который благодаря Joy Division
получил новое крещение. Барабаны Стивена Морриса звучали как автоматы, мелодию
вел бас Питера Хука. Саунд "Unknown Pleasures", механизированный и грубый,
предрекал пришествие цифровой эры. На музыкальном рынке альбом ждал не громкий,
но все-таки успех. За три года его тираж превысил 100.000 копий.
Ко времени выхода сингла "Transmission" с первого альбома у квартета была уже
мощная фановская поддержка, которая сразу начала смахивать на культ, набиравший
обороты день ото дня. Естественно, основная доля внимания доставалась
харизматичному лидеру Иэну Куртису. Его выходы на сцену сопровождались странными,
нервозными движениями, напоминавшими то ли сумасшедшую марионетку на ниточках,
то ли ожившего робота. К осени 1979 года его выступления начали привлекать
внимание и по другим причинам, с музыкой никак не связанным. Как известно,
Curtis был эпилептиком, а образ жизни концертирующего музыканта никак не
способствовал улучшению его состояния. Несколько раз прямо на сцене его настигал
эпилептический припадок, он терял сознание. Со временем болезнь прогрессировала...
В ноябре 1979 года группе предложили контракт на сумму в миллион долларов - за
право издания их записей на американском рынке. На это предложение Joy Division
так никогда ничего и не ответили.
Свой последний концерт манчестерские панки отыграли 2 мая 1980 года в Бирмингеме.
Он записывался на пленку - предполагалось, что материал будет использован в
видеопроекте, который так и не удалось осуществить. 19 мая они должны были
уехать в Соединенные Штаты и открыть свой первый американский тур.
18 мая 1980 года, в ночь накануне отъезда, Иэн Куртис был найден мертвым в кухне
своего дома - он покончил с собой. Рядом нашли записку: "Я жалею, что не умер
раньше. Сейчас я не в силах удержаться". Перед тем, как надеть петлю на шею, он
слушал "Metallic KO" Stooges и смотрел фильм "Stroszek" Вернера Герцога. Две
художественные истории о внутренней опустошенности привели к одному смертельному
исходу. В реальности.
Вся полнота трагедии выяснилась не сразу. Вскоре - после выхода «посмертного»
альбома Joy Division - стало понятно, что Иэн Куртис ушел из жизни на пике
творческой карьеры...
Нетрудно было предположить, что второй альбом Joy Division будет принят с
большим интересом. Но мало кто догадывался о потрясающем качестве нового
материала, который группа представила в 1980 году. Сингл "Love Will Tear Us
Apart", попавший в британский Тор 20, оказался одним из лучших синглов года. И
кульминационным в карьере Joy Division. По этой песне было очевидно, насколько
недооцененным остался Иэн Куртис как автор песен и как вокалист. Изданный вскоре
второй альбом "Closer" был практически безупречен: группа записывала его в
зените творческих сил. Самые сильные вещи на альбоме, "Isolation" и "Twenty-Four
Hours", от которых пробирал озноб, не жалея красок описывали ничем не смягченное
отчаяние. Уверенное владение инструментами и гармоничное их сочетание были
наиболее убедительными признаками зрелости этой работы. Группа явно свысока
смотрела на все, что напоминало традиционный рок, и искала свой особенный
уникальный саунд, отдавая предпочтение замедленному, сумрачному звучанию. "Самый
мрачный час, далекий от всего земного, как преисподняя", - писала пресса об
Вполне обоснованно многие критики включали "Closer" в число наиболее
значительных альбомов 80-х годов.
В 1981 году двойной диск "Still" собрал основной массив неизданных материалов, в
основном концертных. По большей части треки были представлены в первозданном,
полусыром виде.
Несколько месяцев после трагедии, постигшей группу, оставшиеся музыканты Joy
Division находились на распутье. Свою самоубийственную миссию группа, по их
мнению, выполнила вполне, тем более без вокалиста дальнейшее существование в том
же виде теряло всякий смысл. Самнер Хук и Моррис взяли новый старт - на этот раз
под именем New Order. "Новый порядок" предполагал не только новый состав (солистом
стал Бернард Самнер, а вскоре появилась и клавишница Джиллиан Джильберт (Gillian
Gilbert)), но и иные формы самовыражения. Теперь музыкантов больше интересовали
постпанк и новая волна.
Joy Division, несмотря на свой короткий век, отнюдь не стали достоянием
кабинетных музыковедов. Это по-прежнему действенная и влиятельная команда,
формирующая вкусы все новых и новых поколений музыкантов. Такие прославленные
персонажи британской сцены, как Боно или братья Галлахеры без обиняков называют
Joy Division в числе своих кумиров.
Официальные проявления внимания к группе, как правило, приурочиваются к
определенным датам. В 1995 году, к 15-летию со дня смерти Иэна Куртиса, его
вдова опубликовала книгу воспоминаний о своем муже и о его группе. Лейбл Factory
Records подготовил компиляцию лучших треков и переиздал новую версию хита "Love
Will Tear Us Apart". В 1997-м вышел бокс-сет из четырех CD: концертные записи,
редкие и неизданные материалы. Среди наиболее интересных - "альтернативные"
версии "Love Will Tear Us Apart" и "Transmission".
В 2002 году английский музыкальный мир вспомнил еще об одной небезынтересной
дате. 50 лет назад, 14 ноября 1952 года, был опубликован первый рейтинг продаж
синглов в Великобритании. К этому юбилею редакция журнала "New Musical Express"
подготовила собственный рейтинг лучших синглов, изданных за этот период. И
первую строку в этой классификации британские профессионалы отдали самому
знаменитому синглу в каталоге Joy Division "Love Will Tear Us Apart"...
Виктория Прокопович
Unknown Pleasures, 5/1979
2)Day of the lords
5)New dawn fades
6)She's lost control
10)I remember nothing
Closer, 7/1980
1)Atrocity exhibition
5)A means to an end
6)Heart and soul
7)Twenty four hours
8)The eternal
Short Circuit - Live at the Electric Circus, 9/6/1978
1)At a later date
An Ideal for Living EP, 6/1978
2)No love lost
3)Leaders of men
An Ideal for Living EP, 10/1978
2)No love lost
3)Leaders of men
A Factory Sample, 1/1979
Earcom 2: Contradiction, 10/1979
2)From safety to where...?
Transmission / Novelty, 10/1979
Licht Und Blindheit, 3/1980
2)Dead souls
"Flexidisc", 4/1980
3)As you said
Love will tear us apart, 4/1980
1)Love will tear us apart
2)These days
3)Love will tear us apart (Pennine version)
Альбомы, изданные после распада группы:
Atmosphere / She's lost control, 2/9/1980
Still, 8/10/1981
1)Exercise one
2)Ice age
3)The sound of music
5)The only mistake
6)Walked in line
7)The kill
8)Something must break
9)Dead souls
10)Sister ray
13)Means to an end
15)New dawn fades
Atmosphere, 6/1988
2)Love will tear us apart
3)Transmission, live at The Factory, Manchester
Substance: Joy Division, 1977-80 7/1988
2)Leaders of men
6)She's lost control
8)Dead souls
10)Love will tear us apart
11)No love lost
14)From safety to where...?
