the B-52'S
The B-52's - 1979 - The B-52's &
B-52's - 1989 - Cosmic Thing
My Space,
Last FM,
1979 The B-52's
1980 Wild Planet
1983 Whammy!
1986 Bouncing Off the Satellites
1989 Cosmic Thing
1992 Good Stuff
1980 The B-52's/Wild Planet
1990 Best of the B-52's [UK Import]
1990 Best of the B-52's: Dance This Mess Around
1991 Party Mix/Mesopotamia
1994 The Best of the B-52's [Spectrum]
1995 Planet Claire
1997 Pop Giants
1998 Time Capsule
1999 Time Capsule Remixes
2002 Anthology: Nude on the Moon
"Мы здесь, чтобы развлекать людей, но это здорово, что мы можем заставить их думать и танцевать одновременно." Фред Шнайдер .
Одна из виднейших (наряду с Blondie и Talking Heads) групп американского пост-панка, The B-52's была организована в 1976 году в городе Афины, Джорджия, за выпивкой в китайском ресторанчике. Состав команды отличался разнополостью: в него вошли две девушки - Кейт Пирсон (вокал, клавишные) и Синди Уилсон (вокал, перкуссии), и трое юношей - Фред Шнайдер (вокал), Кит Стриклэнд (гитара, клавишные, ударные) и брат Синди, Рики Уилсон (гитара).
Хотя группа сформировалась в разгар панк-движения, да и воспитывалась она во многом на идеологии американского гаражного рока 60-х, ее идеи уже были нацелены на следующее поколение - поколение рубежа 70-80-х. Танцевальный минимализм с элементами гротеска и буффонады - так можно было бы охарактеризовать стиль The B-52's, которые вносили массу юмора и в свою музыку, и в сценические выступления.
Сам имидж The B-52's словно пародировал ведущих эстрадных телешоу - он включал яркие полукарнавальные прикиды (у девушек, естественно, радикальные миниюбки), вычурные позы перед микрофоном и манерные "проходы" по сцене, кукольно-вампириозный макияж, а также немыслимых размеров разноцветные парики а-ля "супербабетта", в которых выступали вокалистки. Кстати, по сленговому наименованию этих самых париков группа и получила свое название (а парики, в свою очередь, были так обозваны за некоторое сходство с американскими тяжелыми бомбардировщиками B-52). Находки The B-52's в области музыкальной стилистики и сценического действа были взяты на вооружение многими артистами "новой волны".
История свидетельствует, что свой первый концерт The B-52's дали в дружеской домашней обстановке, и случилось это в 1977-м в День святого Валентина. Скоро молодые музыканты начали устраивать "гастроли выходного дня" в Нью-Йорке, где и привлекли внимание звукозаписывающих фирм. В 1979 году под продюсерским руководством Криса Блэкуэлла группа издала свой дебютный одноименный альбом, который имел широкий успех, будучи поддержан такими сильными хит-синглами, как "Planet Claire", "Rock Lobster" и "52 Girls". Стёбная музычка с "тревожными" гитарными мотивами, острым ритмом ударных, саундом типа "увезу тебя я в тундру" и забавным вокалом (чередование низкого полудекламационного мужского и высоких вибрирующих женских голосов) напоминала саундтрек к шпионскому сериалу или к фильму о высадке инопланетян где-нибудь на мысе Канаверал. Благодаря своим зажигательным перформансам The B-52's стали стремительно набирать аудиторию в панк-клубах, хотя и не имели поддержки на радио.
С выпуском второго студийного альбома "Wild Planet" (1980; сопродюсер - Рэтт Дэвис) стало ясно, что The B-52's вполне могут претендовать на роль одного из лидеров американского движения "новой волны". Без таких вещей, как "Private Idaho", "Party Out Of Bounds" и "Strobelight" не обходилась ни одна продвинутая вечеринка. Альбом ремиксов "Party Mix" (1981) получил не меньшую популярность, которую подтвердили также следующие два диска - "Mesopotamia" (1982; продюсер - Дэвид Бирн) с ее убойной заглавной композицией и "Whammy!" (1983) с такими хитами, как "Legal Tender" и "Song For The Future Generator" . Команду одинаково горячо приветствовали и на MTV, и на альтернативных радиостанциях.
Но на пути успеха группу подстерегала безвременная личная потеря: в 1985 году, сразу после окончания записи следующего LP "Bouncing Off The Satellites", от СПИДа скончался гитарист Рики Уилсон. Альбом, на запись которого в целом было потрачено три года, вышел в 1986-м и, конечно, был посвящен Рики. Более романтичный и клавишно-ориентированный, чем предыдущие, он оправдал столь долгие ожидания, а такие дэнс-"коронки", как "She Brakes For Rainbows" и "Summer Of Love", вошли в анналы поп-музыки 80-х.
Но на должную раскрутку альбома у участников коллектива не было ни желания, ни душевных сил, и вопрос о существовании The B-52's повис в воздухе.
Спустя три года Кит, Кейт, Фред и Синди поняли, что The B-52's не имеет права исчезнуть со сцены, и решили продолжать. Все эти три года Кит Стриклэнд, занявший теперь место основного гитариста, потихоньку сочинял материал к новому альбому, которому суждено было стать наиболее коммерчески успешным творением The B-52's. "Cosmic Thing" (1989), созданный при продюсерском участии Дона Уоза и Найла Роджерса, вновь принес группе международную известность и культовый статус.
При этом сами музыканты отмечали, что в этом альбоме они вернулись к своим корням и тем беспечным временам, что когда-то проводили в родных Афинах. Действительно, несмотря на свою к тому моменту уже 13-летнюю историю, The B-52's, оставаясь в рамках давным-давно найденного стиля и имиджа, вновь звучали на удивление задорно, а главное - молодо и своевременно, став фаворитами вечеринок по всему миру.
Хиты альбома - "Deadbeat Club", "Love Shack", "Roam" и др. не вылезали из хит-парадов, а сам диск добрался до N3 в чартах Billboard.
Однако медаль вновь обернулась другой стороной: устав от изматывающих гастролей, из группы ушла Синди Уилсон, к тому времени уже мама прелестной девчушки. Кейт тем временем активно сотрудничала с музыкантами из других коллективов, включая R.E.M., с которыми она в качестве гостьи исполнила песню "Shiny Happy People", и Игги Попа, ставшего ее партнером в любовном дуэте "Candy".
Уже в трио-варианте The B-52's выпустили еще один альбом - "Good Stuff" (1992), над созданием которого трудилась та же продюсерская двойка, что и три года назад. Потерю одного "бойца" женского пола возместили, пригласив к участию Джули Круз, известную исполнительницу в жанре "кинопесни" (всериале Дэвида Линча "Twin Peaks" она даже сыграла роль).
Саунд альбома, следуя актуальным тенденциям, стал более плотным и объемным, что демонстрировали, в числе других вещей, хитовые "Good Stuff" и "Is That You Mo-Dean?". Однако сами музыканты отмечали, что данный диск - больше чем поп-пластинка, пусть даже великолепно сделанная. Ведь в этой работе The B-52's впервые столь откровенно высказали свою позицию по самым разным социально-общественным проблемам, включая загрязнение окружающей среды, права животных и СПИД. Впрочем, как бы подчеркивая тот факт, что ничто не следует воспринимать слишком серьезно, в 1994 The B-52's записали кавер-версию легкомысленной песенки "(Meet) The Flinstones" (для высокобюджетного римейка известного мультика 60-х годов), которая стала очень успешна в качестве сингла. В 1996 году Фред Шнайдер выпустил сольный альбом.
Но на этом история The B-52's не закончилась. Воссоединившись с Синди, в 1998 году команда записала два абсолютно новых трека, которые увенчали сборник суперхитов "Time Capsule (Songs For A Future Generation)".
Все такие же молодые и красивые, Кейт и Синди посвятили песню "Debbie" еще одной пост-панк-диве 70-80-х, Дебби Харри. "Debbie" и "Hallucinating Plato" звучат как классические вещи The B-52's, но при этом без всякого уклона в ретро, и не только благодаря тому, что культура конца 90-х во многом апеллирует к музыке прошлых десятилетий.
The B-52's будут звучать современно и в наступающем тысячелетии. Летом 2000 года группа совместно с The Go-Go's и Psychedelic Furs активно гастролирует по родной Америке, а также выступает на корпоративных вечеринках.
The B-52's: Video
Aurora Tour (both Kate's solo with Nina, in Japan only)
Happy Tomorrow
Candy (Kate's duet with Iggy Pop)
Love Shack (DJ Tonka remix)
Tell It Like It T-I-Is
Love Shack 99
(Meet) The Flintstones
Hot Pants Explosion
Revolution Earth
Good Stuff
Is That You Mo-Dean?
Cosmic Thing
Cosmic Thing (live at Shoreline Amphitheater, Shoreline, CA, August 17, 1990)
Rock Lobster
Rock Lobster (live New York 1979)
Song For A Future Generation
Channel Z
Girl From Ipanema (Goes To Greenland)
Legal Tender
Private Idaho
Dance This Mess Around
Give Me Back My Man
the B-52'S
2. 52 GIRLS
8. 6060-842
She came from Planet Claire
I knew she came from there
She drove a Plymouth Satellite
Faster than the speed of light
Planet Claire has pink air
All the trees are red
No one ever dies there
No one has a head
Some say she's from Mars
Or one of the seven stars
That shine after 3:30 in the morning
She came from Planet Claire
She came from Planet Claire
She came from Planet Claire
Effie, Madge and Mabel and Biddie
See them on the beach
Or in New York City
Tina Louise and Hazel and Mavis
Can you name, name, name, name them today
Can you name, name, name, name them today
Wanda and Janet and Ronnie and Reba-o-o-o
These are the girls of the U.S.A.
The principle girls of the U.S.A.
Can you name, name, name, name them today
Can you name, name, name, name them today
O-o-o Kate, Kate and Cindy and Crystal and Candy
Mercedes and Joan, Betty and Brenda,
Suzie and Anita and Pheobe and Jack Jackie-o
These are the girls of the U.S.A.
The principle girls of the U.S.A.
Can you name, name, name, name them today
Can you name, name, name, name them today
Can you name, name, name.
Remember when you held my hand
Remember when you were my man
Walk talk in the name of love
Before you break my heart
Think it over, think it over
Roll it over in your mind
Why don't you dance with me
I'm not no Limburger
Just a limburger
Dance this mess around
Dance this mess around 'round 'round
Everybody goes to parties
They dance this mess around
They do the Shu-ga-loo
Do the Shy Tuna
Do the Camel Walk
Do the Hip-o-crit
Ah---Hippy Hippy forward Hippy Hippy
Hippy Shake, Hippy Shake
Oh---it's time to do 'em right
Hey now, don't that make you feel you a whole lot better?
I say, don't that make you a whole lot better?
What you say?
I'm just askin'
Everybody goes to parties
They dance this mess around
They do all 16 dances
Do the Coo-ca-choo
Do the Aqua-velva
Do the Dirty dog
Do the Escalator
Ah---Hippy Hippy forward Hippy Hippy
Hippy Shake, Hippy Shake
It's time to do 'em right
Hey! Fred, now don't that make you feel a whole lot better now?
Say, don't that make you feel a whole lot better?
What you say?
I'm just askin'
Yeah, yeah, yeah...
Dance on over
Yeah, yeah
Dance, dance, dance the mess around
Dance this mess around
Shake, shake-a-bake shake
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Dance this mess around
Yeah, yeah, yeah......
We were at a party
His ear lobe fell in the deep
Someone reached in and grabbed it
It was a rock lobster
We were at the beach
Everybody had matching towels
Somebody went under a dock
And there they saw a rock
It wasn't a rock
It was a rock lobster
Motion in the ocean
His air hose broke
Lots of trouble
Lots of bubble
He was in a jam
S'in a giant clam
Down, down
Underneath the waves
Mermaids wavin'
Wavin' to mermen
Wavin' sea fans
Sea horses sailin'
Dolphins wailin'
Red snappers snappin'
Clam shells clappin'
Muscles flexin'
Flippers flippin'
Down, down
Let rock!
Boy's in bikinis
Girls in surfboards
Everybody's rockin'
Everybody's fruggin'
Twistin' 'round the fire
Havin' fun
Bakin' potatoes
Bakin' in the sun
Put on your noseguard
Put on the Lifeguard
Pass the tanning butter
Here comes a stingray
There goes a manta-ray
In walked a jelly fish
There goes a dog-fish
Chased by a cat-fish
In flew a sea robin
Watch out for that piranha
There goes a narwhale
My body's burnin' like a lava from a Mauna Loa
My heart's crackin' like a Krakatoa
Krakatoa, east of Java, molten bodies, fiery lava
Fire, fire, burnin' bright
Turn on your love lava
Turn on your lava light
Fire, oh volcano, over you
Don't let your lava love turn to stone
Keep it burnin'
Keep it burnin' here at home
Oooo Hot Lava
Oooo Hot Lava
My love may be as high as the highest volcano
But the altitude is way too high
Well it gets so cold when you look at me that way---yeah
I just wanna have that hot lava
Lovin' me away
My love's mountin'
My love's eruptin' like a red hot volcano
Fire, oh volcano, over you
I gotta lotta lava love locked up inside me
My love's a lava bomb
Knock you in the head
Knock you in the head
Kick you in the lava bed
Over you, hot lava
Don't let your lava love turn to stone
Keep in burnin'
Keep it burnin' here at home
Oooo it's so hot
It's burnin' up in here
Oooo look out, it's about to erupt
Oooo my body's burnin' like a lava from a Mauna Loa
My heart's crackin' like a Krakatoa
Hot fire, red-hot fire
Lava, ohh, hot lava
Hot lava, red-hot lava
Hot lava, re-e-ed, hot lava
Oh hot lava
I'm gonna let it go
Let it flow like Pompeii or Herculaneum
Let it sizzle, let it rise
Don't let your lava love flow turn to stone
Keep it burnin'
Keep it burnin' here at home
I'm gonna jump in a crater
See ya later
Oooo hot lava
Oooo hot lava
Hot lava
Red hot lava
Hot lava
Red hot lava
There's a moon in the sky
It's called the moon
And everybody is there, including,
Saturn, Mercury
Saturn, Venus
Saturn, Mars
Saturn, Jupiter
The Van Allen Belt
Roll-roll-roll-roll-rollin' in Andromeda
Won-ton-ton-ton rama-in-Andromeda
There's too many rings---This is the Space Age
There's too many things---This is the Space Age
Just ain't no atmosphere tonight
If you're lucky you get to ride in a gold meteorite
If you're not, you get a mouth, a mouthful of red Kryptonite
You better move over
Here comes a Super-nova
Kryptonite- - -
Destination moon
If you're in outer space
Don't feel out of place
'cause there are thousands of others like you
Others like you
Others like you
Well there's a moon, it's in the sky
It's called the moon
And everybody is there 'cluding
Destination moon
Many gamma rays around it
Van Allen Belt surrounds it
This is the Space Age
Please don't worry
This is the Space Age
Just don't worry
This is the Space Age
Others like you
Ahhh ahhh..........