17)These days
Peel Sessions, 1990
1)Exercise one
3)She's lost control
5)Love will tear us apart
6)Twenty four hours
8)Sound of music
Martin, 8/1991
1)She's lost control
Palatine: The Factory Story, 1991
Vol 1/1979-1982: Tears in Their Eyes (FACD 314):
2)Love will tear us apart
Vol 3/1979-1989: The Beat Groups (FACD 334):
Vol 4/1987-1990: Selling Out (FACD 344):
Palatine: The Single, 1991
Permanent: Joy Division, 8/1995
1)Love will tear us apart
3)She's lost control
5)Day of the lords
8)Heart and soul
9)Twenty four hours
10)These days
12)Dead souls
13)The only mistake
14)Something must break
16)Love will tear us apart (remix)
Love will tear us apart, 5/1995
1)Love will tear us apart (radio version)
2)Love will tear us apart
3)Love will tear us apart (Baker version)
4)These days
6)Transmission (live)
дискография New Order:
Movement (Quest 1981)
Рower, Corruрtion and Lies (Ques t 1983)
Low-Life (Quest 1985)
Brotherhood (Quest 1986)
The Рeel Sessions (Strange Fruit 1988)
Technique (Quest 1989)
BBC Radio 1, Live In Concert (запись 1987 года) (1992)
Reрublic (London 1993) A:1
Substance (1987)
Everyone Everywhere (Factory 1992)
Newsрeak (Holoview)
Comрlete Рeel Sessions (Strange Fruit)
Academy (Factiry 1989)
Live at the Brixton Academy (1992)
Story (1993)
запись группы Revenge:
1. One True Рassion (1991)
запись дуэта The Other Two:
1. The Other Two (1992)
запись группы Electronic:
1. Electronic (1990)
Hey - you - you too [repeats in the background]
I could make the choice for you
Just sticks close to you - it's all around me
Everything I try to do
I can't even seem to find the room to move
But you think you're number one
Actors though the film has gone
Crowded in a room for one
Darkness when the lights are on
Turn me on for good - it's so exciting
Slogans on the wall don't need no advertising
I can't even seem to find the room to move
Shackled up in fantasy
Hoping for some time to breathe
Some might get your chance too easy
I just want some time to breathe
Just sticks close to you - it's all around me
Everything I do - they're always trying to crowd me
I can't even seem to find the room to move
Watching every move I make
Choice of one that's hard to take
In fact it's just a big mistake
The facts that make it feel like you
Maggots swarm [?] inside the line
Ready for the perfect crime
Say there is no right or wrong
I don't know what's right or wrong
I don't know what's right or wrong
Don't talk to me girl - you know it's not nice
Don't laugh at murder - I won't pay the price
The facts are too high-powered - it's such a big thrill
I'd give that mess up 'cause it makes you so ill
Blame bad things on me, whatever you do
When I come home my world is different from you
You're such a cheap talk - you're really trussed up
Don't wanna talk to you - just left with your mum
Don't be a puppet - always rush you around
One just for your photo - try and tie me down
I won't tell him I talk like this all night
He must be worried 'cause you're sounding so trite
Respect is only normal - the way to your lives
Ever tried to sleep around with some bag for a wife
We'll never change you if you start acting that way
If we don't keep our heads alive, I'll never get a say
You know what's special - it's as black as I say
Can you see me, just ourselves - no comment, copycat!
Why must we be put down when we try to get away ?
Why must we all grow up when we could just play and play ?
Good things in life are free - can't buy everything, that's true
Only one thing wrong with that - what it don't buy I don't use
Only thing I'm thinking of is why are we all here ?
There must be more to do at nights than drinking rotten beer
The world's a very shady place, and you can't trust a soul
"Grin and bear it" seemed the thing, when it just gets a hold
At a later date - it might come out a fright
At a later date - I hope that you're alright
Human beings are dangerous and they call me in the dark
But everything gets twice as cold in marching for a lark
There's loads of things I'd like to do if I could find the time
Working really tires me and I think I'll turn to crime
At a later date - I hope they start it soon
At a later date - before we hit the moon
I just can't be bothered to make an effort here at all
People make you feel your contributions are too small
I just can't be bothered to make an effort here at all
People make you feel your contributions are too small
At a later date - I'll be awful great
At a later date, someone somewhere blew it
At a later date - at a later date
The Kill
Moved in a hired car,
And I find no way to turn,
Adds every moment longer,
Had no time for fun,
Just something that I knew I had to do,
But through it all I left my eyes on you.
I had an impulse to clear it all away,
Oh I used the tactics, make everybody pay,
Just something that I knew I had to do,
But through it all I kept my eyes on you.
Oh, I keep it all clean,
I’ve paid the graces there,
No kings of misuse,
No sellers of flesh,
Just something that I knew I had to do,
But through it all I kept my eyes on you,
Heah through it all I kept my eyes on you,
But through it all I kept my eyes on you.
I've been waiting for a guide to come and take me by the hand,
Could these sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man?
The sensations barely interest me for another day,
I've go the spirit, lose the feeling, take the shock away.
It's getting faster, moving faster now, it's getting out of hand,
On the tenth floor, down the back stairs, it's a no man's land,
Lights are flashing, cars are crashing, getting frequent now,
I've got the spirit, lose the feeling, let it out somehow.
What means to you, what means to me, and we will meet again,
I'm watching you, I'm watching her, I'll take no pity from your friends,
Who is right, who can tell, and who gives a damn right now,
Until the spirit, new sensation takes hold, then you know,
Until the spirit, new sensation takes hold, then you know,
Until the spirit, new sensation takes hold, then you know.
I've got the spirit, but lose the feeling,
I've got the spirit, but lose the feeling.
Feeling, feeling, , feeling, , feeling, , feeling, , feeling, , feeling.
Day of the Lords
This is the room, the start of it all,
No portrait so fine, only sheets on the wall,
I've seen the nights, filled with bloodsport and pain,
And the bodies obtained, the bodies obtained.
Where will it end? Where will it end?
Where will it end? Where will it end?
These are your friends from childhood, through youth,
Who goaded you on, demanded full proof,
Withdrawal pain is hard, it can do you right in,
So distorted and thin, distorted and thin.
Where will it end? Where will it end?
Where will it end? Where will it end?
This is the car at the edge of the road,
There's nothing disturbed, all the windows are closed,
I guess you were right, when we talked in the heat,
There's no room for the weak, no room for the weak,
Where will it end? Where will it end?
Where will it end? Where will it end?
This is the room, the start of it all,
Through childhood, through youth, I remember it all,
I've seen the nights, filled with bloodsport and pain,
And the bodies obtained, the bodies obtained, the bodies obtained.