Heroes falling to the ground
Like Hell's magnet
Pulls me down
On my knees
I try to please his eyes
His idol eyes
Jerking motions won't revive him
Mouth to mouth resusitation [sic]
I just lay down beside him
And idolize
Motor, motor
Broken hearted
Rusted, rotted
Falling apart
A lock of hair
A belt he wore
It's not enough
God give me his soul
God give me his soul
Heroes falling to the ground
Like Hell's magnet
Pulls me down
On my knees
I try to please his eyes
His idol eyes
Tina went to the Lady's room
Saw written on the wall
"If you'd like a very nice time
Just give this number a call"
It was 6060-842
606 and I'm waitin' for you
606 and I'm waitin' for you
Tina reached in her pocketbook
Pulled out a thin dime
Dropped it in the phone slot
Prayin' she'd get the line
It was 6060-842
606 and I'm waitin' for you
606 and I'm waitin' for you
Dial the number to call
Get no answer at all
Dime's in the slot
Ready to trot
Uh, 6060-842
I've been tryin' all day
And I'm makin' no headway
Operator, what's wrong?
I dial stupid number all day long
Operator said, "Your number's been disconnected
Your number's been disconnected
Your number's been disconnected
Your number's been disconnected"
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Wild Planet
Party Out of Bounds (3:21)
Dirty Back Road (3:21)
Runnin' Around (3:10)
Give Me Back My Man (4:00)
Private Idaho (3:35)
Devil In My Car (4:28)
Quiche Lorraine (3:58)
Strobe Light (4:00)
53 Miles West of Venus (4:53)
Chris Blackwell
Kate Pierson Vocal, Keyboard, Guitar
Fred Schneider Keyboards, Vocal
Keith Strickland Drums
Cindy Wilson Vocal, Guitar
Ricky Wilson Guitar
Party Out Of Bounds
Yeah, we just thought we'd drop in!
Where's your icebox?
Where's the punch?
Ew, house-a-tosis!
Who's to blame when parties really get out of hand?
Who's to blame when they get poorly planned?
Crashers get bombed, slobs make a mess.
Ya know sometimes they'll even ruin your wife's dress.
Crashers getttin' bombed. (Who's to blame?)
Can you pull it back in line?
Can you salvage it in time?
What can you do to save a party?
Parcheesi? Charades? A spur-of-the-moment
Scavenger hunt, or Queen of the Nile? (WOOOOOOOOOOH!)
Who turned out the lights! (WOOOOOOOOOOH!)
Bombed, crashers gettin' bombed
crashers gettin' bombed, bombed, bombed, bombed, well who's to blame?
Who's to blame when situations degenerate?
Disgusting things you'd never anticipate?
People get sick, they play the wrong games.
Ya know, it can ruin your name!
Crashers gettin' bombed. (Who's to blame?)
Can you pull it back in line?
Can you salvage it in time?
Dirty Back Road
Ricky Wilson & Robert Waldrop Wreckless drivin', like a sportscar
God I want you, like a fuel engine!
Energized line, like a road
You-oo-oo-oo--oo ride me-ee-ee-ee-ee
Like a road
You-oo-oo-oo--oo ride me-ee-ee-ee-ee
Foot on the peddle
Feet in the air
Sand in my hair
Oh, don't look back
Don't look behind you
Wreckless drivin' on
Dirty Back Road
Runnin' Around
My baby, lookin' for my baby
Runnin' around
Lookin' up, lookin' down
Yeah ya know I'd sure like to run around with littly baby right now
But you're nowhere to be found
In the restaurants, in the store,
I'm run, run, runnin' around (runnin')
Run, run, runnin' around (runnin')
Lookin', lookin' high, lookin' low, for you
Lookin' here, lookin' there
But you're nowhere
I'm lookin' for my baby, yeah
Run, run, runnin' around
Run, run, runnin' around
Chasin' rainbows in the mud
You got me chasin' rainbows in the mud
In the windows over walls
Through the beauty parlor at the mall
I'm run, run, runnin' around
Run, run, runnin' around
I'm lookin' for my baby
I'm lookin' for that girl
Run, run, runnin' around
Run, run, runnin' around
You got me runnin'
I'm lookin' for my baby
I'm lookin' for that girl
Runnin', runnin', runnin', (Runnin' around)
Runnin', runnin', runnin', (Lookin')
Runnin', runnin', runnin', (All over town)
Runnin', runnin', runnin', (You got me)
Give Me Back My Man
She cuts her hair
and calls his name.
Wishin' everything could be the same,
like when she had him.
I'll give you fish,
I'll give you candy,
I'll give you everthing I have in my hand.
Walking out of Korvettes,
Package in her hand.
Motions to all the seabirds,
throws divinity on the sand.
I'll give you fish,
I'll give you candy,
I'll give you everthing I have in my hand.
Give me, give back my man.
Give me, give back my man.
Her head's in a whirlpool,
spinnin' round and round.
If she don't get her man back
she's gonna drown.
I'll give you fish,
I'll give you candy,
I'll give you everything I have in my hand.
Give her, give back her man,
Give her, give back her man. (repeat)
Private Idaho
Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo
You're living in your own Private Idaho
Living in your own Private Idaho
Underground like a wild potato.
Don't go on the patio.
Beware of the pool,
blue bottomless pool.
It leads you straight
right throught the gate
that opens on the pool.
You're living in your own Private Idaho.
You're living in your own Private Idaho.
Keep off the path, beware the gate,
watch out for signs that say "hidden driveways".
Don't let the chlorine in your eyes
blind you to the awful surprise
that's waitin' for you at
the bottom of the bottomless blue blue blue pool.
You're livin in your own Private Idaho. Idaho.
You're out of control, the rivers that roll,
you fell into the water and down to Idaho.
Get out of that state,
get out of that state you're in.
You better beware.
You're living in your own Private Idaho.
You're living in your own Private Idaho.
Keep off the patio,
keep off the path.
The lawn may be green
but you better not be seen
walkin' through the gate that leads you down,
down to a pool fraught with danger
is a pool full of strangers.
You're living in your own Private Idaho,
where do I go from here to a better state than this.
Well, don't be blind to the big surprise
swimming round and round like the deadly hand
of a radium clock, at the bottom, of the pool.
Woah oh oh woah oh oh woah oh oh
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Get out of that state
Get out of that state
You're living in your own Private Idaho,
livin in your own Private.... Idaho
Devil In My Car
HELP! The devil's in my car.
HELP! The devil's in my car.
HELP! The devil's in my car.
Ho, devil's in my car, whoa please
PLEASE! Leave me alone!
We're really tearin' tar.
We're goin' 90 miles an hour.
Ho! He's drivin' me crazy.
He's drivin' me to Hell now.
He's pointing his pitchfork at me.
He's in the front seat of my car!
He's taking over!
Oo, he ripped my upholstry.
He's at the wheel,
HELP! The devil's in my car.
HELP! He's drivin' too far.
(scream!) Ooooooh!
I can't lock the door,
I can't put on my safety belt.
There's nothing for me to do but yell HELP!
Devil's in my car!
I'm goin' to Hell in my old Chevrolet,
I don't know which way.
Oh, HELP! Devil's in my car!
Yeah, yeah. He's gone too far.
I won't see ya tomorrow.
I won't see ya anymore.
He's got his cloven hoof on the clutch.
Oh! Ow! I'm sitting on his tail.
Oh-Ohh, I don't wanna go to Hell.
(I don't wanna go to the devil.)
He's in my car, in my car, in my car.
The radio gives me static,
there's nothing on my CB.
Oh, HELP! the devil's in my car.
Oh, he's in my car. He's in my car.
The devil's in my car.
We're turning off the road.
Oh! Where ya taking me devil?
Oh! He's grinning door to door.
He's got his cloven hoof on the clutch.
Oh, I don't wanna go to Hell.
(I don't wanna go to the devil.)
He's in my car.
Freeway to Hell.
We're burning up the road.
Freeway to Hell. (Right through the tollbooth)
We're burning up the road.
Freeway to Hell. (Right through the guardrail)
We're burning up the road.
Freeway to Hell. (Across the median)
We're burning up the road.
Freeway to Hell. (Would you slow down?)
We're burning up the road.
I've got the devil juice in my CARburater!
I've got the devil in my cigarette lighter.
I don't need no battery (I got the devil in my car).
In my car. In my car-oh!
In my car
In my car
In my car
In my car
In my car
Quiche Lorraine
The skies are charcoal grey,
It's a dreary downtown day,
But at the end of my 40 foot leash,
Is my little friend Quiche.
Quiche La Poodle is her name
And having a good time on a crummy day is our game.
Quiche Quiche Lorraine
Quiche Quiche Lorraine
Everyday I take her out. Yea!
She runs around, she shouts out and barks, Yea!
Cause she's a good doggie
She's a sweet, sweet, sweet PUPPY! Arf Arf
And I know she'll stick by me, Yea! Arf Arf
Oh no! Here comes a Great Dane
Drivin' down the lane
Quiche, Quiche, Quiche come back here;
Don't leave me.
I'll go insane.
I'll go insane.
How do you like that?
Has anybody seen a dog dyed dark green.
About two inches tall, with a strawberry blonde fall;
Sunglasses and a bonnet
and designer jeans with appliques on it?
The dog that brought me so much joy
Left me wallowing in pain.
Quiche Lorraine.
I'll show her!
Do you see the key in my hand?
I'm gonna throw it in the lake.
Yea, you've been so rotten to me,
You take the cake.
I'm just gonna lock the door to your kennel,
and just you try and come back to me.
Yea, you'll see.
Quiche Quiche Lorraine You mangey mutt.
Quiche Quiche Lorraine I'm talking about Quiche!
Quiche Quiche Lorraine Quiche Lorraine!
Strobe Light
Where's my telephone?
"Is that you baby?"
"Got something to tell you."
"Oh, what?"
I want to see you tonight
I want you to walk in the door
I want you to lay on the floor
Cause tonight's the night
We make love, under a stobe light
Underneath the strobe light
Wanna make love to you under the strobe light
Wanna make love to you under the strobe light
Strobe light - Woah oh oh
Strobe light - Woah oh oh
But the light goes to my head!
Everything I see is red
Baby when I kiss your hair
I feel electricity in the air
I'm gonna kiss your eyes
Then I'm gonna kiss your neck
Then I'm gonna kiss your tummy
The I'm gonna kiss your pineapple
Tonight's the night
For love under the light
Strobe light, strobe light
Underneath the strobe light
Wanna make love to you under the strobe light
Wanna make love to you under the strobe light
Strobe light - Woah oh oh
Strobe light - Woah oh oh
I just wanna make love to you
I just wanna make love to you
Underneath the strobe light
Strobe light, strobe light
Strobe light, strobe light
Strobe light
Strobe, strobe, strobe, strobe, strobe light
53 Miles West of
53 miles west of venus
53 miles west of venus
53 miles west of venus
53 miles west of venus
53 miles west of venus
53 miles west of venus
53 miles west of venus
53 miles west of venus
Love Land (5:00)
Deep Sleep (3:29)
Mesopotamia (3:49)
Cake (5:48)
Throw That Beat In The Garbage Can (4:30)
Nip It In The Bud (3:32)
Loveland, Loveland
I got a searchlight, I got a lovelight
Beauteous isles of Loveland
Hey, hey I got it
I'm talkin' about love, whoa
Love, love power is the power of the hour, ho
Love, love power is the power of the hour, ho no hoa
I will show you all the shortcuts to Loveland
The Lovelake can get rough
Hey, hey I got it
I'm talkin' about love
Love, love power is the power of the hour, ho
Love, love power is the power of the hour, ho no hoa
Give me, give me your hand
and we'll steer a course to Loveland
The Lovelake can get rough
Air get tense, waves get choppy
Embraces cold and kisses sloppy
Oh baby I got it, and you got it, love
I'm gonna take you to a place where;
But tonight we'll make (wooo)
Loveland, Loveland, Loveland we got it,
We got it, you wait, I'll open the gate
Turn your watch, turn your watch back,
about a hundred thousand years.
A hundred thousand years.
I'll meet you by the third pyramid
I'll meet you by the third pyramid
Ah come on, that's what I want, we'll meet
in Mesopotamia. oh oh oh
(We're goin' down to meet) I ain't no student,
(Feel those vibrations) of ancient culture
(I know a neat excavation) Before I talk
I should read a book.
But there's one thing I do know,
There's a lot of ruins in Mesopotamia.
Six or eight thousand years ago
They laid down the law. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa
Six or eight thousand years ago
They laid down the law. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa
I'll meet you by the third pyramid
I'll meet you by the third pyramid
Ah come on, that's what I want, we'll meet
in Mesopotamia. oh oh oh
(We're goin' down to meet) Now I ain't no student,
(Feel those vibrations) of ancient culture
(I know a neat excavation) Before I talk
I should read a book. (Mesopotamia, that's where I wanna go)
But there's one thing that I do know, (Mesopotamia, that's where I wanna go)
There's a lot of ruins in Mesopotamia.
Six or eight thousand years ago
They laid down the law. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa
Six or eight thousand years ago
They laid down the law. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa
In Mesopotamia. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa
They laid down the law. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa
In Mesopotamia. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa
Take a little, take a little nip,
take a little sip, take a little more.
Spread icing nice and thick between the layers.
Ooh let it drip down the sides. Who cares.
Done with the batter.
I am watching it drip down the sides
(If you want a better batter better beat it harder.)
I am watching it drip down the sides
I said according to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake
According to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake.
I am watching it drip down the sides
(If you want a better batter better beat it harder.)
I am watching it drip down the sides
I said according to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake
(Takes a long time for it to rise)
According to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake.
(Let it drip right down the sides)
According to my recipe
(Who cares)
I can't wait to put the icing on the cake.
I-I can't wait to put the icing on the cake.
Hey, you know what I'd really like to do?
Say wha'?
I feel like makin' a cake
Ooh wah what kind of cake do you want?
Umm, how about ... pineapple upside-down cake?