Where will it end? Where will it end?
Where will it end? Where will it end?
Forced by the pressure,
The territories marked,
No longer the pleasure,
I've since lost the heart.
Corrupted from memory,
No longer the power,
It's creeping up slowly,
That last fatal hour.
Oh, I don't know what made me,
What gave me the right,
To mess with your values,
And change wrong to right
Please keep your distance,
The trail leads to here,
There's blood on your fingers,
Brought on by fear.
I campaigned for nothing,
I worked hard for this, ,
I tried to get to you,
You treat me like this.
It's just second nature,
It's what we've been shown,
We're living by your rules,
That's all that we know.
I tried to get to you,
I tried to get to you,
I tried to get to you,
I tried to get to you.
Guess the dreams always end.
They don't rise up just descend,
But I don't care anymore,
I've lost the will to want more,
I'm not afraid, not at all,
I watch them all as they fall,
But I remember when we were young.
Those with habits of waste,
Their sense of style and good taste,
Of making sure you were right,
Hey, don't you know you were right?
I'm not afraid anymore,
I keep my eyes on the door,
But I remember….
Tears of sadness for you,
More upheaval for you,
Reflects a moment in time,
A special moment in time,
Yeah, we wasted our time,
We didn't really have time,
But we remember when we were young.
And all God's angels beware,
And all you judges beware,
Sons of chance, take good care,
For all the people not there,
I'm not afraid anymore,
I'm not afraid anymore,
I'm not afraid anymore,
I'm not afraid anymore.
New Dawn Fades
A change of speed, a change of style.
A change of scene, with no regrets,
A chance to watch, admire the distance,
Still occupied, though you forget.
Different colours, different shades,
Over each mistakes were made.
I took the blame.
Directionless, so plain to see,
A loaded gun won't set you free.
So you say.
We'll share a drink and step outside,
An angry voice and one who cried,
We'll give you everything and more,
The strain's too much, can't take much more.
Oh, I've walked on water, run through fire,
Can't seem to feel it anymore.
It was me, waiting for me,
Hoping for something more,
Me, seeing me this time, hoping for something else
She's Lost Control
Confusion in her eyes that says it all,
She's lost control.
And she's clinging to the nearest passer-by,
She's lost control.
And she gave away the secrets of her past,
And said: I've lost control again,
And of a voice that told her when and where to act,
She said: I've lost control again.
And she turned to me and took me by the hand and said,
I've lost control again.
And how I'll never know just why or understand,
She said: I've lost control again.
And she screamed out kicking on her side and said,
I've lost control again.
And seized up on the floor, I thought she'd die.
She said I've lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
Well I had to phone her friend my case,
And say she's lost control again.
And she showed up all the errors and mistakes,
And said I've lost control again.
But she expressed herself in many different ways,
Until she lost control again.
And walked upon the edge of no escape,
And laughed I've lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
She's Lost Control (extended version)
Confusion in her eyes that says it all,
She's lost control.
And she's clinging to the nearest passer-by,
She's lost control.
And she gave away the secrets of her past,
And said: I've lost control again,
And of a voice that told her when and where to act,
She said: I've lost control again.
And she turned to me and took me by the hand and said,
I've lost control again.
And how I'll never know just why or understand,
She said: I've lost control again.
And she screamed out kicking on her side and said,
I've lost control again.
And seized up on the floor, I thought she'd die.
She said I've lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
Well I had to phone her friend my case,
And say she's lost control again.
And she showed up all the errors and mistakes,
And said I've lost control again.
But she expressed herself in many different ways,
Until she lost control again.
And walked upon the edge of no escape,
And laughed I've lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
I could live a little better with the myths and the lies,
When the darkness broke in, I just broke down and cried.
I could live a little in a wider line,
When the change is gone, when the urge is gone,
To lose control. When here we come
To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you,
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you,
I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you,
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth.
In the shadowplay, acting out your own death, knowing no more,
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor,
And with cold steel, odour on their bodies, made a move to connect,
But I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left.
I did everything, everything I wanted to,
I let them use you for their own ends,
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you,
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you.
I traveled far and wide through many different times,
What did you see there?
I saw the saints with their toys,
What did you see there?
I saw all knowledge destroyed.
I traveled far and wide through many different times.
I traveled far and wide to prisons of the cross,
What did you see there?
The power and glory of sin,
What did you see there?
The blood of Christ on their skins,
I traveled far and wide through many different times.
I traveled far and wide and unknown martyrs died,
What did you see there?
I saw the one-sided trials,
What did you see there?
I saw the tears as they cried,
They had tears in their eyes,
Tears in their eyes,
Tears in their eyes,
Tears in their eyes.
I walked through the city limits,
Someone talked me in to do it,
Attracted by some force within it,
Had to close my eyes to get get close to it,
Around the corner where a prophet lay,
Saw the place where she'd a room to stay,
A wire fence where the children played,
Saw the bed where the body lay,
And I was looking for a friend of mine.
And I had no time to waste.
Yeah, looking for some friends of mine.
The car screeched hear the sound on dust,
Heard a noise just a car outside,
Metallic blue turned red with rust,
Pulled in close by the building's side,
In a group all forgotten youth,
Had to think, collect my senses now,
Are turned on to a knife edged view.
Find some place where my friends don't know,
And I was looking for a friend of mine,
And had no time to waste.
Yeah, looking for some friends of mine.
Down the dark streets, the houses looked the same,
Getting darker now, faces look the same,
And I walked round and round.
No stomach, torn apart,
Nail me to a train.
Had to think again,
Trying to find a clue, trying to find a way to get out.
Trying to move away, had to move away and keep out.
Four, twelve windows, ten in a row,
Behind a wall, well I looked down low,
The lights shined like a neon show,
Inserted deep felt a warmer glow,
No place to stop, no place to go,
No time to lose, had to keep on going,
I guess they died some time ago.
I guess they died some time ago.
And I was looking for a friend of mine
And I had no time to waste.
Yeah, looking for some friends of mine.
I Remember Nothing
We were strangers.
We were strangers, for way too long, for way too long,
We were strangers, for way too long.
Violent, violent,
Were strangers.
Get weak all the time, may just pass the time,
Me in my own world, yeah you there beside,
The gaps are enormous, we stare from each side,
We were strangers for way too long.
Violent, more violent, his hand cracks the chair,
Moves on reaction, then slumps in despair,
Trapped in a cage and surrendered too soon,
Me in my own world, the one that you knew,
For way too long.
We were strangers, for way too long.
Were strangers,
We were strangers, for way too long,
For way too long.
Atrocity Exhibition
Asylums with doors open wide,
Where people had pay to see inside,
For entertainment they watch his body twist,
Behind his eyes he says I still exist.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
In arenas he kills for a prize,
Wins a minute to add to his life.
But the sickness is drowned by cries for more,
Pray to God, make it quick, watch him fall.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way.
This is the way.
This is the way.
This is the way.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
You'll see the horrors of a faraway place,
Meet the architects of law face to face.