Maybe a chocolate devil's food cake.
Wah, nothin' like a chocolate devil's food cake.
Ooh, how about an angel cake?
Umm, some cinnamon?
Yea, sure.
Yea, uh huh. I swear.
You got a pan the right size?
A pan?
It says in this cookbook it takes a long time to rise.
I read that. Now, beware.
Let's get this thing in the oven.
Take a little, take a little nip,
take a little sip, take a little more.
Spread icing nice and thick between the layers.
Ooh let it drip down the sides. Who cares.
Done with the batter.
I am watching it drip down the sides
(If you want a better batter better beat it harder.)
I am watching it drip down the sides
I said according to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake
According to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake.
Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah ...
I can't wait to put the icing on the cake.
Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah ...
250 strokes to beat it, I just can't wait to eat it.
Deep Sleep
Robert Waldrop, Keith Strickland & Kate Pierson
Walking backwards into the sea
Bodies, Angels, like musical peaks
Dreamed up by you and me in our sleep
You come walking over pillows and sheets
Walking backwards into the night
Caught tight in the sheets
Our dreams entangled twisted by our heat
You come walking over pillows and sheets
It's the coldest part of the night
Throw That Beat In The Garbage Can
Here it comes again, drivin' me nuts
Can't control my feet or stop shakin' my butt
The neighbours are complaining, it's getting out of hand
Throw that beat in the garbage can
Toss that beat, beat, beat, beat
Toss that beat, beat, beat, beat
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop
It's drivin' me crazy Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Stop that beat, it makes me apprehensive
Sweat ruins my clothes, they are very expensive
The neighbours are complaining, it's getting out of hand
Throw that beat in the garbage can
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop
It's drivin' me crazy Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Toss that beat, beat, beat, beat (repeat)
Nip It In The Bud
Oh Wo Oh Nip it in the bud
No Wo Oh Nip it in the bud
Oh Wo Oh I say 'Froze you'
No Wo Oh Nothin' I can do
Can't, oh oh, can't give it in Ho Oh Oh Woooah
Wo Oh Oh Nip it in the bud
Wo Oh Oh Nip it in the bud
You lock me out, you lock me out, huh
Lock me out, ah, lock me out
Nip it in the bud, I don't know
Give it a shove, hey hey
Head 'em up, head 'em up
Move 'em out, move 'em out, hooah
I'm no fool!
Ain't got no place to go
I don't know, I don't care
If you just go on and get me there
Oh, I don't want to ruffle your feathers
I don't care if you don't go
I'll just go do and beware ho oh ho oh
Nip it in the bud Wo Oh Oh
Give it a shove
Hey you gotta head 'em up, move 'em out hooah
Ahhhh, come take me away
Say, come take me away
Nip it in the bud...
Whammy! (p)1983
1983 Warner Bros. Records
All selections by the B-52's unless noted.
(Robert Waldrop)
We're in the basement, learning to print
All of it's hot!
10-20-30 million ready to be spent
We're stackin' 'em against the wall
Those gangster presidents
Livin' simple and trying to get by
But honey, prices have shot through the sky
So I fixed up the basement with
What I was a-workin' with
Stocked it full of jelly jars
And heavy equipment
We're in the basement...
10-20-30 million dollars
Ready to be spent
Walk into the bank, try to pass that trash
Teller sees and says "Uh-huh-that's fresh as grass."
See the street pass under your feet
In time to buy the latest model get-away Jeep
So I fixed up the basement with
What I was a-workin' with
Stocked it full of jelly jars
And heavy equipment
We're in the basement
So I fixed up the basement with
What I was a-workin' with
Stocked it full of jelly jars
And heavy equipment
We're in the basement,
Learning to print
All of it's hot
All counterfeit
I need a refueling
I need your kiss
Come on now and
Plant it on my lips
Whammy kiss me
Whammy hug
Revitalize me
Give me whammy love
On Planet X-oh it
Won't be long now
I got a light year to
Get to the phone now
I'm gonna contact you
When I get home
Give it all you got
Give it all to me
Come on mammy and
Throw me that whammy
I said give it all you got
Give it all to me
Come on mammy, throw
Me that whammy
And I know I need
That whammy kiss
Whatever you do
I'm just passing the
Time to get to you
To pass the time with you
He cannot stand to
Go into work when he
Needs some whammy love
You gotta use it right
Use it right now
I ain't foolin'
Give me a refuelin'
Yeah, whammy kiss me
Whammy hug
Come on mammy throw
Me that whammy
Wanna be the ruler of the galaxy
Wanna be the king of the universe
Let's meet and have a baby now!
Wanna be the empress of fashion
Wanna be the president of Moscow
Let's meet and have a baby now!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
Hey, I'm Fred the Cancerian from New Jersey
I like collecting records and exploring
The cave of the unknown
Hello, I'm Cindy, I'm a Pisces
And I like chihuahuas and
Chinese noodles
Wanna be the first lady of infinity
Wanna be the nicest guy on earth
Let's meet and have a baby now!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
La! La! La! La! La!
Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now!
Now! La! La! La! La! La!
Hi, my name is Ricky and I'm a Pisces
I love computers and hot tamales
Hey, I'm Kate and I am a Taurus
I love tomatoes and black-capped
Hey, my name is Keith and I'm a
Scorpio from Athens, G-A and I like
To find the essence from within
Wanna be the captain of the Enterprise
Wanna be the king of the Zulus
Let's meet and have a baby now!
Wanna be the daughter of Dracula
Wanna be the son of Frankenstein
Let's meet and have a baby now!
Wanna be mother-father
Wanna be daughter-son
Wanna be captain
Wanna be ruler-king andnd empress
Yeah, if you go down to Athens, G-A
And you're driving in your car
You won't get very far before
You hear people shoutin' out!
What's that?
Buterbean! Yeah!
Gramps and grannies
Kids in their teens
Junkyard dogs and campus queens
Yeah, everybody likes butterbeans
Don't you wait, don't you linger
Butterbean don't slip through my fingers
Pass me plate full, I'll be grateful
Pick 'em, hull 'em, put on the steam
That's how we fix butterbeans
(Fix 'em hot hot hot)
(Yeah, make 'em jump outta the pot)
Come here you little butterbean you come on!
Butterbean grows on the vine
Some people are fat, some people are lean
But I want you to show me the person
Who doesn't like butterbeans
Well, you can have your yams
You can have your collard greens
BUt if you want to please little ol' me
You better fix butterbeans
Don't you wait, don't you linger
Butterbean don't slip through my fingers
Pick 'em, hull 'em, put on the steam
That's how we fix butterbeans
(Fix 'em hot hot hot)
(Yeah, make 'em jump outta the pot)
Fix 'em for me now
She has to leave
She has to go
The fastest way
Is by trism
Steps off the curb
Stella Corona hopes for the best
To be home by sunset
Gotta be home by sunset
She asked me to give her a ride
She said she had to go
Dropped her off by the trism
Through the atmosphere by prism
Go trism
Go trism
Go trism
Go trism
Go trism
Gotta keep, gotta keep movin' on
Gotta keep movin'
Gotta keep movin'
Gotta keep movin'
Gotta-gotta-keep on
It was a human race to get away
And then back again
Like the sun bends light through a prism
She bends herself through the trism
In the smokey streets of the night
She pulls the lever and then bright light
Rockin' on the roulette wheel
Momma grabbed my hand
She was about to die
And she said, "Child, I never been around you much
But I want to give you one thing
Oh, your father was a one-eyed jack of hearts
With diamonds and an ace up his sleeve
Let me tell you I got the system
I got the plan, I got the plan."