See mass murder on a scale you've never seen ,
And all the ones who try hard to succeed.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside.
This is the way, step inside --
And I picked on the whims of a thousand or more,
Still pursuing the path that's been buried for years,
All the dead wood from jungles and cities on fire,
Can't replace or relate, can't release or repair,
Take my hand, and I'll show you what was and will be.
In fear every day, every evening,
He calls her aloud from above,
Carefully watched for a reason,
Painstaking devotion and love,
Surrendered to self preservation,
From others who care for themselves.
A blindness that touches perfection,
But hurts just like anything else.
Isolation, isolation, isolation.
Mother I tried please believe me,
I'm doing the best that I can.
I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through,
I'm ashamed of the person I am.
Isolation, isolation, isolation.
But if you could just see the beauty,
These things I could never describe,
These pleasures a wayward distraction,
This is my one lucky prize
Isolation, isolation, Isolation, isolation, isolation.
This is a crisis I knew had to come,
Destroying the balance I'd kept.
Doubting, unsettling and turning around,
Wondering what will come next.
Is this the role that you wanted to live?
I was foolish to ask for so much.
Without the protection and infancy's guard,
It all falls apart at first touch.
Watching the reel as it comes to a close,
Brutally taking its time,
People who change for no reason at all,
It's happening all of the time.
Can I go on with this train of events?
Disturbing and purging my mind,
Back out of my duties, when all's said and done,
I know that I'll lose every time.
Moving along in our God given ways,
Safety is sat by the fire,
Sanctuary from these feverish smiles,
Left with a mark on the door,
Is this the gift that I wanted to give?
Forgive and forget's what they teach,
Or pass through the deserts and wastelands once more,
And watch as they drop by the beach.
This is a crisis I knew had to come,
Destroying the balance I'd kept,
Turning around to the next set of lives,
Wondering what will come next.
A cry for help, a hint of anesthesia,
The sound from broken homes,
We used to meet always here.
As he lays asleep, she takes him in her arms,
Some things I have to do, but I don't mean you harm.
A worried parent's glance, a kiss, a last goodbye,
Hands him the bag she packed, the tears she tries to hide,
A cruel wind that bows down to our lunacy,
And leaves him standing cold here in this colony.
I can't see why all these confrontations,
I can't see why all these dislocations,
No family life, this makes me feel uneasy,
Stood alone here in this colony.
In this colony, in this colony, in this colony, in this colony.
Dear God in his wisdom took you by the hand,
God in his wisdom made you understand.
God in his wisdom took you by the hand.
God in his wisdom made you understand.
God in his wisdom took you by the hand.
God in his wisdom made you understand.
God in his wisdom took you by the hand.
God in his wisdom made you understand.
In this colony, in this colony, in this colony, in this colony.
A Means to an End
A legacy so far removed,
One day will be improved.
Eternal rights we left behind,
We were the better kind.
Two the same, set free too,
I always looked to you,
I always looked to you,
I always looked to you.
We fought for good, stood side by side,
Our friendship never died.
On stranger waves, the lows and highs,
Our vision touched the sky,
Immortalists with points to prove,
I put my trust in you.
I put my trust in you.
I put my trust in you.
A house somewhere on foreign soil,
Where ageing lovers call,
Is this your goal, your final needs,
Where dogs and vultures eat,
Committed still I turn to go.
I put my trust in you.
I put my trust in you.
I put my trust in you.
I put my trust in you.
In you. In you. In you.
Put my trust in you, in you.
Heart and Soul
Instincts that can still betray us,
A journey that leads to the sun,
Soulless and bent on destruction,
A struggle between right and wrong.
You take my place in the showdown,
I'll observe with a pitiful eye,
I'd humbly ask for forgiveness,
A request well beyond you and I.
Heart and soul, one will burn.
Heart and soul, one will burn.
An abyss that laughs at creation,
A circus complete with all fools,
Foundations that lasted the ages,
Then ripped apart at their roots.
Beyond all this good is the terror,
The grip of a mercenary hand,
When savagery turns all good reason,
There's no turning back, no last stand.
Heart and soul, one will burn.
Heart and soul, one will burn.
Existence well what does it matter?
I exist on the best terms I can.
The past is now part of my future,
The present is well out of hand.
The present is well out of hand,
Heart and soul, one will burn.
Heart and soul, one will burn.
One will burn, one will burn,
Heart and soul, one will burn.
Twenty Four Hours
So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.
A cloud hangs over me, marks every move,
Deep in the memory, of what once was love.
Oh how I realized how I wanted time,
Put into perspective, tried so hard to find,
Just for one moment I thought I'd found my way.
Destiny unfolded, I watched it slip away.
Excessive flashpoints, beyond all reach,
Solitary demands for all I'd like to keep.
Let's take a ride out, see what we can find,
A valueless collection of hopes and past desires.
I never realized the lengths I'd have to go,
All the darkest corners of a sense I didn't know.
Just for one moment I heard somebody call,
Looked beyond the day in hand, there's nothing there at all.
Now that I've realized how it's all gone wrong,
Gotta find some therapy, this treatment takes too long.
Deep in the heart of where sympathy held sway,
Gotta find my destiny, before it gets too late.
The Eternal
Procession moves on, the shouting is over,
Praise to the glory of loved ones now gone.
Talking aloud as they sit round their tables,
Scattering flowers washed down by the rain,
Stood by the gate at the foot of the garden,
Watching them pass like clouds in the sky,
Try to cry out in the heat of the moment,
Possessed by a fury that burns from inside.
Cry like a child, though these years make me older,
With children my time is so wastefully spent,
A burden to keep, though their inner communion,
Accept like a curse an unlucky deal.
Played by the gate at the foot of the garden,
My view stretches out from the fence to the wall,
No words could explain, no actions determine,
Just watching the trees and the leaves as they fall.
Here are the young men, the weight on their shoulders,
Here are the young men, well where have they been?
We knocked on doors of Hell's darker chambers,
Pushed to the limits, we dragged ourselves in,
Watched from the wings as the scenes were replaying,
We saw ourselves now as we never had seen.
Portrayal of the trauma and degeneration,
The sorrows we suffered and never were free.
Where have they been?
Where have they been?
Where have they been?
Where have they been?
Weary inside, now our heart's lost forever,
Can't replace the fear, or the thrill of the chase,
Each rituals showed up the door for our wanderings,
Open then shut, then slammed in our face.
Where have they been?
Where have they been?
Where have they been?
Where have they been?
Exercise One
When you're looking at life,
In a strange new room,
Maybe drowning soon,
Is this the start of it all?,
Turn on your TV,
Turn down your pulse,
Turn away from it all,
It's all getting too much.
When you're looking at life,
Deciphering scars,
Just who fooled who,
Sit still in their cars,
The lights look bright,
When you reach outside,
Time for one last ride,
Before the end of it all.