Momma give me your blessing
So I can be stronger
Queen of Las Vegas
Queen of Las Vegas
Don't leave me
Queen of Las Vegas
Queen of Las Vegas
Come here again
MY momma she grabbed my hand
She looked at me with a bittersweet smile
She said..."Throw 'em a mile!"
Oh! Momma! I got the system!
Oh, oh, oh Momma, I understand the plan
Give me your blessing so I can be stronger
Help me to grow up and be the Queen
Queen of Las Vegas, Queen of Las Vegas
Queen of Las Vegas (Don't leave me!)
Queen of Las Vegas, Queen of Las Vegas
Queen of Las Vegas
(Yoko Ono)
This is just the words "don't worry" repeated over and over again.
There's a big bird over my house
Go away, go away
There's a big bird flying over my house
And it looks like it's decided to stay
It's making a mistake...a big mistake
Big bird
Big bird
Big bird
Big bird
I pinch myself
I think I'm not dreamng
I'm not
I hear screaming!
C'mon! Get it out now
Wants to use me to feather its nest
Now it wants the rest
It's swooping from the branch
It's swooping from the sky
Spreadin' its feathers
Cuttin' out-flying
There's a big gray bird flying over my house
What do you think I am?
I'm not a louse!
There's a big bird over my house
There's a big, big, big bird
Over my house
What's it doing?
What does it want?
I pinch myself
I think I'm dreaming
I'm not...I hear screaming!
C'mon! Let it out now
Wants to use me to feather its nest
Now it wants the rest
It's swooping from the branch
Swooping from the sky
Spreadin' its feathers
Cuttin' out-flying
There's a big gray bird circling
'Round my house
Circling 'round and 'round
Circling 'round my house
There's a big bird over my house
There's a big, big, big bird
Over my house
Bouncing Off
the Satelites
Summer of Love (4:01)
Girl From Ipanema Goes to Greenland (4:20)
Housework (4:02)
Detour Thru Your Mind (5:06)
Wig (4:20)
Theme for a Nude Beach (4:49)
Ain't it a Shame (5:29)
Juicy Jungle (4:49)
Communicate (4:07)
She Breaks for Rainbows (4:38)
Tom Beckerman - Guitar (electric)
John Cote - Vocal (background)
Tony Mansfield - syn, Producer
Mark Mazur - Guitar (bass)
Tony Phillips - Engineer
Kate Pierson - Vocal, Organ
Tim Rollins - Guitar
Fred Schneider - Vocal
Keith Strickland - b/g/per/k/hrc
Cindy Wilson - Vocal
Ricky Wilson - Guitar, Guitar (bass)
Summer of Love
Summer of love
Summer of love
I've been waiting for the man
Just buzzin' around
Waiting for that very special
Comes in to see what I got
Orange popsicles and lemonade
It's the summer of love, love, love
I'm in love with love, love, love
For everyone transcends here
I'm thinking of you boy
Love energy is giving us a shove
Making this the summer of love
I said,"I see no clouds ahead"
Summer of love
Summer of love
I'm standing in the rain
Just feeling the nitty-gritty of the
Whole thing
Everything is very special
Look in and see what I got
Orange popsicles and lemonade
It's the summer of love, love, love
I'm in love with love, love, love
For everyone
Girl From Ipanema
Goes To Greenland
Girl from Ipanema goes to Greenland
Girl from Ipanema goes to Greenland
Witch-doctors are screaming
Nymphs are dreaming
This girl's lost someone
Who is that someone
She's leaving
Girl from Ipanema goes to Greenland
Girl from Ipanema goes to Greenland
Hot latitudes, cool atitudes
She's leaving
Moon in her mirror
Chasing northern lights
She goes. Ahhh
Girl from Ipanema goes to Greenland
Remember wherever you go
There you are
Girl from Ipanema goes to Greenland
Girl from Ipanema goes to Greenland
I am doing my housework
Got no time to fool 'round
I am doing my housework
CLeanin' up and I'm gettin' down
It'll be so clean
You can eat off the floor
You can eat off the wall
Or anywhere at all
'Cause I'll make this place
A party pad for two
And I'm not stoppin' 'til I do
I'm so tired of this vacuum
Need a man to help soon
Don't need a man to make a move on me
I need a man to move in with me
Don't need a man to treat me mean
I need a man to help me clean
Someone who's heaven sent
Someone to help pay rent
Someone to share dreams and wishes
Someone to help me do the dishes
Detour Thru Your Mind
Your brain is an ever changing
kaleidoscope of moods and colours
We walk in the park but it's melting
in the dark
All of a sudden your mood changes and
your face looks like a cake left out in
the rain
Is your name MacArthur Parker?
Or is it Reba?
Detour thru your mind.
Supersaver to your mind
We seem to float by yesterday's child.
The new you.
The land time forgot and a horse with no mane
As we go further into the gloom, we chance upon
a large orange room
A key pops out of your nose. We open the door
And all of a sudden we realise that we are no
From ear to ear. From here to now
I hear another galaxy spinning around
Who am I? Where am I going? How much will it cost?
A flash of blinding light and we're in an elegantly
appointed doctor's office
It seems that Doctor Aron Butterfly wants to dip us
in plaster and use us for bookends
We say to the doctore, "No. Please. No!"
And then we get the doctor's bill. What a shock!
$16,000! And all he wanted to do was dip us in
Detour thru your mind. Supersaver to your mind
Who am I?
Where have I been?
Where am I going?
DO I need any luggage?
(Drug-free altered mindscapetalk)
I need to leave my past behind
I need to leave my behind in the past
Backwards message: I buried my parakeet in the backyard.
Oh no, you're playing the record backwards. Watch out,
you might ruin your needle.
What's that on your head?
A wig
Wig. Wig. Wig
Sally's gotta wig
Ricky's gotta wig
Baby's gotta wig
Kate's gotta wig
Fred's gotta cheap toupee
Keith's gotta big bouffant on
We all got wigs, so... Let's go!
On the neon, neon side of town
On the neon, neon side of town
Julia's gotta wig
Phyllis has a wig
Cindy's gotta wig
J.T's gotta wig
Carol's fall fell
Bubba's gotta big bouffant on
We all got wigs, so... Let's go!
On the neon, neon side of town
On the neon, neon side of town
On the neon, neon side of town
On the neon, neon side of town
What's that on you head?
A wig
Wig. Wig. Wig
Wigs on fire! Wigs on fire! Wigs on... Fire!
It's 2525 and we've got the most wigs alive!
Wigs on fire! Wigs on fire! Take it... Higher!
It's 2525 and we've got the hottest dos alive!
Theme For a Nude
Bop bop bop boodha bah da da
Bop bop bah da bah da
Bop bop bop boodha bah da da
Bop bop bah da bah da
There is a sand bar in your mind
Sand bar in the bay
Sand bar in your mind
Sand bar in the bay
There's a beach
Oh I hope it's not out of reach
It's very beautiful
Come my little peach
Together we'll go down to nude beach
Together we'll stroll on the sand
We'll stroll on the sand together
Where the air and the land meet forever
The sea, the land
A land of tan
We know a place where we are free
We throw our suits into the sea
Bop bop bop boodha bah da da
Bop bop bah da bah da
Bop bop bop boodha bah da da
Bop bop bah da bah da
Please take my hand. You are a woman
I am a man
This place is so remote, everything is revealed
It's so mysterious
Here I must stay forever
Together we'll go down to nude beach
Together we'll stroll on the sand
We'll stroll on the sand together
Where the air and the land meet forever
The sea, the sand
A land of tan
Ain't it a Shame
Flying saucers could land
And it wouldn't make much difference to my man
I could walk aboad and thank the lord
And leave this damn town in seconds flat
Check my bags and never come back
Oh, our love is
Like a fuse that's burned out
Oh, our love is
Like a fuse that's burned out
Oh, I've been unkind
Not like you
Ain't I ashamed
Being misused
I liked your Chevy Duster
I liked your brand new trailer
I liked your colour TV
But you looked at that colour TV
More than me
More than me
Juicy Jungle
Millions of trees
Don't chop them down
See them growing for miles around
I like the rainclouds
I like the heat
Don't want parched earth burning my feet
I like the jungle
I like its style
Keep it growing, keep it wild
Let it grow for miles and miles and miles
All the creatures big and small
I don't go hunting 'cause I like them all
In the jungle. In the jungle
Juicy jungle's gonna disappear
Juicy jungle's gonna disappear
You've got an axe to grind? Don't grind
it here
'Cause juicy jungle's getting smaller year
after year
Vines and plants in the wild
Let them grow for miles and miles in every
All the creatures big and small
I don't need a gun 'cause I like them all
Juicy jungle's gonna disappear
Juicy jungle's gonna disappear
You've got an axe to grind? Don't grind it
'Cause juicy jungle's getting smaller year
after year
I may never see it, but I don't care
As long as I know that it's gonna grow
As long as I know taht it's still there
I like the jungle
I like it wild
Let it grow in every direction for miles
and miles
In every direction for miles and miles
Juicy jungle's gonna disappear
Juicy jungle's gonna disappear
You've got an axe to grind? Don't grind it
'Cause juicy jungle's getting smaller
year after year
Juicy jungle's gonna disappear leave
it alone
Leave it alone
Keep it wild
Let loose
Before it causes problems
Let loose
Before it tears you apart
Let loose
Let loose
You gotta reach out - Reach out and touch someone
You gotta reach out - Reach out and touch someone
Boy (Oh girl) you better communicate
Before it's too late
You better start talking
You better talk
Let loose
Before it causes problems
Let loose
Before it tears you apart
Don't bottle it up
Don't bottle it up
Like a bottle of pop
A bottle of 7-Up
You better let it
Talk from your heart and not just your brain
Talk from your heart and not just your brain
(Your brain that is)
Talk from your heart and not just your brain
Talk from your heart and not just your brain
(Your brain that is)
Channel 17 - Ho
Communicate - Ho
Communicate - Ho
Baby baby bounce it off your satellite - Yeah
She Breaks For Rainbows
Here comes Brenda
Brenda Holiday
Though she hasn't that much to say
She knows where the rain goes
She breaks
She breaks for rainbows
Fly Brenda
Fly Brenda
Window in the weather
Flowers in her hair
Footprints on the ceiling
How did they get there
She knows where the rain goes
She breaks
She breaks for rainbows
Gyrate it till you had your fill
Just like a pneumatic drill
Don't let it go down the drain
Ya better hop on the cosmic wagontrain!
Cosmic! Cosmic!
I was havin' this out-of-body experience
Saw these cosmic beings
Everywhere I went up there, they were shakin' their cosmic things
Like someone gave ya a wild goose, or a freight train with
A loose caboose
You better shake your... honeybuns! Shake your honeybuns!
Shake it till the butter melts, shake it till the butter melts
Shake that cosmic thing, shake that thing, shake it, ohhhh yeah!
Shake that thing all night long, shake it man you can't go wrong
Don't let it rest on the President's desk, rock the house!
Cosmic! Wooooo! Cosmic!
I don't need no earthquake, don't need no tidal wave!
Till night falls and day breaks, gonna shake, shake, shake!
Shake! Cosmic thang! Shake that thang! Wooo! Yeah!
Like someone gave ya a wild goose, or a freight train with
A loose caboose, ya better shake your... honeybuns!
Shake those honeybuns!
Shake that thing all night long, shake it man, ya can't go wrong
Rock the house! Rock the house!
While cruising through the ionosphere, I saw these alien beings
Everywhere I went up there, they were shakin' their alien things
I'll give you a genuine faux pearl ring if ya git on up and shake
Your... honeybuns! Shake your honeybuns!
Shake! Don't let it rest on the President's desk, rock the house!
Oh yeah! Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh! Cosmic! Wooo! Shake that thing! Cosmic!
It's one of those lazy days
I've got nothing to do
Let the wind blow round my head
Let a cloud be my bed
When the blues whomp you up on the side of the head
Throw 'em to the floor and kick 'em out the door
When the blues kick you in the head
And you roll out of bed in the morning
Just sit on the porch and swing
Sit on the porch and swing
The heat of the day's got me in a haze
Those lazy days of summer are here
Just let the breezes flow,
Through your mind,
I feel so fine
Here come the girls up the road
What they want to do they can't do
Cause it's a... Dry County
Kicking stones and laughing low
Nowhere to go. It's a dry, dry, such a dry, dry,
Dust devils blowing in your hair but what do you care
When there's nowhere to go
It's a dry, dry, county
I was good, I could talk
A mile a minute,
On this caffeine buzz I was on
We were really hummin'
We would talk every day for hours
We belong to the deadbeat club
Anyway we can,
We're gonna find something
We'll dance in the garden
In torn sheets in the rain
We're the deadbeat club
We're the deadbeat club
Going down to Allen's for
A twenty-five cent beer
And the jukebox playing real loud,
"Ninety-six tears"
We're wild girls walkin' down the street
Wild girls and boys going out for a big time
Let's go crash that party down
In Normaltown tonight
Then we'll go skinny-dippin'
In the moonlight
We're wild girls walkin' down the street
Wild girls and boys going out for a big time
Anyway we can
We're gonna find something
We'll dance in the garden
In torn sheets in the rain
Oh no! Here they come
The members of the deadbeat club
If you see a faded sign by the side of the road that says
15 miles to the... Love Shack! Love Shack yeah
I'm headin' down the Atlanta highway, lookin' for the love getaway
Heading for the love getaway, love getaway,
I got me a car, it's as big as a whale and we're headin' on down
To the Love Shack
I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20
So hurry up and bring your jukebox money
The Love Shack is a little old place where we can get together
Love Shack baby, Love Shack bay-bee.
Love baby, that's where it's at, Ooo love baby, that's where it's at
Sign says.. Woo... stay away fools, 'cause love rules at the Love Shack!
Well it's set way back in the middle of a field,
Just a funky old shack and I gotta get back
Glitter on the mattress
Glitter on the highway
Glitter on the front porch
Glitter on the hallway
The Love Shack is a little old place where we can get together
Love Shack baby! Love Shack, that's where it's at!
Huggin' and a kissin', dancin' and a lovin', wearin' next to nothing
Cause it's hot as an oven
The whole shack shimmies! The whole shack shimmies when everybody's
Movin' around and around and around!
Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby!
Folks linin' up outside just to get down
Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby
Funky little shack! Funky little shack!