Ice Age
I've seen the real atrocities,
Buried in the sand,
Stockpiled safety for a few,
While we stand holding hands
I'm living in the ice age,
I'm living in the ice age,
Nothing will hold,
Nothing will fit,
Into the cold,
It's not an eclipse.
Living in the ice age,
Living in the ice age,
Living in the ice age.
Searching for another way,
Hide behind the door,
We’ll live in holes and disused shafts,
Hopes for little more.
I'm living in the ice age,
I'm living in the ice age,
Nothing will hold,
Nothing will fit,
Into the cold,
Living in the ice age,
Living in the ice age,
Living in the ice age,
Living in the ice age,
Living in the ice age,
Living in the ice age,
Living in the ice age.
Sound of Music
See my true reflection,
Cut off my own connections,
I can see life getting harder,
So sad is this sensation,
Reverse the situation,
I can't see it getting better.
I'll walk you through the heartbreaks,
Show you all the out-takes,
I can't see it getting higher,
Systematically degraded,
Emotionally a scapegoat,
I can't see it getting better.
Perverse and unrealistic,
Try to make it all stick,
I can't see it getting better,
Hollow now, I'm burnt out,
All I need to break out,
I can't see life getting higher,
Love, life, makes you feel higher,
Love of life, makes you feel higher,
Higher, higher, higher, higher,
Higher, higher, higher, higher,
Love of life, makes you feel higher.
Hearts fail, young hearts fail,
Anytime, pressurised,
Overheat, overtired.
Take it quick, take it neat,
Clasp your hands, touch your feet.
Take it quick, take it neat,
Take it quick, take it neat.
Hearts fail, young hearts fail,
Anytime, wearing down,
On the run, underground,
Put your hand where it's safe,
Leave your hand where it's safe,
Do it again,
Do it again and again and again.
Do it again and again and again.
Do it again and again and again.
Do it again and again and again.
Anytime, that's your right.
Don't you wish to do it again,
Overheat, overtired.
Don't you wish to do it again,
Don't you wish to do it again,
Don't you wish to do it again,
Any time that’s you right,
Don't you wish to do it again,
Any time that’s you right,
Don't you wish to do it again,
Don't you wish to do it again,
I bet you wish you do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
The Only Mistake
Made the fatal mistake,
Like I did once before,
A tendency just to take,
Till the purpose turned sour,
Strain, take the strain, these days we love,
Strain, take the strain, these days we love.
Yeah, the only mistake was that you ran away,
Avenues lined with trees, strangled words for the day,
Yeah, the only mistake, like I made once before,
Yeah, the only mistake, could have made it before.
Strain, take the strain, these days we love,
Strain, take the strain, these days we love.
And the only mistake, led to rumours unfound,
Led to pressures unknown, different feelings and sounds,
Yeah, the only mistake, like I made once before,
Yeah, the only mistake, could have made it before.
They Walked in Line
All dressed in uniforms so fine,
They drank and killed to pass the time,
Wearing the shame of all their crimes,
With measured steps, they walked in line.
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line.
They carried pictures of their wives,
And number tags to prove their lies,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line.
Full of a glory never seen,
They made it through the whole machine,
To never question anymore,
Hypnotic trance, they never saw,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line.
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
They walked in line,
Walked in line,
Walked in line.
The Kill
Something Must Break
Two ways to choose,
On a razor's edge,
Remain behind,
Go straight ahead.
Room full of people, room just for one,
If I can't break out now, the time just won't come.
Two ways to choose,
Which way to go,
Decide for me,
Please let me know.
Looked in the mirror, saw I was wrong,
If I could get back to where I belong, where I belong
Two ways to choose,
Which way to go,
Had thoughts for one
Designs for both.
If we were immortal, we were not there,
Washed up on the beaches, struggling for air.
I see your face still in my window,
Torments yet calms, won't set me free,
Something must break now,
This life isn't mine,
Something must break now,
Wait for the time,
Something must break.
Dead Souls
Someone take these dreams away,
That point me to another day,
A duel of personalities,
That stretch all true reality.
That keep calling me,
They keep calling me,
Keep on calling me,
They keep calling me.
When figures from the past stand tall,
And mocking voices ring the halls.
Imperialistic house of prayer,
Conquistadors who took their share.
That keep calling me,
They keep calling me,
Keep on calling me,
They keep calling me.
Calling me, calling me, calling me, calling me.
That keep calling me,
Keep on calling me,
They Keep calling me,
They keep calling me.
3,5,0,1,2,5, Go!
I was there in the back stage,
When first light came around,
I grew up like a changeling,
To win the first time around.
I can see all the weakness,
I can pick all the faults.
Well I concede all the faith tests,
Just to stick in your throats.
31G, 31G, 31G
I hung around in your soundtrack,
To mirror all that you've done,
To find the right side of reason,
To kill the three lies for one,
I can see all the cold facts.
I can see through your eyes.
All this talk made no contact.
No matter how hard We tried
31G, 31G, 31G
I can still hear the footsteps.
I can see only walls.
I slid into your man-traps,
With no hearing at all.
I just see contradiction,
Had to give up the fight,
Just to live in the past tense,
To make believe you were right.
31G, 31G, 31G
Leaders of Men
Born from some mother's womb,
Just like any other room.
Made a promise for a new life,
Made a victim out of your life
When your time's on the door,
And it drips to the floor,
And you feel you can touch,
All the noise is too much,
And the seeds that are sown,
Are no longer your own.
Just a minor operation,
To force a final ultimatum
Thousand words are spoken loud,
Reach the dumb to fool the crowd.
When you walk down the street,
And the sound's not so sweet,
And you wish you could hide,
Maybe go for a ride,
To some peep show,
Where the future's not made
A nightmare situation,
Infiltrate imagination,
Smacks of past Holy wars,
By the wall with broken laws.
The leaders of men,
Born out of your frustration,
The leaders of men
Just a strange infatuation.
The leaders of men,
Made a promise for a new life
No saviour for our sakes,
To twist the internees of hate,
Self-induced manipulation,
To crush all thoughts of mass salvation
Feel it closing in,
Feel it closing in,
The fear of whom I call,
Every time I call,
I feel it closing in,
I feel it closing in,
Day in, day out,
Day in, day out,
Day in, day out,
Day in, day out,
Day in, day out,
Day in, day out.
I feel it closing in,
As patterns seem to form.
I feel it cold and warm.
The shadows start to fall.
I feel it closing in,
I feel it closing in,
Day in, day out,
Day in, day out,
Day in, day out,
Day in, day out,
Day in, day out.
I'd have the world around,
To see just whatever happens,
Stood by the door alone,
And then it's fade away.
I see you fade away.
Don't ever fade away.
I need you here today.
Don't ever fade away.
Don't ever fade away.
Don't ever fade away.
Don't ever fade away.
Fade away. Fade away.
Fade away. Fade away.
Fade away. Fade away.
Fade away.
Here, here,
Everything is by design,
Everything is by design.
Here, here,
Everything is kept inside.
So take a chance and step outside,
Your hopes, your dreams, your paradise.
Heroes, idols cracked like ice.
Here, here,
Everything is kept inside.
So take a chance and step outside.
Pure frustration face to face.
A point of view creates more waves,
So take a chance and step outside.
Take a chance and step outside.
Lose some sleep and say you tried.
Meet frustration face to face.
A point of view creates more waves.
So lose some sleep and say you tried.
So lose some sleep and say you tried.
So lose some sleep and say you tried.
So lose some sleep and say you tried.
Say you've tried.
Say you've tried.
Say you've tried.
Say you've tried.
Say you've tried.
Say you've tried.
Say you've tried.
Say you've tried.
Say you've tried.
Say you've tried.
Say you've tried.
Yeah, lose some sleep and say you tried.
Yeah, lose some sleep and say you tried.
Yeah, lose some sleep and say you tried.
Yeah, lose some sleep and say you tried.
Radio, live transmission.
Radio, live transmission.
Listen to the silence, let it ring on.
Eyes, dark grey lenses frightened of the sun.
We would have a fine time living in the night,
Left to blind destruction,
Waiting for our sight.
And we would go on as though nothing was wrong.
And hide from these days we remained all alone.
Staying in the same place, just staying out the time.
Touching from a distance,
Further all the time.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio.
Well I could call out when the going gets tough.
The things that we’ve learnt are no longer enough.
No language, just sound, that's all we need know to synchronize love to the beat
of the show
And we could dance.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the radio.
She's Lost Control
Confusion in her eyes that says it all,
She's lost control.
And she's clinging to the nearest passer-by,
She's lost control.
And she gave away the secrets of her past,
And said: I've lost control again,
And of a voice that told her when and where to act,
She said: I've lost control again.
And she turned to me and took me by the hand and said,
I've lost control again.
And how I'll never know just why or understand,
She said: I've lost control again.
And she screamed out kicking on her side and said,
I've lost control again.
And seized up on the floor, I thought she'd die.
She said I've lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
Well I had to phone her friend my case,
And say she's lost control again.
And she showed up all the errors and mistakes,
And said I've lost control again.
But she expressed herself in many different ways,
Until she lost control again.
And walked upon the edge of no escape,
And laughed I've lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
She's Lost Control (extended version)
Confusion in her eyes that says it all,
She's lost control.
And she's clinging to the nearest passer-by,
She's lost control.
And she gave away the secrets of her past,
And said: I've lost control again,
And of a voice that told her when and where to act,
She said: I've lost control again.
And she turned to me and took me by the hand and said,
I've lost control again.
And how I'll never know just why or understand,
She said: I've lost control again.
And she screamed out kicking on her side and said,
I've lost control again.
And seized up on the floor, I thought she'd die.
She said I've lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
Well I had to phone her friend my case,
And say she's lost control again.
And she showed up all the errors and mistakes,
And said I've lost control again.
But she expressed herself in many different ways,
Until she lost control again.
And walked upon the edge of no escape,
And laughed I've lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
She's lost control again.
She's lost control.
I could live a little better with the myths and the lies,
When the darkness broke in, I just broke down and cried.
I could live a little in a wider line,
When the change is gone, when the urge is gone,
To lose control. When here we come
Dead Souls
Someone take these dreams away,
That point me to another day,
A duel of personalities,
That stretch all true reality.
That keep calling me,
They keep calling me,
Keep on calling me,
They keep calling me.
When figures from the past stand tall,
And mocking voices ring the halls.
Imperialistic house of prayer,
Conquistadors who took their share.
That keep calling me,
They keep calling me,
Keep on calling me,
They keep calling me.
Calling me, calling me, calling me, calling me.
That keep calling me,
Keep on calling me,
They Keep calling me,
They keep calling me.
Walk in silence,
Don't walk away, in silence.
See the danger,
Always danger,
Endless talking,
Life rebuilding,
Don't walk away.
Walk in silence,
Don't turn away, in silence.
Your confusion,
My illusion,
Worn like a mask of self-hate,
Confronts and then dies.
Don't walk away.
People like you find it easy,
Naked to see,
Walking on air.
Hunting by the rivers,
Through the streets,
Every corner abandoned too soon,
Set down with due care.
Don't walk away in silence,
Don't walk away.
Love Will Tear Us Apart
When routine bites hard,
And ambitions are low,
And resentment rides high,
But emotions won't grow,
And we're changing our ways, taking different roads.
Then love, love will tear us apart again.
Love, love will tear us apart.
Why is the bedroom so cold?
You've turned away on your side.
Is my timing that flawed?
Our respect run so dry.
Yet there's still this appeal that we've kept through our lives.
But love, love will tear us apart again.
Love, love will tear us apart again.
You cry out in your sleep,
All my failings exposed.
And there's a taste in my mouth,
As desperation takes hold.
Just that something so good just can't function no more.
But love, love will tear us apart again.
Love, love will tear us apart again.
Love, love will tear us apart again.
Love, love will tear us apart again.
No Love Lost
So long sitting here,
Didn't hear the warning.
Waiting for the tape to run.
We've been moving around in different situations,
Knowing that the time would come.
Just to see you torn apart,
Witness to your empty heart.
I need it.
I need it.
I need it.
Through the wire screen, the eyes of those standing outside looked in at her as
into the cage of some rare creature in a zoo.
In the hand of one of the assistants she saw the same instrument which they had
that morning inserted deep into her body. She shuddered instinctively. No life
at all in the house of dolls.
No love lost. No love lost
You've been seeing things,
In darkness, not in learning,
Hoping that the truth will pass.
No life underground, wasting never changing,
Wishing that this day won't last.
To never see you show your age,
To watch until the beauty fades,
I need it.
I need it.
I need it.
(Second verse on Warsaw album)
Two-way mirror in the hall,
They like to watch everything you do,
Transmitters hidden in the wall,
So they know everything you say is true,
Turn it on,
Don't turn it on,
Turn it on.
Failures (of the modern man)
Don't speak of safe Messiahs,
A failure of the Modern Man,
To the centre of all life's desires,
As a whole not an also ran.
Love in a hollow field,
Break the image of your father's son,
Drawn to an inner feel,
He was thought of as the only one,
He was thought of as the only one.
He no longer denies,
All the failures of the Modern Man
No, no, no, he can't pick sides,
Sees the failures of the Modern Man.
Wise words and sympathy,
Tell the story of our history.
New strength gives a real touch,
Sense and reason make it all too much.
With a strange fatality,
Broke the spirits of a lesser man,
Some other race can see,
In his way he was the only one,
In his way he was the only one.
He no longer denies,
All the failures of the Modern Man.
No, no, no, he can't pick sides,
Sees the failures of the Modern Man
Now that it's right to decide,
In his time he was a total man,
Taken from Caesar's side,
Kept in silence just to prove who's wrong.
He no longer denies,
All the failures of the Modern Man.