Hop in my Chrysler, it's as big as a whale and it's about to set sail!
I got me a car, it seats about 20
So hurry up and bring your jukebox money.
Bang bang bang on the door baby! Knock a little louder baby!
Bang bang bang on the door baby! I can't hear you
Your what?... Tin roof, rusted!
Love Shack, baby Love Shack!
Love baby, that's where it's at
Huggin' and a kissin', dancin' and a lovin' at the love shack
She's the wildest hon in the wild kingdom
She's the wildest thang to float down
Well there's alligators and razorbacks,
But I don't care, I like to go down tubin' with you, Junebug
When Junebug floats down and yells "Hey!"
Even the razorbacks get outta her way
Ya know what I mean?
The mouth of the river is laughing at us, Junebug,
You know what I'm talking about
Junebug, Junebug, Junebug, Junebug
On the wildest run in the wild kingdom,
She's the wildest thang to float down!
Well there's snakes and snappers on cypress knees,
So come on down, I like to play in the water with you, Junebug
Well don't you listen to what they say,
'Cause we're a little different anyway.
Ain't it the truth!
Let's glide behind a wall of vegetation; no prying eyes on
A love celebration!
Let's glide behind that wall of vegetation,
I don't want no prying eyes when I give you a love sensation!
The mouth of the river is laughing at us, Junebug, Junebug.
Hey there Junebug, you sure look good dancing in the mud...
In the red mud!
Mosquitoes and water moccasins, 'gators and crocodiles
June's imagination really drives me wild!
GO Girl GO Girl GO Girl GO!
Let's get in the mud, I think I'm in love!
Junebug! GO GO GO Junebug GO GO GO Junebug!
I near a wind
Whistling air
Whispering in my ear
Boy Mercury shootin' through every degree
OOO girl dancin' down those dirty and dusty trails
Take it hip to hip rocket through the wilderness
Around the world the trip begins with a kiss
Roam if you want to
Roam around the world
Roam if you want to
Without wings, without wheels
Roam if you want to
Without anything but the love we feel
Skip the air-strip for the sunset
Ride the arrow for the target---One
Take it hip to hip rock it through the wilderness
Around the world the trip begins with a kiss
Fly the great big sky
See the great big sea
Kick through continents
Bustin' boundaries
Take it hip to hip rocket through the wilderness
Around the world the trip begins with a kiss
Take it hip to hip
Rocket through the wilderness
On the horizon, the landscape's burning red
Bushfire---smoke in your eyes... smoke in your eyes
If you feel something, that makes you warm all over
If you got a fire and you can't put it out---got a bushfire
Rolling through a field of molten flowers
Burning in a field of molten flowers
There's a bushfire---there's a bushfire burning---yeah
Bushfire! Bushfire! Bushfire!
My mind's been going places without me lately
I need your arms to take me down, take me to the ground
But I hold back! Get away from the heat
Hold back! In my field of vision
Hold back! Baby burning---fire
Fire in a field of molten flowers,
Fire in a field of molten flowers
There's a bushfire burning---yeah.
You better hold back! Hold back!
Bushfire! Bushfire! Bushfire!
Well I'm movin' to the beat of a big bushfire
I'm dancin' to the beat of a big bushfire
And the flames are warm and getting brighter
Well everybody loves to dance around the heat and fire
Oh lightnin' strike twice
Hey everybody bask in the afterglow---Bushfire
Naked light shining over my bed, been lying here too long
I need your arms to take me down, take me to the ground
But I hold back---get away from the heat!
Hold back! In my field of vision
Hold back! I see smoke---smoke in your eyes
Bushfire! Bushfire! Bushfire!
The landscape's burning, red hot!
I am livin' on Channel Z
Getting nothing but static, getting nothing but static
Static in my attic from Channel Z
Getting nothing but static, getting nothing but static.
Static filling my attic from Channel Z
I don't know---I feel like something's happening
Something good is happening!
I feel love has got to come on, and I want it
Something big and lovely
I want the world to change for me! Gotta get away
Away from Z---Living on the edge of Z
Space junk---laser bombs---ozone holes
Better put up my umbrella!
Giant stacks blowin' smoke
Politicrits pushin' dope
All I know---we've got to change what's happening
Something good could happen
I feel light has got to come through---and I need it
Something big and lovely
I want the world to change for me---gotta get away---away from Z
Living on the edge of Z
Waste dumps---toxic fog---irradiate---and keep it fresh forever
Good old boys---tellin' lies
'Bout time---I got wise
Getting nothing but static
Static in my attic from Channel Z
Gotta tune in---pico waves. Gotta tune out---PCB's
Gotta tune in---market crash. Gotta tune out---polar shift
Gotta tune in---narrow minds. Gotta tune out---space junk
Gotta tune in---bombs. Gotta turn out---atomic lasers falling from the sky
Where's my umbrella?
Gonna shoot that static down the drain
Gonna put that static out of my brain
Gonna put up my antennae. FREE!
Hamburger ads!---Pop up in my head---
On the edge of Aquarius---I'm living on the edge
Secret wars!---Take my money away!
I know I feel a change is happening---Something good will happen
I feel love is coming on strong, and I want it
We can make it happen
I want the world to change for me---gotta get away---away from Z
Living on the edge of---ZZZZZZZZ
Channel Z's all static all day forever---time to open your windows,
Let in better weather
New cities by the sea
Skyscrapers are winking
Some hills are never seen
The universe expanding
We're gazing out to sea
Blue dolphins are singing
Minds swim in ecstasy
Clear planet, ever free
Our hearts are traveling faster,
Faster than the speed of love
Straight through a tear in the clouds
Up to the heavens above
Bright ships will sail the seas
Starfishes are spinning
Some hills are never seen
Our universe is expanding
Moonrise upon the sea
Starships are blinking
We'll walk in ecstasy
Clear planet blue and green
Our thoughts are traveling faster
Moving beyond the heavens above
Planets pulsating, constellations creating
Voices are guiding me to the cities by the sea
Yes, I see cities by the sea
Deep forests by the sea
Skyscrapers are winking
Some hills are never seen
The universe is expanding
The first of many
acts to cement the college town of Athens, Georgia as a hotbed of alternative
music, the B-52's took their name from the Southern slang for the mile-high
bouffant wigs sported by singers Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson, a look
emblematic of the band's campy, thrift-store aesthetic. The five-piece group,
which also included founding members Fred Schneider, guitarist Ricky Wilson
(Cindy's older brother) and drummer Keith Strickland, formed in the mid-1970s
after a drunken evening at a Chinese restaurant; the band members had little or
no previous musical experience, and performed most of their earliest shows with
taped guitar and percussion accompaniment.
After pressing up a few thousand copies of the single "Rock Lobster," the B-52's
travelled to the famed Max's Kansas City club for their first paying gig.
Subsequent appearances at CBGB's brought the group to the attention of the New
York press, and in 1979, they issued their self-titled debut album, a collection
of manic, bizarre and eminently danceable songs which scored an underground club
hit with a reworked version of "Rock Lobster." The following year, they issued
Wild Planet, which reached the Top 20 on the U.S. album charts; Party Mix, an
EP's of worth of reworked material from the band's first two proper outings,
appeared in 1981.
1982's Mesopotamia arose out of a series of aborted sessions with producer David
Byrne which saw the B-52's largely abandon their trademark ...