No, no, no, he can't pick sides,
Sees the failures of the Modern Man,
All the failures of the Modern Man.
Hearts fail, young hearts fail,
Anytime, pressurised,
Overheat, overtired.
Take it quick, take it neat,
Clasp your hands, touch your feet.
Take it quick, take it neat,
Take it quick, take it neat.
Hearts fail, young hearts fail,
Anytime, wearing down,
On the run, underground,
Put your hand where it's safe,
Leave your hand where it's safe,
Do it again,
Do it again and again and again.
Do it again and again and again.
Do it again and again and again.
Do it again and again and again.
Anytime, that's your right.
Don't you wish to do it again,
Overheat, overtired.
Don't you wish to do it again,
Don't you wish to do it again,
Don't you wish to do it again,
Any time that’s you right,
Don't you wish to do it again,
Any time that’s you right,
Don't you wish to do it again,
Don't you wish to do it again,
I bet you wish you do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
From Safety to Where...?
No I don't know just why.
No I don't know just why.
Which way to turn,
I've got this ticket to use.
Through childlike ways, rebellion and crime,
To reach this point and retreat back again.
The broken hearts,
All the wheels that have turned,
The memories scarred and the vision is blurred.
No I don't know which way,
Don't know which way to turn,
The best possible use.
Just passing through, 'till we reach the next stage.
But just to where, well it's all been arranged.
Just passing through but the break must be made.
Should we move on or stay safely away?
Through childlike ways, rebellion and crime,
To reach this point and retreat back again.
The broken hearts,
All the wheels that have turned,
The memories scarred and the vision is blurred.
Just passing through, 'till we reach the next stage.
But just to where, well it's all been arranged.
Just passing through but the break must be made.
Should we move on or stay safely away?
When the people listen to you don't you know it means a lot
Cos' you've got to work so hard for everything you've got
Can't rest on your laurels now - not when you've got none
You'll find yourself in the gutter, right back where you came from
Someone told me being in the know is the main thing
We all need the security that belonging brings
Can't stand on your own in these times against all the odds
You all just fall behind like all the other sods
You slap your back and pretend you knew
About all the things that we were gonna do
What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do when it's over?
You're all on your own now - don't you think that a shame
But you're the only one responsible to take the blame
So what ya gonna do when the novelty has gone
Yeah, what ya gonna do when the novelty has gone
You slap your back and pretend you knew
About all the things we were gonna do
What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do when it's over?
This is the hour when the mysteries emerge.
A strangeness so hard to reflect.
A moment so moving, goes straight to your heart,
The vision has never been met.
The attraction is held like a weight deep inside,
Something I'll never forget.
The pattern is set, her reaction will start,
Complete but rejected too soon.
Looking ahead in the grip of each fear,
Recalls the life that we knew.
The shadow that stood by the side of the road,
Always reminds me of you.
How can I find the right way to control,
All the conflicts inside, all the problems beside,
As the questions arise, and the answers don't fit,
Into my way of things,
Into my way of things.
These Days
Morning seems strange, almost out of place.
Searched hard for you and your special ways.
These days, these days.
Spent all my time, learnt a killers' art.
Took threats and abuse 'till I'd learned the part.
Can you stay for these days?
These days, these days.
Used outward deception to get away,
Broken heart romance to make it pay.
These days - these days
We'll drift through it all, it's the modern age.
Take care of it all now these debts are paid.
Can you stay for these days?
(Waiting for) The Ice Age
(The first set of lyrics for Ice Age)
Scratching out atrocity,
Splintered in the sand,
In a death shroud looking back,
Walking hand in hand.
Draw the lines onto your face,
To make it look brand new,
Nothing here will fit in place,
To screen the likes of you.
Stranded in hostility,
Buried further down,
Waiting in a churchyard,
For the sons to come around,
Burning down conventions now,
To give me all the proof,
Nothing here will hold somehow,
To give a glimpse of truth.
Searching for some other life,
To hide behind your door,
On a strange wave plunging down,
With hopes for little more,
Someone might have changed somewhere,
To bring us into line,
All so near to hit and run,
To cut the gaps in time.
Waiting for the cold to come,
To face one final stand,
Viewing scenes in black and white,
Walking hand in hand,
Reaching from the distance,
To find some strength again.
The Drawback (all of this for you)
Seen the troubles and the evils of this world
I've seen the stretches between godliness and sin
I've heard the promise and confessions of good faith
And the hypocrisy that always lies within
And they left it for you, all of this for you
I've seen the products and the other world of waste
I've seen the colour of corruption deep within
I've seen them lose themselves in dignity and taste
To see in black and white and through to black again
And they left it for you, all of this for you
And they left it for you, all of this for you
And they left it for you, everything for you
I've seen the troubles and the evils of this world
I've seen the ones who could succeed but always lose
I've seen what's left of poor technology and worth
And watched them dying as they leave their ship of fools
And they left it for you, all of this for you
This is why events unnerve me,
They find it all, a different story,
Notice whom for wheels are turning,
Turn again and turn towards this time,
All she asks is the strength to hold me,
Then again the same old story,
Word will travel, oh so quickly,
Travel first and lean towards this time.
Oh, I'll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, it's got to be this time,
Watching her, these things she said,
The times she cried,
Too frail to wake this time
Oh, I'll break them down, no mercy shown
Heaven knows, it's got to be this time,
Avenues all lined with trees,
Picture me and then you start watching,
Watching forever, forever,
Watching love grow, forever,
Letting me know, forever.
In a Lonely Place
Caressing the marble and stone,
Love that was special for one,
The waste in the fever I heat,
How I wish you were here with me now.
Body that curls in and dies,
And shares that awful daylight,
Warm like a dog round your feet,
How I wish you were here with me now.
Hangman looks round as he waits,
Cord stretches tight then it breaks ,
Someday we will die in your dreams,
How I wish you were here with me now.
© Deborah Curtis,1995
August 1982
Dead Souls
Love Will Tear Us Apart
Day of The Lords
New Dawn Fades
Sound of Music
She's lost Control
Walked In Line
I Remember Nothing
Love Will Tear Us Apart ( Official promo video )
/ Qwest
3 : 50 Shadowplay (live) [Granada TV appearance]
4 : 17 She's Lost Control (live) [Fairly cheap footage from the Bowdale Youth Club gig]
3 : 32 Shadowplay (live) [Fairly cheap footage from the Bowdale Youth Club gig]
3 : 32 Leaders of Men (live cut) [Fairly cheap footage from the Bowdale Youth Club gig]
0 : 32 " Something Else" TV appearance, recorded in BBC2 studios and broadcast live (15 Sept 1979)
3 : 37 She's Lost Control (live) [" Something Else" TV appearance, recorded in BBC2 studios and broadcast live (15 Sept 1979)]
6 : 14 Dead Souls [From FACT 37]
2 : 41 Wilderness [From FACT 37]
3 : 23 Love Will Tear Us Apart [Clip version, but apparently with the original soundtrack as recorded in the clip]
4 : 31 Atmosphere
13 : 27 TV Special - Wired [From FAC 211]
- Never officially released, but apparently Qwest US released some promo editions ( which were subsequently recalled).
Formed in the wake of the punk explosion in England, Joy Division became the first band in the post-punk movement by later emphasizing not anger and energy but mood and expression, pointing ahead to the rise of melancholy alternative music in the '80s. Though the group's raw initial sides fit the bill for any punk band, Joy Division later incorporated synthesizers (taboo in the low-tech world of '70s punk) and more haunting melodies, emphasized by the isolated, tortured lyrics of its lead vocalist, Ian Curtis. While the British punk movement shocked the world during the late '70s, Joy Division's quiet storm of musical restraint and emotive power proved to be just as important to independent music in the 1980s. The band was founded in early 1977, soon after the Sex Pistols had made their first appearance in Manchester. Guitarist Bernard Albrecht (b. Bernard Dicken, January 4, 1956) and bassist Peter Hook (b. February 13, 1956) had met while at the show and later formed a band called the Stiff Kittens; after placing an ad through a Manchester record store, they added vocalist Ian Curtis (b. July 15, 1956) and drummer Steve Brotherdale. Renamed Warsaw (from David Bowie's "Warszawa"), the band made its live debut the following May, supporting the Buzzcocks and Penetration at Manchester's Electric Circus. After the recording of several demos, Brotherdale quit the group in August 1977, prompting the hire of Stephen Morris (b. October 28, 1957). A name change to Joy Division in late 1977 — necessitated by the punk band Warsaw Pakt — was inspired by Karol Cetinsky's World War II novel The House of Dolls. (In the book, the term "joy division" was used as slang for concentration camp units wherein inmates were forced to prostitute themselves for the enjoyment of Nazi soldiers.)
Playing frequently in the north country during early 1978, the quartet gained the respect of several influential figures: Rob Gretton, a Manchester club DJ who became the group's manager; Tony Wilson, a TV/print journalist and owner of the Factory Records label; and Derek Branwood, a record executive with RCA Northwest, who recorded sessions in May 1978, for what was planned to be Joy Division's self-titled debut LP. Though several songs bounded with punk energy, the rest of the album showed at an early age the band's later trademarks: Curtis' themes of post-industrial restlessness and emotional despair, Hook's droning bass lines, and the jagged guitar riffs of Albrecht.
The album should have been hailed as a punk classic, but when a studio engineer added synthesizers to several tracks — believing that the punk movement had to move on and embrace new sounds — Joy Division scrapped the entire LP. (Titled Warsaw for a 1982 bootleg, the album was finally given wide issue ten years later.) The first actual Joy Division release came in June 1978, when the initial mid-1977 demos were released as the EP An Ideal for Living, on the band's own Enigma label. Early in 1979, the buzz surrounding Joy Division increased with a session recorded for John Peel's BBC radio show.
The group began recording with producer Martin Hannett and released Unknown Pleasures on old friend Tony Wilson's Factory label in July 1979. The album enjoyed immense critical acclaim and a long stay on the U.K.'s independent charts. Encouraged by the punk buzz, the American Warner Bros. label offered a large distribution contract that fall. The band ignored it but did record another radio session for John Peel on November 26th. (Both sessions were later collected on the Peel Sessions album.)
During late 1979, Joy Division's manic live show gained many converts, partly due to rumors of Curtis' ill health. An epilepsy sufferer, he was prone to breakdowns and seizures while on stage — it soon grew difficult to distinguish the fits from his usual on-stage jerkiness and manic behavior. As the live dates continued and the new decade approached, Curtis grew weaker and more prone to seizures. After a short rest over the Christmas holiday, Joy Division embarked on a European tour during January, though several dates were cancelled because of Curtis. The group began recording its second LP after the tour ended (again with Hannett), and released "Love Will Tear Us Apart" in April. The single was again praised but failed to move beyond the independent charts. After one gig in early May, the members of Joy Division were given two weeks of rest before beginning the group's first U.S. tour. Two days before the scheduled flight, however, Curtis was found dead in his home, the victim of a self-inflicted hanging.
Before Curtis' death, the band had agreed that Joy Division would cease to exist if any member left, for any reason. Ironically though, the summer of 1980 proved to be the blooming of the band's commercial status, when a re-release of "Love Will Tear Us Apart" rose to number 13 on the British singles chart. In August, the release of Closer finally united critics' positivity with glowing sales, as the album peaked at number six. Before the end of the summer, Unknown Pleasures was charting as well.
By January of the following year, Hook, Morris, and Albrecht (now Bernard Sumner) had formed New Order, with Sumner taking over vocal duties. Also in 1981, the posthumous release of Still — including two sides of rare tracks and two of live songs — rose to number five on the British charts. As New Order's star began to shine during the '80s, the group had trouble escaping the long shadow of Curtis and Joy Division. "Love Will Tear Us Apart" charted for the third time in 1983, and 1988 also proved a big year for the defunct band: the reissued single "Atmosphere" hit number 34 and a double-album compilation entitled Substance reached number seven in the album charts. Seven years later, the 15th anniversary of Curtis' death was memorialized with a new JD compilation (Permanent: Joy Division 1995), a tribute album (A Means to an End), and a biography of his life (Touching From a Distance) written by his widow, Deborah Curtis. In 1999, the Factory label began a program of concert-performance reissues — all overseen by the remainder of the original lineup — with Preston Warehouse 28 February 1980.
1979 Unknown Pleasures Qwest
1980 Closer Qwest
1999 Preston Warehouse 28 February 1980 [live] Factory
2001 Les Bains Douches 18 December 1979 [live] Get Back
1981 Still Qwest
1988 Substance Qwest
1990 The Peel Sessions [live] Strange Fruit
1995 Permanent Qwest/Warner
1998 Heart and Soul Rhino x
2000 Complete BBC Recordings [UK] [live] Strange Fruit
2000 The Complete BBC Recordings [US] [live] Fuel 2000
1978 An Ideal for Living [EP] Enigma
1979 Transmission Factory s
1980 Love Will Tear Us Apart [1980] Factory s
1981 Le Terme [live] Fabrique b
1982 Here Are the Young Men Factory v
1984 Concert 18 Jan Effenaar [live] JD b
Martin Hannett Martin: The Work of Record... (1991) Performer
Human Drama Pin-Ups (1993) Performer
Human Drama Best of Human Drama...In a Perfect (2000) Performer
Paul Young No Parlez (1983) Performer
Paul Young No Parlez/Secret of Association (2000) Performer
Original Soundtrack Heat (Music from the Motion... (1995) Performer
Original Soundtrack Basquiat (1996) Producer, Performer
Original Soundtrack Trainspotting, Vol. 2 (1997) Producer, Performer
Original Soundtrack Series 7 (2001) Performer
Original Soundtrack Sangre Eterna (2003) Producer
Various Artists Short Circuit Live: at the... (1990) Performer